Who: Anyone who wants to get in on some hot n' steamy painting action.
What: Village-wide art therapy.
When: Forward-dated to 11/25, and runs until 11/27.
Where: Between the Welcome Center and Azzip.
Summary: Paint with all the colors of the wind! Or at least with whatever colors Pao-lin managed to procure.
Rating: M for MURAL
and G for GENKI )
Friday see's him helping with the transfer of the design, and getting the top half of the wall where few people can reach.
Saturday also see's him there TOO FREAKIN EARLY. Starting the fine parts of the design, and again working on the top half.
Of course Armstrong is there (Early) Sunday too! He has to add a personal touch to the mural!
Working most of the time, Armstrong is always ready to give a hand. But when he takes his breaks he'll be trying pizza and talking to everyone both new and known.]
Nice work!
Thank you very much!
And thank you for the refreshments. It is very kind of you.
I'm not much of a muralist, but I'm glad to help. And how are you settling into Luceti, sir?
Oh, I am Alex Louis Armstrong, at your service.
[Alex actually give a half-bow, smearing more paint on his already paint-dotted shirt. HE FORGOT ABOUT THE BRUSH.]
I'm Rydia Highwind. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Armstrong.
The pleasure is mine Miss Rydia.
Have you been here long?
[Armstrong looks thoughtful.]
Must be sad, being away from your home for so long, without being able to go home and visit.
There are things about it I miss, but...I have my reasons for being happy with what I have here. This is where I got married.
That is a very good reason to be happy here! I am happy for you.
[Pao-lin had expected to be the first one on site, aside from perhaps Rydia.]
Yes! I was worried about arriving late, and found myself unable to sleep, so I decided to arrive early. It's nice to be up and about before dawn. It means I am able to see the beautiful sunrise.
[Armstrong nods.]
Sounds good. I shall help!
[However Pao-lin will have to lead the way to the Paint. But Armstrong will happily follow and carry a lot of Paint out in one go. THOSE MUSCLE AIN'T JUST FOR SHOW.]
We'll need to set up the tables first before we start bringing out everything else.
[There's a couple of folding tables leaning against a wall just off to the side.]
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