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[In person!] bit_impossible May 16 2011, 00:49:26 UTC
[as the Doctor heads back over to the gazebo, Debussy seemingly following him, he waves and smiles at Fuu]

Hello again, Fuu! I knew you had to be around somewhere! Care for a creme egg? [holds his hand out, showing her the shiny foil-wrapped egg--and at the same time, this sound effect plays] Oh, there it is again! Curious how that keeps happening.


[Wonderful person! \o/] wind_of_reason May 16 2011, 04:28:05 UTC
[The noise that her clothing and shoes and even hair makes are strangely exaggerated, and a soft violin joins the Doctor's Debussy.]
[Jumping to her feet as he approaches, she bows and smiles brightly at him.]

Hello! Oh, thank you- [And at the sound effect, she can't help but laugh in delighted surprise! She knows that noise!]

Yes, a bit curious that it would happen for a creme egg!


bit_impossible May 20 2011, 02:01:09 UTC
Actually, it was a bit different earlier, but it does seem to like this one for anything egg-shaped. Haven't been able to figure out the cause of it. Better than random weather systems following us around, at least.

So! All right there, Fuu? How long has it been for you?


wind_of_reason May 20 2011, 06:08:19 UTC
Just egg-shaped? Weird... Oh, please pardon me a moment- [She turns to get something from a brown bag where she'd been sitting, speaking brightly over her shoulder as she does so.]
But yes, thank you! It's been about a year for me. It's been not terribly eventful, up until now...

[Turning back around, she presents the Doctor with a small white box tied with red ribbon. It's just some chocolate from the local chocolatier, but it would have been bad to have nothing at hand!]

Thank you for all your help in the past, and for your kind regard of me in the future.
I hope that you've been doing all right as well?


bit_impossible May 21 2011, 09:55:19 UTC
A re-welcome gift, eh? [he grins and takes it from her] Thank you for your help in the past--and in the future.

[but when she asks that question about how well he's been doing, his mind flashes on some of the horrible things he's been through lately. when he speaks, however, he keeps that smile right on his face, not letting any of that thought process show] Oh yes, you know me. I've been as right as rain!


wind_of_reason May 21 2011, 23:39:40 UTC
[And she believes the smiling Doctor without question, giving him a bright smile in return.]

That is so good to hear. Thank you for the treat. [She starts unwrapping the egg then glances up at the Doctor questioningly.]
Was it Easter when you... were drawn back here? [Or whatever else you would call it.] How long has it been for you?


bit_impossible May 30 2011, 01:53:40 UTC
It was, actually! You know, I always miss Easter. Well, I was there for the original, but any of the subsequent times? I've always missed it. [rubs the back of his neck] And, well, time has passed. I didn't exactly keep track, though.

[smiles at her] What about you, Fuu? I can't imagine too much time has passed.


wind_of_reason May 30 2011, 03:26:58 UTC
[She blinks in wonder at him saying he was there for the original Easter - amazing! Time travel... wow. She's completely amazed anew. So amazed, she answers the question readily,]

No, it's been just about a year-- [and she cuts of as she realizes that she's already said that. Slightly worried that he would ask the same question twice, she smiles at him all the same.]

Sorry. I guess that doesn't matter too much now that we're back here at square one again. Other than Miss Verita not knowing me, I would think that no time has passed at all here...


bit_impossible June 3 2011, 22:51:47 UTC
[he smiles faintly, glad to see that she doesn't have any memory troubles. he had to be certain there weren't any side effects to their sudden remembrance of events there.]

Nobody knows us. Not Verita, Audrey, or even Resarci. Especially not him.


wind_of_reason June 4 2011, 09:11:53 UTC
[She can't help but grimace slightly at the mention of doctor Resarci.]

Certain he doesn't? I mean, what if it's his 'plan B' that's brought us back here?


bit_impossible June 8 2011, 22:44:03 UTC
[starts scratching his the back of his head] Not entirely certain, but! I wonder if part of his plan included wiping his own memory.


wind_of_reason June 9 2011, 00:27:25 UTC
This is true... It doesn't make sense, does it...


bit_impossible June 9 2011, 17:02:16 UTC
Well, it makes sense by not making any sense, naturally! But I think, for now, we ought to keep what happened before in the forefront of our minds but still prepare for anything this town can throw at us. They've brought us back for a reason, after all.


wind_of_reason June 9 2011, 17:45:48 UTC
[It- makes sense by not making sense? That would only make sense to you, Doctor...]

I'll do my best to be ready for anything! You can count on me. [She gives him a serious nod at the end- his last words sounded rather ominous...]


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