Jul 26, 2011 02:41

Hellllllooooooo, Luministi! This is going to be kind of a bit of an odd intro post, because it is written by not one, but two new-returning :|-players! But all things considered, we felt like this worked pretty well, so.

So we agreed to this ridiculous experiment. I believe it is mostly Ari's attempts to make me do her work for her. D: But it ( Read more... )

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bit_impossible July 26 2011, 14:08:57 UTC
Oh you two, glad to see you in this game! You guys might not recognise me in this journal, but this is Jchan and I also play Agent Washington from Red vs. Blue. And I'm your mod, so if you have any questions, let me know!


gothelproof July 26 2011, 20:19:28 UTC
Will do! ^-^

I have seen some of Red vs. Blue! I feel less character oblivious now! I just need... to watch more Doctor Who. As soon as I determine where to start, I'll do it! Jon tells me you and 'Gumi probably have the best suggestions for that? :3


vengefulagent July 27 2011, 04:06:32 UTC
Have you? Yeah~~

And honestly, I'd say you're best off starting with Series 1 of the new series and going from there (It's the one with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor). It's a good jumping-off point and then you can explore the Classic series from there.


raftbuilder July 27 2011, 02:34:58 UTC
P'shaw, don't recognize you in that journal...!

No worries, though, as you've already learned I am not shy at all about going "HEY I HAVE A QUESTIOOOOOON~" XD;;


vengefulagent July 27 2011, 04:07:49 UTC
Nope! I am a ninja~ (Or a Time Lord or a Freelancer... Take your pick!)

Hah, yeah. Definitely see that~


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