one; action/phone;

Jun 12, 2011 16:29

A.) action; 1647 Albright Lane;[There was so much wrong about waking up in someone else's clothing that it was hard to know where to start. At least wearing pearls, a dress, and an apron wasn't that much different from a maid uniform, even if Sakuya did feel a bit naked without her usual headdress. That wasn't really what was throwing her, though. ( Read more... )

#place: 1647 albright lane, #phone, place: mayfield's streets, hello mayfield, #action, drone kids are weird, linefacing is a cool story

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Action fatedmagica June 13 2011, 00:50:17 UTC
[ Madoka's got a strange habit of wandering around Mayfield now. When she spots Sakuya, and notices that bewildered look, she changes direction and follows her. A few seconds later, after pulling together some courage, she runs up to approach her. ]

Um..!! Um, excuse me, Ma'am, um...!!! Is everything okay?


perma-action; lunardialled June 13 2011, 01:00:32 UTC
[Sakuya turns around, putting on a polite smile.]

I'm fine, miss. Trying to sort out the way of things here. It's...odd, to say the least.


fatedmagica June 13 2011, 04:31:28 UTC
Oh.. I see then, um...

Maybe, are you new here, then? I mean, um... I'm a bit new too, but I've found some interesting places, so um... I could show you around, if you need it...


lunardialled June 13 2011, 05:46:49 UTC
I am. I woke up in a house on Albright Lane just a while ago.

[She bows lightly.]

I'm Sakuya, by the by. And I think that sounds lvely.


fatedmagica June 13 2011, 21:59:44 UTC
Sakuya-san? What a pretty name! It suits you really nicely!

... Oh, and I'm Madoka! I live on Benny Road! Um... if you want, I can show you the other streets that people are living on...?


lunardialled June 14 2011, 01:30:36 UTC
Thank you. And likewise, Madoka-chan; a pretty name fits a pretty girl.

I would appreciate that; thank you.


fatedmagica June 15 2011, 10:32:36 UTC
O-oh, thank you, um...

... Okay! Yeah, I can do that pretty easily, Sayaka-san! The houses here all look the same, but the street signs make it easy to get around! Though some of the streets have silly names...


lunardialled June 17 2011, 03:24:01 UTC
Silly names? What a strange place this is.

[She gestures for Madoka to lead the way.]


fatedmagica June 17 2011, 03:47:58 UTC
Yeah, it really is! Like um... one road is called "Beaver"! And that's a type of animal, I think...? And "Benny" is the name of someone in my English textbook back home!

Oh but... there are other things here too! Like the library and movie theatre, and a flower shop!


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