Title: The Very Heart Of Me
Fandom: BtVS
Working title comes from the song “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago: “If you leave me now, you'll take away the very heart of me”.
Written for a prompt over at Ultimate Xander. Prompt: Xander/Ethan. Ethan thinks Giles is grooming Xander to replace him so he determines to beat Giles to it and take Xander as his own. Bonus points if you get voyeur!Giles in the picture.
Based on my initial outline, this will stay Giles/Ethan with Xander on the side but it will fulfill the rest of the prompt. Except now it's turning into Spander because apparently I just can't resist...
Prologue After the Halloween episode, where Ethan turns everyone into their costumes, Giles finds him waiting in the shop.
Part 1: After Rupert is influenced by the love spell, that Amy created for Xander, Ethan, in a fit of jealousy, thinks Rupert plans to leave him for Xander. Ethan decides to get there first.
Part 2: Fighting off a demon attack reinforces Ethan's opinion that there's more to Xander than the rest of the Scoobies are willing to see. He starts in on his plan to seduce Xander.
Part 3: Ethan looks over a magic shop.
Part 4: Meeting at the Magic Box to discuss training
Part 5: Ethan finds out what Xander wants, more than anything else in the world. He considers it leverage to seduce the boy with.
Part 6: Hey, where'd Xander learn to do that with a whip?
Epilogue: Xander gets what he most wants.
When All My Plans Have Gone Astray: Sequel to The Very Heart of Me. Spike/Xander. Aww. It's the boys first time together. How cute!
Timeline: How Ethan's involvement with Rupert and the Scoobies fits into Season 2. Since I worked it out while writing the story, figured I'd post it.