Who: Everyone not on the draft
What: Let it snow, let it snow let it-- okay, too much snow.
When: 15th through the 18th
Where: All around the village
Summary: A blizzard strikes Luceti, keeping the villages snowed in. Woe be to anyone caught outside in the storm, or anyone without food and electricity.
Rating: Varies
Look out the window at that storm )
Therefore, on the 15th he will be around House Seven, gathering in some supplies for weather he KNOWS will be horrible. He is especially keen on making sure the ladies in Seven have firewood laid by, and candles.
From the 16th on, though, Jack will be busy getting snowed in at Cullen House, out by the ocean. He is well prepared for this circumstance, and his home is stocked with food, water, and fuel. Anyone unfortunate enough to be trapped out that way when the weather gets serious may try for shelter at the house, which is located not far from the Fort. Look for the candles in Jack's windows; small beacons he has set up in his electricity-less home against the storm.
During the snowiest days, the pirate will be doing small maintenance projects by the fire: mending sails is chief among these, so the living room will be a mess of canvas and thread. Raine's small philosopher-octopus will be sitting rather forlornly by the fire in his tank, an empty bottle of Chardonnay beside him.
Eventually, Jack will get rather bored and begin perusing the journals, going back quite far indeed to read old entries. And that is when he will make a startling discovery.
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