[Video] 004 ☽

May 30, 2011 18:42

[He's been given so much to think about these days. After his talk with Akito, that negativity, while not necessarily dampening his spirit, did get to him somewhat. To think that people still thought that way...it was a little frustrating, after everything he had fought for ( Read more... )

someone keep him company, doing his job :|b, -pirate aniki, stop leaving already everyone, i need ur halp, so the protag can be sad, !video, this is a devil bird, can't be badass all the time, !ic, -chibioni, sob social links, fearless leader; crouching derp

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Comments 348

heroistics May 31 2011, 00:54:40 UTC
[... Isn't that-]

Have you tried looking for books in the library...?


lunateclock May 31 2011, 03:57:32 UTC
I...haven't gotten the chance. I didn't expect I'd be taking care of him.


I'll check there as soon as I get the chance, though.

[SQUAWK. H-hnngh. A-anyway.]

How are you settling in?


heroistics May 31 2011, 04:05:51 UTC
Well, if you need any help, let me know! I've never taken care of an animal before, but it can't be any worse than looking after kids, can it?

[He grins, because alsdkajdas-]

Eureka arrived!


lunateclock May 31 2011, 05:02:00 UTC
[The exclamation startles the bird and well--

The SFC drops as the bird takes off with a squawk, feathers flying everywhere.


Give him a moment, Renton. He's rather sure the bird did that just to be a pain. :|

A few moments later he picks up the SFC, sans bird.]

I'm sorry about that, Renton-kun. But that's good news. You've met up with her, then?


dystopiadreams May 31 2011, 01:15:27 UTC

*Selphie seems a little dismayed, but then she turns that into a smile - she can keep herself together for Minato*

Large birds? You know I do! I'll be round right away, okay?


lunateclock May 31 2011, 03:56:30 UTC
[Ah-- Did Selphie know him too? He blinks, before nodding.]

Ah-- if you're sure, I'd appreciate it, Selphie-chan.

[Bird. Grooming his hair again. Welp.]


dystopiadreams May 31 2011, 11:44:42 UTC
*Tra la la - Selphie gets to Minato's house eventually, magically. She knows on the door brightly*



lunateclock May 31 2011, 16:25:03 UTC
[And he is quick to reach the door and open it, bird now perches on his head. Welp.]

Good afternoon, Selphie-chan. Thanks for coming over.

[And he steps to one side to allow her to come in, bird squawking at the movement.]


[Video] /return of the MMO Gamer social link - I mean aurathread May 31 2011, 01:37:06 UTC
[There is a young boy with a cat on his hat, staring into the screen.]

What part are you having trouble with?


[Video foreverrrr] oh god no crushes okay-- lunateclock May 31 2011, 03:55:10 UTC
[... A cat. On his hat. Well okay.]

I was just hoping for some information; I've never had a bird for a pet before.

[And this is a temperamental bird, though he is behaving at the moment.]

Have you ever had one?


He's taken, don't worry. aurathread May 31 2011, 04:08:04 UTC
[It's not stranger than a bird on your shoulder. :| ]

No, but I've dealt with some difficult animals before.

[Tiny kitty yaaaaaawn. He reaches up and takes his hat off, letting the kitten cuddle in it.]

Why did you pick one up if you don't know how to take care of it?


Oh good. That's okay then. lunateclock May 31 2011, 05:00:09 UTC
[... :| That's where birds go, isn't it?]

...It wasn't on purpose. He's my responsibility now, however, so I would like to take care of him as best I can.


pristinestar May 31 2011, 02:36:00 UTC
[Aww, that's somehow rather cute to Red! The sight of Minato and a cute bird sitting on him. But something in Minato's glance seems off today... Hopefully, that was just Red's imagination.]

I know how to... If you want, I can come over and help you, Minato. If that's okay!


lunateclock May 31 2011, 03:53:05 UTC

Do you? I'd appreciate it, if it isn't too much trouble.

[SQUAWK. ...ow that was in his ear.]


pristinestar May 31 2011, 04:37:44 UTC
I wasn't sure if Pokemon nurturing is the same as normal animal care... But I started to help out the pet shop and the farms here some time ago. They're just the same, so I was able to handle them okay!

I'm sure that I can help you with your friend, Minato. [... L-lol. Aww, Minato. That looked like it hurt, but it made Red laugh a bit.] ... He likes you.


lunateclock May 31 2011, 04:58:44 UTC

I'm not so sure about that.

[That he likes him, that is. He's rather sure the bird is just...waiting for him to bring him back to Aniki. ...Hah.]

I would appreciate your help, however.


[ video ] aphorise May 31 2011, 04:18:31 UTC
[He stares for a bit before he responds. Minato seems to be busy with handling the bird (whom he recognizes), with the feed having abruptly cut off and all, but Masamune knows he'll get back to him soon enough.]

The Demon of the West Sea's bird, huh?


[ video ] lunateclock May 31 2011, 04:55:54 UTC
[Who happens to be ruffling his feathers and sitting on Minato's head when he picks up the SFC again.


...That's right. His name isn't on the contacts list anymore.

[A slow breath, and he continues steadily.]

That means he went home.


[ video ] aphorise June 1 2011, 02:22:33 UTC
[A brief silence follows as he regards Minato, expecting perhaps something more than a simple "he went home." Then, nonchalantly:]

So he went back to his crew.

[He focuses on Chibioni, resting atop Minato's head.]

And without his bird.

[He doesn't include Minato; for one, they're not even from the same time period, and two, it'd probably worsen the guy's obviously down mood.]


[ video ] lunateclock June 2 2011, 01:18:04 UTC
[Likewise, Minato hasn't included himself in these calculations at all. They all have their own homes to return to--in his case, death, he supposes. Either way, it isn't going back with Aniki. He knows that, and so he lifts his chin and nods--the bird squawks again, flapping wings.]

That's right.


I'm not sure why his bird is still here, though.

[Um. Squawk.]


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