Title: Unwanted soulmate?
lunamondPairing: TakaYama, YabuxHikaru, InooxDaiki
Genre: Friendship, Romance, Vampire
Raiting: R
Summary: Takaki and his friends found someone laying on the street when they decied to bring this person to Takakis home. There's where the chaos start.
Chapter 1 II
Chapter 2 II
Chapter 3 II
Chapter 4 II
Chapter 5 It was only short but Inoo and Daiki could see the disappointment in his eyes before he nodded.
“What are you both going to give Hikaru?” asked Yamada to change the topic.
“We brought a voucher for him and Yabu for an two days trip to an Onsen.” answered the smaller boy.
“Who is going to buy the cake?” questioned Yamada after a while in which they were chatting about their friend's birthday.
All of them knew that vampires don't need actual food to stay alive so they didn't thought of food or especially a cake even tough Hikaru was a human.
”Um... maybe Yabu thought of it? I'll call him later and inform you guys then.” said Inoo and the others agreed.
They bid their goodbyes to each other and went home.
Later at this day Inoo called to tell them Yabu actually had forgot the cake too and he wanted them to decide who should bring the cake. None could insult him. Most of his friends were vampires after all and they needn't to eat after all. Although his soul mate was a human and to add to the list he wanted to give his lover a special present. Soon they decided that Daiki and Inoo would take care of that matter while Yamada, Takaki and Yuto were preparing Yuya's home.
“And take care that everything is decorated! We take only care of the food.” said Inoo.
“Yeah, yeah... you should be more careful that Daiki won't eat everything till you're at my place.” spoke Takaki annoyed.
“Take care of Yama-chan before you insult my soul mate!” teased the other.
“Hai hai... but say... do you know what Kota is going to give Hikaru as a present?” changed Yuya the topic quickly before he will say something stupid.
He couldn't talk freely since his soul mate was in the room and he couldn't stand it if the smaller would ever knew more about his world than now. Okay, Ryosuke only knew that Yuto is a vampire but one couldn't be careful enough right?
“No, he didn't want to tell me even though I begged him!” answered Inoo as if it was unbelievable to say 'no' to him.
It was actually. Once he does this puppy look with his eyes you can't say no. Nobody could expect for Yabu.
Between the calling from Inoo and sunday nothing great happened. Takaki and Yamada behaved like friends. They sat in the living room together watching a random show. It was a comfortable silence among them and because of this the smaller took all his courage to ask Yuya on the day before his friend's birthday:
“Hey Takaki I wanted to ask something...”
The other looked at his friend and said: “Go ahead. If I can I'll answer.”
“How did you found me the other day? And what did everyone meant when they said you found something?”
Takaki didn't answer immediately because he chose every word he would say carefully.
“I searched for you like everyone did and found you. It was just coincidence that I was the one who found you.” explained Yuya reasonable.
For him the conversation ended there but not for Yamada like it seemed.
“What's with my second question, Takaki? Why did everyone said you found something?”
Ryosuke wanted answers finally and he didn't care if he must force the other if he doesn't want to answer.
To his surprise his friend sighed and answered: “I said I'll answer the questions I know the answer to them. If you want to know ask Kota or Kei because I don't know. They played only a prank on me.”
Yamada wasn't really satisfied by this answer but let it drop anyway. However he would asked the others for sure because he felt that Takaki lied to him. He doesn't understand why though.
Now it was Sunday and the three guys were decorating the living room with balloons and other stuff what would be later a pain in the ass to tidy up. However none complained so they worked together till something happened. It wasn't really serious but it scared the hell out of the oldest. Yamada dropped a glass which he brought together with others so they could drink something later. He wanted to tidy it up before anyone would hurt themselves but ended up to hurt himself instead. It was only a little cut not a deep either but suddenly Yuya had problems to hold his thirst of the others blood back. Takaki was ready to attack his soul mate but Yuto reacted immediately and guided his friend out of the apartment with the excuse that Yuya should help him carrying his birthday present for Hikaru. “But you two are supposed to help me with the decorating! Besides you're a vampire Yuto. You have vampire power right? Why do you need Takaki to help you to carry the present?” argued the smallest. Meanwhile the taller had really trouble to hold his friend back so he wouldn’t attack the other and suck is blood because Yuya was older and therefore stronger. He wished Yamada would just keep quiet.
“I know... but he has to help me. I wanted to talk to him actually about something.” he tried hard to not let his struggle which he had with Yuya see.
Ryosuke was still skeptical but went to get himself a band aid nonetheless.
“Thanks, Yuto.” thanked the other as soon as they were out of the building and sitting on a bench.
“What happened? Haven't you drunk enough blood in the last time? But well... that's impossible. You would have attacked Yama-chan earlier if your reason was thirst after all. ” the taller reasoned.
“If I knew I would tell you...” said Yuya scared.
He almost bit his soul mate maybe sucked his blood till there was no drop left.
“Oi Bakaki! Why are you outside?” shouted Daiki at them and Inoo added:
“Aren't you two supposed to help Yama-chan with the decorating?”
“Ah... yeah... I completely forgot. I'm going upstairs and you, Yuya?”
“I think I want to be outside a bit more.”
With this sentence Inoo's motherly senses reacted even tough he didn't want to admit it but he was like a mother to his friends after all.
“Did something happen? Did you fight with Yama-chan again?”
Yuto realized his friend was uncomfortable with this situation so he took Daiki who held the cake and went upstairs with him.
He really wanted to help his friend however it seemed that this talk was supposed to be between vampires who already found their soul mate and he hadn't found it yet.
“Let go of me, Yuto! I can walk on my own and why were you both outside? What did happen?” pointed the smaller question after question at him.
He growled when he let go and said: “Yuya almost lost his control!”
“How? I thought all of you could control your thirst...”
“We can! But... but... I don't know it, too, okay?!” he stated unbelievable the situation actually happened only a few minutes ago.
Daiki let the topic drop due to the fact that Yuto was nearly going crazy and he didn't want to calm him down.
“Where is Takaki? I thought he should help you to carry your present for Hikaru?” was the first question when Ryosuke spotted them.
“He is outside. Talking with Kei about something really important.” answered Daiki.
“He should be helping though...” commented the other quiet.
His friends looked at him worried and a bit sad. Yamada didn't noticed the glances tough.
“Now speak! What happened?” demanded Inoo.
“If I knew I wouldn't feel so miserable right now...” answered the other his head between his hands.
He was near to freak out. Why did he suddenly have the urge to bit his soul mate and drink his blood?
“Bakaki!” If the other isn't going to answer he would make him to and pinched him in his rips.
“Oi! What was that for?”
“You didn't give me an answer. Tell me what happened so I can help you!”
“I fucking nearly lost my control! I turned almost in a monster right before his eyes!” the taller shouted right in his face.
Now Kei was startled but soon realizing what his friend meant and smiled.
“Don't fucking smile! I almost drank his blood because he couldn't be careful and cut himself with a broken glass. I know the cut wasn't really serious and deep after all. But the smell of his blood made me going crazy! I don't know if I could stop when I begin to drink from him. Do you know how scared I was?!”
Takaki was really angry now.
“Don't worry, Yuya. If you had drank only a bit your thirst would have went away immediately.” Inoo stated.
Yuya looked at him like a kicked puppy and he whispered: “Really? I can't kill him?”
The other was quite uncomfortable with his question so the taller asked again: “I can't kill him, right?”
He flinched at this question and Yuya already knows the answer. He could kill him even if it was by accident.
A/N: Hi!! How do you like this chapter?? Do you think Yuya could kill Ryosuke?? Any idea how it could go on?? See you in the next chapter and please leave comments!!