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Comments 19

beckyh2112 May 7 2012, 20:05:51 UTC
I actually do think you're a better writer. If only because you've made me care about these people and deeply desire this comic book just based off of some general thoughts on themes and plot-line meanderings. Especially the plot-line meanderings, actually, because you're showing the characters and themes in action.

Hmm, three characters... Dangit, many of my favorites are either dead or off on the Lost Light.

- Misfire
- Firestar
- Silverbolt


lunatron May 7 2012, 20:15:53 UTC
Yeah, Smokescreen and Jackpot are both on the Lost Light. :/ Otherwise, they would be all up in my seedy atmosphere of graft, corruption, bribery, and gambling. I am also annoyed that all the Micromasters got eaten, because Swindler the Micromaster! He's not Swindle, but they could hang out! Big Daddy! Fixit! ;_ ( ... )


beckyh2112 May 7 2012, 20:24:30 UTC
Or, use him to illustrate the beginnings of an untouchable caste?

I would like to hear more about this.

Prowl needs to be called out, especially by people who can fling lightning around and are amassing their own flock of followers. (Prowl probably doesn't like that.)

No non-Japanese ladies? D:

Yay, fighting the volcano!


lunatron May 7 2012, 20:40:19 UTC
There's probably going to be a scramble for power. Those who can get it are going to take as much as they can, which won't leave much for everyone else. Misfire was barely even useful as a soldier. As a civilian, he has no redeeming talents. It would be easy to see him ending up at the bottom of the pile, consigned to doing the things no one else wants to do, like garbage disposal duty and trawling sewers, which would be a horrible fate for a jet. (This will, of course, breed resentment. Hopefully someone canny will notice the disgruntled underclass before Megatron 2.0 arises.)

Yeah, Prowl is plotting so many assassinations, you don't even know. Silverbolt also helped save Blaster in IDW, so heck, maybe Silverbolt can be doing stuff with Blaster after the war. Entertaining the masses!

I am just being silly. Non-Japanese ladies are fine. :)


sapphirebreeze May 7 2012, 21:10:06 UTC
- Bonzaitron

... Yeah, I give up. I just can't think of anyone. Carnivac, I guess?


lunatron May 7 2012, 21:18:36 UTC
Banzai-Tron, you mean? Given that he was a high-ranking officer in the Decepticon Secret Service, he might merit a trial. Arcee left him to die facing Monstructor. So I will assume that he is angry at Arcee. However, I recall that he had a healthy respect for her, too. So I want to say that he somehow gets out of his trial alive by calling in some secrets he happens to know, he gets wind of Arcee being around even though her existence is officially denied, and he decides to track her down via some intermediaries. Over the course of several issues, the intermediaries keep... vanishing. Eventually however, one manages to see her and reports back to Banzai-Tron. He concocts a scheme to lure her into the open using himself as the bait, which succeeds, leaving Prowl with the unenviable task of explaining why he has a pet assassin. The threat looms of many of Prowl's other assassinations coming out into the light, too ( ... )


sapphirebreeze May 7 2012, 21:40:52 UTC
Damn, I did not realize Banzai-Tron was already "in use". I specifically picked him because I figured that with a name as stupid as his, surely he'd have been left alone!


lunatron May 7 2012, 22:01:43 UTC
*Laughs!* Banzai-Tron had a fairly large role in early IDW. He was relatively cool.


sapphirebreeze May 7 2012, 21:10:25 UTC
Also, Toxitron. >:)


lunatron May 7 2012, 21:23:23 UTC
Toxitron is a war veteran. However, no one is entirely sure whether he was an Autobot or Decepticon anymore, because he was caught in a chemical attack, which left him completely scrambled. Now he lives a hobo-esque life of drug addiction under a bridge. Minerva and Pincher take pity upon him and make sure he doesn't die. He would initially be used for short comedy bit reminiscent of Millennium Hand and Shrimp.

At some point, someone would have to pry into his history for some reason, and they'd find out that his name isn't actually Toxitron at all - and that he's actually a wanted war criminal, who ended up caught in the backfire of a dirty bomb he was going to use on civilians. Then there'd be the dilemma of, "This guy is out of his head and completely harmless. He's not the evil man he once was. Do I turn him in?"


earthscorch May 7 2012, 23:16:54 UTC
You know what the difference between you and a professional writer is? They've been published more. Have you tried getting published? (Beyond that one poem, that is.) I wasn't kidding when I used to say you should write Iron Man, you know! :)


tumblecoyote May 8 2012, 00:41:23 UTC
Ooo, neat!

Needs more Grimlock, however. And possibly Landmine.


lunatron May 8 2012, 01:23:36 UTC
I know that IDW has plans for Grimlock, hence me not touching him.

We do know that Overlord drove Grimlock insane. It says so in Last Stand. I am guessing they will probably have him show up, be crazy, kill people, get talked down from being crazy, and then be surly and still kill people but not in a crazy fashion.

Anyway, I see that Landmine is pretty much Indiana Jones? So he can totally be out prospecting Cybertron for treasure. And strike it rich. And then Swindle will try to buy him out. Drama will ensue!

Heck, Landmine can find more of those pretty exploding rocks that Scavenger found.

Everyone wants exploding rocks. I bet they cost a fortune.


tumblecoyote May 8 2012, 03:09:15 UTC
"It belongs in a museum!"


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