14th oath of the moment: Legion of One

Jun 23, 2011 20:56

11 PM, backdated to Wednesday night. Action 1, locked to 2237 Stevens Residents: [ Garviel awakens after a day of droning, and the awakening is not a gentle one. A yell of pain can be heard, and then silence, aside from his heavy steps as he descends the stairs of the home and swiftly armors himself in his Astartes plate without a word to anyone ( Read more... )

canon updated, heresy?, life after the orbital strike, grimdark, heresy!, the last wolf

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Comments 432

3 perfektsymmetry June 24 2011, 04:08:55 UTC
[Insomnia gripping Crowe again, he heads out for a walk to help tired himself out and clear his head in the cool summer night air. When he hears the noise coming from behind, he ducks into the shadows, completely unseen, and waits to see what the source is.]


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:11:49 UTC
[ The source is a transhuman nightmare. A darkness-stalking angel of death with one hand on a chainsword, the other balled into a fist, searching the night with blazing red eyes, and a stance that suggests seething anger.]


perfektsymmetry June 24 2011, 04:14:45 UTC
[There's something familiar about the form, and the sword is a dead giveaway. Crowe had noticed Garviel droned - just one of the many friends of his droned in the last two weeks. Something was different though, very different. Not wanting to jump out at him, Crowe waits until he as at the other end of the block before emerging.]



lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:17:46 UTC
[ The figure turns, almost thumbing the sword to life. Almost. It sees the figure emerging, his targeting routines and helmet displays feeding into his occulobe, identifying the target. He speaks, almost hesitantly, his voice raw, as if he hasn't used it in some time.]



3 nothing_is_grey June 24 2011, 06:59:17 UTC
[Not requiring sleep and lacking in duties to occupy that time Eiki had nothing particular to do. The reason she was out was because it was quiet and peaceful, a sense that she felt the day lacked. Also the stars were bright and colourful at this time when most the lights of the town were properly out as the residence slept.

As she's star gazing she can't help but feel a familiar presence yet....]

There is something different about you tonight verses last we spoke.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 21:53:00 UTC
How observant, Eiki. [His body, roiling with emotion, and banked anger moves like a beast, not a man, as he approaches.]


nothing_is_grey June 24 2011, 21:59:34 UTC
[Her attitude is no different than it ever is and she makes no reaction to how he is right now.]

It is obvious to see, in fact it's hard to ignore. I assume a great change has come to you recently.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 22:36:59 UTC
Two great changes, yes. I lost myself for many months.... and then I was redeemed, and returned to myself. And given a new purpose, of sorts.


phone 5; partytoastess June 24 2011, 09:42:42 UTC

[ beat ]

You were gone?


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 21:41:52 UTC
Yes, I was.... who is this?


partytoastess June 25 2011, 10:26:33 UTC
Nena Trinity!!



lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 05:36:28 UTC
Nena. Of course. And how do you fare?


3 elevatoravatar June 24 2011, 10:01:47 UTC
[Why is she gardening at night? Who knows, maybe she was bored, but she tilts her head at the read eyes and stompyness]

"Hrm... I see a man who has just been cast from the tower. Or is this the shadow of a man seeking to be whole again?"


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 21:51:47 UTC
Why don't you tell me, seer?


elevatoravatar June 24 2011, 23:55:35 UTC
"Alas, I lack the cards to properly tell fate. However, if you wish to unburden yourself with the stories of the past, I will gladly listen."


lunawolves10th June 25 2011, 05:56:22 UTC
Very well. How much do you already know?


2 beyondthecowl June 25 2011, 14:37:38 UTC
[That familiar pointy-eared figure is leaning against a tree, cast in total blackness. Again, he chooses to be the first to speak.]

. . . You've changed, haven't you?

[Observant Bat is observant. Or intuitive Bat is intuitive, take your pick.]

You don't have to say anything. You don't need to. You've hardened . . . evolved into perhaps something even greater than before.

[He steps out from the shadows, wrapped (of course) in his cape.]

What was the catalyst for this change?


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 05:35:47 UTC

[His own, or that of someone else he'll leave for the Bat to figure out for the moment.]

You like the night, don't you? A... lord of the night.

[The armored figure shifts as though amused at a private joke.


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