one; action/phone;

Jun 12, 2011 16:29

A.) action; 1647 Albright Lane;[There was so much wrong about waking up in someone else's clothing that it was hard to know where to start. At least wearing pearls, a dress, and an apron wasn't that much different from a maid uniform, even if Sakuya did feel a bit naked without her usual headdress. That wasn't really what was throwing her, though. ( Read more... )

#place: 1647 albright lane, #phone, place: mayfield's streets, hello mayfield, #action, drone kids are weird, linefacing is a cool story

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Comments 129

b wizardoftheweek June 12 2011, 21:05:26 UTC
-She almost drops the phone in shock, really.-


lunardialled June 12 2011, 21:12:24 UTC
Hello? Who's --

[wait, that wheeze sounds familiar.]

-- Patchouli-sama?


wizardoftheweek June 13 2011, 02:30:40 UTC
They... they brought you back...


lunardialled June 13 2011, 02:42:20 UTC
...back? I don't remember ever having been here before.

[There's a pause. On the one hand? Sakuya doesn't remember being here before. On the other? Patchouli wouldn't lie about something like this. This begs a lot of questions, but one thing at a time.]

How long has it been since that happened?


C artwithknives June 12 2011, 21:13:04 UTC
[It was a long time ago but she at least looked a little Shiki just waved at Sakuya. Maybe there'd be some response.]


lunardialled June 12 2011, 21:57:26 UTC
[Sakuya caught that wave, and started to raise her hand to reply, but paused. She didn't recognize the young man waving at her. Clearly, the thing to do is walk up to them and ask - ]

Do I know you?


artwithknives June 12 2011, 21:58:06 UTC
I...guess not.


lunardialled June 12 2011, 22:02:07 UTC
...but you seemed like you knew me.


Action fatedmagica June 13 2011, 00:50:17 UTC
[ Madoka's got a strange habit of wandering around Mayfield now. When she spots Sakuya, and notices that bewildered look, she changes direction and follows her. A few seconds later, after pulling together some courage, she runs up to approach her. ]

Um..!! Um, excuse me, Ma'am, um...!!! Is everything okay?


perma-action; lunardialled June 13 2011, 01:00:32 UTC
[Sakuya turns around, putting on a polite smile.]

I'm fine, miss. Trying to sort out the way of things here. It's...odd, to say the least.


fatedmagica June 13 2011, 04:31:28 UTC
Oh.. I see then, um...

Maybe, are you new here, then? I mean, um... I'm a bit new too, but I've found some interesting places, so um... I could show you around, if you need it...


lunardialled June 13 2011, 05:46:49 UTC
I am. I woke up in a house on Albright Lane just a while ago.

[She bows lightly.]

I'm Sakuya, by the by. And I think that sounds lvely.


C is for COMBO notsogreatwall June 13 2011, 02:12:15 UTC
[ Meiling is recognizable enough if you ignore the fact that she's missing her iconic cap (it's at home since it makes drones nervous) and she's dressed in the local time period's fashion. Her long red hair is tied in a huge braid that's draped forward, so as to avoid it being pinched under the weight of the tiny blond girl on her broad shoulders.

The pair is just strolling through the park and enjoying the nice weather, as are many drone families. None in particular catch her eye, because she tries not to pay too much attention to the ones that don't directly talk to her (it's kind of creepy, knowing they're not really enjoying life, but just doing things because they must...) ]

(ooc: Thread order Meiling > Flandre > Sakuya?)


/CRASHES INTO THIS THREAD there_were_none June 13 2011, 02:20:45 UTC
[Flandre is lacking her distinctive wings at the moment, but the way she's acting is still quite distinctive. Glancing around in an attempt to look four directions at once because she must see everything, occasionally babbling excitedly about one thing or another.

...though like Meiling, she's also not paying much attention to the drones (or, well, pretty much everyone just to be safe). As yes, they are very, very creepy.]


lunardialled June 13 2011, 02:29:33 UTC
[It's Flandre that catches Sakuya's attention first. It's hard to miss her - even without her wings, she's still easily recognizable. That gets the first real smile out of her that she's had since she's been here.

Not that she isn't glad to see Meiling, because she is. As much as it pains her to admit it, the gatekeeper is better with kids than she is, and she's glad that her imouto-sama has had someone to look after her.]

Flandre-imouto-sama! Meiling. It's certainly good to see a pair of familiar faces.

[Don't mind her looking over the both of you, tutting away.]


1/? notsogreatwall June 13 2011, 04:23:58 UTC
It's always nice to see people we know, isn't it Flan-- [ Meiling had been talking without turning to look and she halted so fast that, if it wasn't for the hands on the girl's knees, she might have launched her forward. ]


b: phone magicalillya June 13 2011, 07:46:09 UTC
Sorry, but you kinda got kidnapped to Mayfield.


lunardialled June 13 2011, 19:38:36 UTC


magicalillya June 16 2011, 04:28:47 UTC
That's the name of this town.


lunardialled June 17 2011, 03:36:22 UTC
A strange name for a strange town.


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