◌ 020 ◌ If you're going to restart, it's good to save your progress beforehand.

May 15, 2011 00:36

[Thusly armed and attired, Fuu took a deep breath. Her eyes were steadily fixed on the target before her. The bowstring was now drawn to her ear. As she prepared for the release-- a bright flash! The impression of someone in black--

Startled, she released the arrow, and it crashed point-blank into a large television screen.]

I'm sorry! [She cried out the apology instinctively, but then stared in wonder at the face that was being displayed on the glass screen that was only slightly cracked.]

...Mayor Caligin?

[Dense memories came as she looked at his face, and the faces of the other townspeople.]

Miss Osculia, Miss Verita... everyone! What- what is this? It's like from when I was first summoned-- no, not 'summoned'--

[With a start she ran over to the gift basket and placing her bow on the couch took up the CAT.
With wide eyes she found herself remembering how to bring up a list of the residents, and seeing each of their faces brought a new flood of memories.]

Everyone! Oh, what are we doing back here? It was over... but... no, there was something...

[Not able to think of what exactly that something was at the moment, she turned her mind to what should she do. Go and try to see the others in person? The Doctor might well still be next door. Send out a message to everyone? Talk to only those she knew first?

Indecisive, she wandered through the house, tying to gather and sort the deluge of memories - it was making her feel rather light-headed.

Passing by the mirror in her room, she smiled. Well, perhaps she should change first. Her Kyūdō uniform would likely make an odd first impression. Opening the closet she found the lovely green dress that Miss Sophie had sewn for her. Delighted she took it down and changed. She'd not remembered it to miss it upon arrival back in Tokyo. Refreshed after brushing out her hair and washing her face, she turned on the CAT again.

It seemed that she was late to the party - several other people had posted. Which meant that several other people were stuck here. Again.]

[Turning her CAT to broadcast to all the 'new' residents (she supposed the term is still valid even if some had been here once already), she puts on a bright smile and bows.]

Hello, everyone! I regret that we are meeting under such circumstances, but it is so good to see you! My name is Fuu Hououji. Age fifteen, third year of junior high school in Tokyo, blood type A.

I believe that being well informed is important, and I have some very relevant information to share with you that might well influence us all greatly.
For some of us, this is our second time seeing this place. I believe that those who are here for the first time might like to hear about what happened to those of us who were here already. There is a lot to explain, and it's for the best if we are all as well-informed as possible. [A shadow of a frown passes over her face.] This place will have enough secrets.
[And her face brightens again]
I'd be happy to meet anyone who is interested at the gazebo in the town park at 7 tonight. I look forward to reconnecting with old friends, and meeting new.

[[ooc: yep, I'm afraid that this is what Fuu decided to do! She's keen to spill all the beans on what went down last time (for all the good it might do them for this second round XD).

So if you like, tag in here with either [action] to meet Fuu, or continue on in [video]. She will share as much as you can handle about what happened last time in this lovely little town. She kept a journal, so will be able to share in great detail...

To save my sanity, may I direct your attention to the lovely and amazing Plot Summary? Feel free to also peruse Fuu's Chronicle, but keep in mind she won't share anything she deems 'personal'.

If any second-time people want to team up with Fuu in the story-telling, please do jack in!]]

[mkr] fuu hououji (ou), *plot: and now for something..., #season two

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