Bonjour, Heroes Luceti! A while back I posted
here about the mural project that Pao-lin's trying to organize. She made an IC post
here, from which I gleaned a few more bits of inspiration about how to deal with this event.
In no particular orderrrrr....
✏ The most likely location at this point is outside the Welcome Center. I don't know yet whether this means it'll be on the building itself, or -- as Toph suggested -- a separate stone wall outside of it. What would everyone prefer, or think is a better idea? I know we already have the Memory Garden at the Welcome Center, but I don't know how much space that's supposed to take up. Either way, Toph has offered to raise a stone shelter around the painting area so that it'll be protected from the weather while everyone is painting.
✏ The mural itself will be a combination of pre-planned images (mostly executed by the more talented artists beforehand) and people's own spontaneous contributions (where anyone can just walk in and paint whatever they want to paint, as long as it fits with the mural's theme). I'm still working out the finer details of this, but with the next update on this project I hope to have a rough visual of what it'll look like! You can see what people were discussing in the IC entry, but I'd definitely appreciate any other ideas here as well.
✏ Given the scope of this project, as well as the scope of talent that's volunteered so far, this project is probably going to have a number of parts. This doesn't necessarily mean that there'll be this many posts (on my journal or as a logpost) in total, but this is to give an idea of the work I'm foreseeing involved, just so muns can figure out where their character could conceivably contribute. (Alliteration!)
- First thing's first -- laying down the basics of the mural's design. Pao-lin's going to post ICly with what she's got (which will be roughly around the time I have something down, hopefully by this weekend or early next week) and ask for opinions. After she refines that (or doesn't), then comes the work of actually transferring that design to the wall, which Pao-lin may do on her own or with a little help from other experienced artists. Depending on how detailed the design is, how big the mural is, and how much help she has, this could take the better part of a day.
- Then we get to work slapping on the planned design, moving from painting big flat blocks of color to detail work. As mentioned earlier, this'll mostly be the domain of the more experienced artists, but some of the more simpler background elements could also be done by not-as-artistically inclined people.
- Finally, it's time for any resident to come in and add their own personal touches to the mural! I'm hoping that this could be kind of like a party event, with food and refreshments (hot ones, preferably) provided and a generally celebratory, socializing atmosphere. This part is definitely going to be an open logpost.
✏ DATES AND STUFF - Given how busy I (and many other muns) are busy with NaNo and all sorts of other things, not to mention Thanksgiving plans both ICly and OOCly, I'm guessing November is...not exactly the ideal time to do the main logpost? I mean, I think we could swing it if needed, but...yeah. (I am already behind on NaNo, sob.) So that leaves some point in December, maybe not long after the Christmas party that's tentatively slated for the 1st. Yay, nay, go away?
Feel free to comment on anything at all, either stuff I talked about or stuff I missed! Other acceptable comments include pictures of cute cats, cute bunnies (NOT YOU,
mindgooshed, YOU'RE NOT CUTE AT ALL), or boobies.