... Whoops, looks like I forgot to actually leave the communities for both accounts. Ah well, less work for me.
Hello again, guys! Kyio here, with another re-app - Jacqli, from Ar Tonelico II! That's right, that dating-sim-esque JRPG full of innuendos and magical singing girls that let you enter their minds so you can fix their severe emotional issues. A classic, really.
She wasn't around very long last time, so she'll be keeping the few memories of Luceti she's got. For the curious who didn't see her last time, she's a seemingly cold-hearted jerk who is actually really nice ... deep down. Deep, deep down. She's more likely to be somewhat personable kind of if you're a non-human, at least, but she's cool with humans too! Just expect one hell of a cold attitude.
Also, she does come with
a permissions post that needs filling out! I'll be assuming the comments already left still hold true, unless those who responded to it last time feel like changing them.
So yes! Please friend add hackedcode or