[Guess who, at the afternoon of the 25th will be going around the place giving presents. She will go to the home of those whose address she knows, those whose address she doesn't know will find themselves hunted down so she can hand them their gifts
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[Objective one of the hunting spotted! With a huge bowl...]
Uhm... Do you need help?
Sure, I would love to help. Also, I got a present for you.
A present?
[Helping here.]
Where were you bringing this to?
Can I enter?
[And now stuffing his hands in his pockets he looks at the central table. Hmm... how to get a fire going there...]
It's not polite to enter in a private place without invitation, it's a proof of manners, not of stupidity.
[Shuffles in her bags and gets out the gift for Haruki, before noticing him looking for something.]
Do you need something?
[And he waves vaguely at a plaque on the wall which reads: "The SOS-Brigade is looking for mysteries of the world. People who have experienced something mysterious in the past, have experienced something mysterious recently, or who plan on a mysterious experience in the near future should come to the SOS Brigade for them be solved." and then on a post-it note below that is written: "Also to ensure that everyone experiences a fun and meaningful existence."]
But no, no, it's nothing.
[Grunt and-] A gift?
Unless being an android counts as mystery I still don't fit the requirement for free entrance. Specially not at the moment.
[Offers the gift.]
Unless a Christmas gift seems mysterious to you. I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything better.
[Inside the gift there's a set of earmuffs, winter gloves and some music magazines that Luka managed to get at the stores about her world.]
[Which is clearly... flawless logic]
His eyes get a little wide and-] Oi oi oi! What're these?!
[As he starts to flip through them, even]
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