Who: Everyone!
What: Thanksgiving + New Feather party.
When: Evening of the 20th.
Where: School cafeteria, nicely done up.
Summary: There's food. And there's also board games, are you game for some Snakes and Ladders?
Rating: Let's put this all over the board. Strange stuff can happen, man.
Cool cherry cream, nice apple tart )
For now, though, she's just going to savor the culinary treasures of the buffet table. But she's also eyeing the corner full of board games too...
...So she might be taking this board game a little too seriously. Taking the die and rolling it. Two! One, two-- AND NOW THE SNAKE IS DIRECTLY BEHIND HER. Will it ever end!?]
Pao-lin's next roll of the die nets her a four, which allows her to climb another ladder. This one is much shorter than the one she climbed earlier, but still -- Yotsuba better catch up!]
[It seems a safe enough assumption. And he's glad to see it. Even if Giles was only able to help out at the very last minute, it's always nice to see the party a success.]
Ah! Yeah, I am. It's nice to have something like this, in a place like Luceti. [Headtilt.] You're back to normal.
Just, um, just since this morning.
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