[Guess who, at the afternoon of the 25th will be going around the place giving presents. She will go to the home of those whose address she knows, those whose address she doesn't know will find themselves hunted down so she can hand them their gifts.
Also KAITO will probably find an icebox in his room, full of ice-cream. He will also find boxes with scarfs and new coats, besides a couple of toys. But since he lives with her he gets his gift upon waking up in the exact Santa Claus style.]
[First stop in the gift-giving trip, mostly because it's the place where she'll give most of the gifts she has and Usopp is there. Knocking, someone come open the door?]
[Second stop of the day, knocking on their apartment door.]
[She noticed him missing but still got him a gift so she will go visit him to see if he's back. No such luck but she will leave a note to let him know she has something for him should he return and her not notice.]
[You guys are in her hunting down list, though some of you won't be found due being kidnapped. You will have to get your gifts after you return.]
Mr. Atsuro, could I get a word with you?
Also, I'm looking for someone though he didn't get to tell me his name. He's a young man, probably a student, tall, handsome and very, very silent. We met some days ago and I sang a song for him, anyone knows him? Or if you are listening to this, could I have a word with you, please?
[Rough sketch of Mori's face so it helps with the identification.]