In trying to recreate shortbread cookies from memory, I have failed miserably. In creating a floury, rockhard, buttery-tasting (and butter-encrusted) brittle, I have succeed beyond my wildest imaginings. ( Read more... )
Eek! How cool is this?! For the next eight chapter Naruto and Bleach chapter numbers will overlap! Kidding, kidding, but seriously, these two chapters have made me very happy! For reasons I will reveal under the cut, as spoilerific.
Skipped my January post. Baaad. I should probably admit now, that I'm only on LJ for the fics and the scanlations. On the postive side, belated Happy Chinese New Year! [insert obligatory pun here
Lately, I've found that I'm very sensitive about my culture. I'm always being offended when someone brings it up. I think to myself things like, "What do you know?" or "How dare you try to judge". Maybe I'm just feeling frustrated because I keep these things pent up. Maybe I feel guilty because I myself do not know.
I can't find a story. It's probably not been updated, but it was good damnit! It was a story about a singer/guitarist who had just been kicked out of his band and was kidnapped by a blue elf (outcast king and all that) and taken to another world. He then proceeds to kick ass on that new world (trains solders and etc). His boyfriend who was being
( Read more... )
I am so lacking in moral fiber. I'm staying up all night for the purpose of programming, but there's very little chance of that happening. Maybe I'm just weak? Will go and check college blogs now. Pray for me.
Last Sunday was the Chinese New Year's Day. If you knew that, you've probably attended some sort of Chinese New Year's celebration. If you haven't, you should. Unless, you're anorexic (anorexia nervosa) or refuse to drink. Bulimics should do just fine. Just kidding. Really. I love New Year's. +_+