Jul 26, 2011 02:41

Hellllllooooooo, Luministi! This is going to be kind of a bit of an odd intro post, because it is written by not one, but two new-returning :|-players! But all things considered, we felt like this worked pretty well, so.

So we agreed to this ridiculous experiment. I believe it is mostly Ari's attempts to make me do her work for her. D: But it ( Read more... )

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Comments 46

bonnypiperlad July 26 2011, 07:32:18 UTC
Hello Jade and Ari! Apparently LJ is semi-cooperating here, so I'll say hello while I can. XD

I'm Beth and I'm playing Jamie McCrimmon from Doctor Who. I haven't actually seen Tangled yet, being woefully behind on most Disney movies, but I am definitely looking forward to getting a chance to play with you both.


gothelproof July 26 2011, 07:34:42 UTC
You must see it! It is full of love and joy~.

Hi, Beth! :3 I hope we have lots of fun together! I have yet to see much Doctor Who, so I suppose I can forgive you being behind! ♥


raftbuilder July 26 2011, 07:38:22 UTC
...says the one playing the meat-and-sarcasm guy of Disney canon.


bonnypiperlad July 26 2011, 07:57:08 UTC
Well, I don't necessarily think that there's any real problem with all of those co-existing. :3


manicurious July 26 2011, 07:56:12 UTC
hhhhhhh you guyssss I am FLIPPING OUT this is an amazing round of last-minute apps!

Anyway hiii, I'm Leafy, I play Ichijou here. While I fangirl over Flynn out of character (actually I'll be fangirling over everyone), it's far more likely that he'll fangirl Rapunzel in particular because SUCH LONG GORGEOUS HAIR HE MUST TOUCH IT.


raftbuilder July 26 2011, 08:01:54 UTC
tbh I am kind of amazed that we got them in on time XD;;; Originally we'd been planning Ikuto and Amu from a show called Shugo Chara, and then Thursday night I watched Tangled and we got the brilliant idea to do this thing...

And ngl, Rapunzel may be a teensy bit suspicious of that! X3


manicurious July 26 2011, 08:08:45 UTC
Oh wow, that was a pretty quick turnaround! I'd be amazed too, but I'm also a huge slowpoke.

The delicious irony being that if he sees it glow/finds out that it's magical, it'll freak him out and he'll probably avoid it.


raftbuilder July 26 2011, 08:12:21 UTC
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh... the both of us were just WRITING LIKE THE WIIIIIIND as fast as possible to get them done :| I'm usually crazy slow with apps, too. But it worked! SO IT'S ALL GOOD 8Db

And also, THAT IS WONDERFUL. X3 Poor Rapz will be so bemused by this fact, but it is a point for him!


wind_of_reason July 26 2011, 08:33:16 UTC
*waves to both of you!*

I'm also sneaking in while LJ is cooperating ^.^
Welcome to the awesome-crazy! I'm Kohaku, playing Fuu from Rayearth. She loves to long-story-short (or -long) people about what all has been going on, so please feel free to take advantage of that~

Looking forward to seeing you two around! (SO loved Tangled :3)


gothelproof July 26 2011, 20:15:25 UTC
Fuu! And Kohaku! *pounces!* I've missed~ you~. I promise Flynn won't fade out like Kamina. :| *pinkie swears!*

Flynn will need to be assured beforehand, during, and after to not freak out, but I think if the situation was right he'd listen to an explanation of what's been going on. XD Maybe.


wind_of_reason July 29 2011, 09:15:39 UTC
Hiiii! ^.^

Yes, please don't freak out, and be a helpful member of the team! Everything~ will be explained. (Well, as much as we know, anyways XD)


raftbuilder July 27 2011, 02:29:46 UTC
I have noticed that about Fuu! I've taken a look at the comm several times (whether because Jchan or Megu mentioned a post or because I was poking at the comm and considering apping) and I've always seen Fuu right in the thick of things X3 Riku would definitely like to get all the pertinent details.

Excited to begin playing with you! ♥


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gothelproof July 26 2011, 20:17:30 UTC
Hiiii! I'm so excited! ♥ I've missed playing with you!

And I read most of the Howl's Moving Castle books recently! I still need to get through the third one, though! *will try to get on that!*


(The comment has been removed)

gothelproof July 27 2011, 22:34:30 UTC
Oooh, yay! I like the books so much. ^^; I'm really looking forward to reading the last one. Just gotta get through the next 2 weeks of hardcore cleaning. Parentals should be coming up soon for my graduation >.>;


bit_impossible July 26 2011, 14:08:57 UTC
Oh you two, glad to see you in this game! You guys might not recognise me in this journal, but this is Jchan and I also play Agent Washington from Red vs. Blue. And I'm your mod, so if you have any questions, let me know!


gothelproof July 26 2011, 20:19:28 UTC
Will do! ^-^

I have seen some of Red vs. Blue! I feel less character oblivious now! I just need... to watch more Doctor Who. As soon as I determine where to start, I'll do it! Jon tells me you and 'Gumi probably have the best suggestions for that? :3


vengefulagent July 27 2011, 04:06:32 UTC
Have you? Yeah~~

And honestly, I'd say you're best off starting with Series 1 of the new series and going from there (It's the one with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor). It's a good jumping-off point and then you can explore the Classic series from there.


raftbuilder July 27 2011, 02:34:58 UTC
P'shaw, don't recognize you in that journal...!

No worries, though, as you've already learned I am not shy at all about going "HEY I HAVE A QUESTIOOOOOON~" XD;;


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