Who: Everyone not on the draft
What: Let it snow, let it snow let it-- okay, too much snow.
When: 15th through the 18th
Where: All around the village
Summary: A blizzard strikes Luceti, keeping the villages snowed in. Woe be to anyone caught outside in the storm, or anyone without food and electricity.
Rating: Varies
Look out the window at that storm )
Comments 658
He's trying to keep those a secret, yes, but who in their right mind would be outside trecking from the plaza to C1 in this minimal visibility high snow weather?
Feel free to run into them there, as he arrives at C1 late in the day, or before he leaves in Seventh Heaven]
He wills some of his superhot blue flames to try to warm up his arm. As a result some of the snow near him briefly catches fire before just stopping because it is, well, water. Bah]
she's getting used to her wand again, after so long of not having it. so if anyone needs help shoveling or wants to make snow angels or men or something, she's more than willing to oblige. she can be found magically shoveling House 25's walkway on the 17th and 18th, staring up at House 26 for a time on any day - generally wondering if anyone's in there - or any number of other mundane tasks on any day... or trying to get her spells back up to snuff in the forest. ]
The weather's not much concern to him being already dead and all, however once it begins to pick up and he starts to get buried, anyone still outside can expect to pass by a bitterly complaining snowman.]
As he goes on, he looks to the side, searching for anyone else who might be stuck out here, and notices the skull on the snowman.
He stares for a few seconds before he ducks his head and trudges on. It's not quite a weird sight... yet.]
... Snowy ape?
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