I'm cutting down on a lot of things now...

Mar 27, 2010 20:13

 It's been a rough month all around.

Why is it that people don't think before they say things? I'm happy for them, but relaying "bad news" to be "helpful and informative" is not cool. Especially when it concerns something creative that I'm involved with. I've gotten a lot more sensitive to having my contributions ignored and marginalized lately, maybe a LOT hypersensitive.

My creative projects are my shield, my "escape" from dealing with 2 autistic kids and a hubby I'm drifting from. But maybe I'm too much like Kaylee Frye, my fave character on "Firefly"...too optimistic and enthusiastic, but then when I'm beaten down and disappointed, I get too angry and bitter. I'm tired of having to "put up and shut up" when I'm upset or angry, and be really nice.

Or maybe I'm just too tired. Period. I feel like I'm in a really bad romantic anime...where the heroine gets so much crap dumped on her that it's almost ridiculous, but she blithely soldiers on and either 1) she does something stupidly spectacular that saves the world and suddenly everything is all right or 2) she gets overwhelmed.

UGH. Need to rest and recharge.


autistic children, stress, clueless hubby, ra

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