GK Fic: Mr Frosty Part V

Mar 02, 2011 14:45

Part V )

gk fic, mr frosty

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Comments 56

kahtyasofia March 3 2011, 01:44:43 UTC
Luna! I have missed you! Where did you go? Oh, it doesn't matter cause you came back, with FIC! Not only fic, but gooooooooooood fic! Well, crafted fic! BAMF!Brad and BAMF!Nate! SCUBA! Finally, someone worked a rebreather into a fic, and it wasn't me who had to do it! And our badass boys hanging out on zip lines, busting through windows! You combined all the stuff that makes GK fic a pleasure to read! Our wacky boys, witter banter, weapons, plot, incompetent officers, and B/N UST. And partial RST.

Okay, that's the squee part of my comment. Do I really have to give you a technical review? Do I really have to tell you how nice it was to finally read something with clean spelling, grammar, punctuation and coherent sentence structure?

Worth the 2 year wait.


lunasky March 3 2011, 23:41:13 UTC
Kahtya!! *hugs* Yes, sorry I've been AWOL. I am a horrible LJer/DWer. I'm very glad you enjoyed the fic. I was bugging Shosh about the SCUBA scene and she told me to ask you...then my betas (wisely) advised me to cut most of the technical stuff so I just went with it.

Yes, it was only a partial RST...I wanted to leave room for expansion...just in case. Though really, I think the time may have passed. Thanks again, hon!


kahtyasofia March 10 2011, 22:51:23 UTC
I would say that you left just enough technical jargon in to give it the right 'feel' without distracting from the story. Good call on the part of the betas! Still, don't be afraid to run something by me in the future, if it comes up again.

I think it's time for someone to write fic about Brad on a mission to take out some Somalia pirates, so we can get more underwater BAMF action! LOL.


janes_thomas March 3 2011, 03:16:57 UTC
sensational. the pace was awesome & the team was perfect. Brad & Nate were total BAMF and your Ray voice is very cool. What an excellent way to spend a day - reading you!


lunasky March 3 2011, 23:42:30 UTC
Thank you! I'm very happy to know the pacing was okay. I get al caught up in the action that I sometimes loose sight of the quiet moments. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!


caffeinbird March 3 2011, 15:05:34 UTC
I started this fic with a smile. Trolleys' master work makes me do that. It's like 'Oh, Brad and Ray are running the icecream truck! And LOOK AT BRAD! He's totally in love with Nate! How CUTE!'.... and then you started throwing the accidents and.... BOOM! I feel like I'm in the theater and middle of watching some Gorgeous Action Spy Movie! GK ACTION MOVIE!!! this is A MASTERPIECE! Thank you for sharing!


lunasky March 3 2011, 23:43:31 UTC
Thank you so much! Isn't Trolley's art amazing? It totally makes me want to write fic. I'm very glad you enjoyed it!


mirareeves March 3 2011, 17:38:57 UTC
LOL. This is fantastic. The image of the boys rolling around in Mr. Frosty is just brilliant.

And that bit about Sesame Street and the Soviet Union? I just about died laughing.


lunasky March 3 2011, 23:44:22 UTC
Yay! I'm glad the boys' banter made you laugh. It's hard not to make it too over-the-top and then I'm like--it's Ray! Of course it's going to be insane. :)


cleokoneko March 3 2011, 18:42:22 UTC
Awesomely amazing! Totally made my day!



lunasky March 3 2011, 23:44:33 UTC
Thanks so much!


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