Mar 16, 2010 15:57

 1) Banshee Girl got reported on the bus because of her infamous Banshee scream. May need to start driving her in the morning again. At least she won't have to get up at 5:45 AM anymore, but still...

2) A skinny black ink Crayola marker got stuck inside the clothes dryer. INSIDE where the MOTOR is. So it makes this awful grinding noise and gives off this yucky burning smell. NOT looking forward to the inevitable bitching/blowup from Hubby tonight.

3) House looks like a hurricane hit it. And I don't get any help w/general clean-up. That's the HOUSEWIFE'S job. (!@#$!#@)

4) I am TIRED of dealing with passive-aggressive people who are drama queens and don't give a flying DAMN about anyone else! Look, if you need to talk to the school administration, DO IT YOURSELF! I haven't been teaching for nearly 10 years. What "connections" do you think I have???? Unlike certain Starfleet engineers, I don't claim to be a "miracle worker"! And if you're such an attention hog that you want it all about YOU, all the time, every time...yes, eventually,  people will get sick of it and LEAVE! So please, don't act surprised/horrified/OMFG!, especially when you hardly wait for the door to hit someone's a$$ on the way out before you REPLACE them!! AND ANNOUNCE IT!!

5) And I am TIRED of dealing with my son vs. hubby at loggerheads. Both so damn stubborn, both autistic (Hubs has Aspberger's), both so self-centered it makes me sick! I grew up dreading Saturday mornings because instead of cartoons, I woke up to the sound of my mother on a cleaning rampage w/the vacuum cleaner at full blast! I DO NOT need to wake up to a loud argument/son crying/Hubby's "my name is on the mortgage, I pay the bills, so what I say goes" crap! It f*cks the rest of the day for everyone.

I want a NORMAL house, with a NORMAL husband and NORMAL children and people who use the BRAIN that God gives them! Oh, and someone with an empathic center than isn't either a)completely stone cold or 2)emotes so much that you're drowning in tears. "I FEEL MUCH PAIN, CONFUSION!" Well, DUH, Counselor Troi!

*headdesk, reaches for chocolate, not caring if I gain five hundred pounds*


autistic children, idiot husband, lack of empathy, idiot appliances, clueless, ra, rant

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