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  • Meme~

    lullula May 07, 2012 01:47

    Rule 1- Post the rules.
    Rule 2- Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
    Rule 3- Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
    Rule 4- Let them know you’ve tagged them!

    Tagged by xrysomou

    Under here! )


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  • Eastercon! Part 3! The bit that's actually about the con!

    lullula Apr 12, 2012 21:59

    This Eastercon was an interesting experience for me, I spent a lot more time socialising than going to panels this year, which is pretty opposite to what I normally do. I also did my very first panel \o/ That was pretty exciting, if also slightly terrifying. As with all things, it wasn't quite perfect, and I'm gonna speak a little bit about that ( Read more... )

    eastercon, damn this is long, photos, links around the world, life

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  • Eastercon! Part 2! The tweets

    lullula Apr 11, 2012 17:42

    A lot of my Eastercon experience was through Twitter, I said things, read things, retweeted things... It's really easy to lose track of everything, so I used storify to group everything together :)

    Just click and read~ [View the story "Eastercon" on Storify]

    Posted over at dreamwidth, comment here or there, or everywhere!

    eastercon, twitter, links around the world

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  • Eastercon! Part 1! The part that involves no actual con going!

    lullula Apr 11, 2012 16:07

    So from Thursday to Tuesday I was down in London attending Eastercon! \o/ I think this was actually my 7th Eastercon (depending on whether Worldcon '05 was mixed up with Eastercon '05). Damn, that is a lot of cons ( Read more... )

    eastercon, photos, links around the world, life

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Feb 21, 2012 07:19

    Guuuuuysssss what is uuuuuup?

    I'm actually only on here because I am in dire need of you, pleeeeease oh please, send me good vibes today! I have a group assessment/job interview at 9.30 and I would super-duper like to be employed!

    Are all fingers crossed? Excellent.

    I leave you all with this.

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Feb 14, 2012 23:45

    Help me, o FListies! I can't stop buying comics (I spent like maybe, £50 on them today? FIFTY WHOLE POUNDS, MY GOD). I just... I try to stop and then I don't and I DON'T EVEN FEEL BAD ( Read more... )

    comics, hair, photos, life

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Jan 12, 2012 16:27

    So er, ashling_lily posted some of her art, and I thought that since part of my new years resolution is to draw more, I might share some of mine? :D? It's not great, but I like most of what I've done!

    Of course, feel free to skip! It won't break my heart... too much... jk jk )

    art, life

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  • One of the great unwashed! And also a really crap person D=

    lullula Jan 06, 2012 16:06

    Ok, so uh , there is someone out there who is still waiting on their aar_capslock Secret Santa... Um. I uh... am still... working on it v..v;;;;; I am so ashamed, you have no idea ( Read more... )

    university, job, life

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  • (Untitled)

    lullula Dec 18, 2011 19:41

    • Ugh, my new job is kinda killing me *_* I have no energy the day after each shift, haha, but then again I'm working 10 hours doing heavy lifting and shit, so I guess that's normal. The aching feet are not welcome though ;a;
    • I went to Edinburgh this weekend! My little brother and his girlfriend had been meant to go, but they seem to have split up, so ( Read more... )


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