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pugilistinpink November 24 2011, 05:33:46 UTC
[Between forkfuls of bountiful goodness, he glances about the place, appreciative of the company, and - -

Oh hey, it's the chick from that conversation! But she looks a little different, and for a long time, Mac can't quite figure out what has changed from when he had first gotten a glimpse of her face. In the process of contemplating this, he inevitably ends up staring a little from across the table. Hopefully it will not put her off her meal...]


wantsaprince November 24 2011, 05:50:31 UTC
[As she kind of nibbles at her food, Pilouette tries to subtly glance about, trying to get a feel for the people around her. She sees a few familiar faces here and there, before catching a glimpse of Mac. She tries to pretend she's concentrating on her food but oh god why is he staring at her like that?! Is her hair messed up? Maybe she's wearing the wrong color ribbon? She KNEW it was a bad choice and she wore it anyway and-!

Okay, no, be cool. She takes a breath and does her best to put on a smile before looking over to him and offering a nervous little wave.]


pugilistinpink November 24 2011, 20:46:36 UTC
Hey... [When their eyes align, he returns the smile, very much still a gawky teenager in this regard despite finding himself on the very cusp of adulthood. He tucks into stuffing, munching thoughtfully, and then all at once his eyes widen.] Mn! [There is obviously something pressing he must share because he is chewing a little more quickly.

Swallowing at last, he says:]

Didn't know y'wore glasses! [At last, he has solved the mystery.]


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 00:07:49 UTC
[For a second there, she thought he was going to say something...well, important.]

Oh, um, yeah! I mean, I was like, so freaked out when I got here, it took me like, a week to realize I didn't have them on me. I'm so glad I was able to find them~!

[Almost as if to punctuate this, she adjusts her glasses and straightens her posture a bit.]


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 02:04:54 UTC
How hard's it t'see without 'em? [He inquires thoughtfully.]


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 04:02:50 UTC
...I can see just fine without them. I mean, if I couldn't see without them then I would have noticed I didn't have them sooner, you know?

[She says this like it's obvious or something.]


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 05:49:50 UTC
Sure. [He scratches at his head.] So... if y'don' really need 'em, why y'wearin' 'em? [It's most likely none of his business, but she now has him rather puzzled... and curious, really. He has not yet noted the glasses' distinct lack of lenses, but oh-ho, he's catching on.] Hey, wait a sec...


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 06:31:01 UTC
[She adjusts them again, though it's more of a nervous habit, rather than her glasses actually needing adjustment. She always feels a little silly when people ask her why she's wearing them, though that's never deterred her from doing it.]

I, um...just think they look nice! That's all!

[She glances off to the side for just a second before looking back to him and offers up a sheepish kind of grin.]


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 07:00:55 UTC
[Absorbing her words, 'Balboa of the Bronx' studies her for a while, eventually forgetting about his plate and his seemingly relentless appetite. His expression steadily sobers after he catches her eyes.]

...Will y'do me a favor?


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 07:05:51 UTC
[A little surprised, she gives him a puzzled look before answering.]

...What is it?


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 07:12:56 UTC
[At this, he cracks an irrepressible grin before mimicking Rocky (sans the drawl) and his exact words to Adrian in the first installment of the series he has watched far too many times. Can't blame a guy for geeking... right?]

Take off these glasses.


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 07:20:32 UTC
[Hopefully, Mac will forgive her for not getting the reference. Instead she's going to take hold of the ear pieces with her fingers, adjusting them a little, giving him another puzzled frown.]

Um, what? Why?


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 16:36:06 UTC
[Actually, he had expected some opposition, thankfully.] Well... y'don' really need those glasses, right? ...They don' got no lenses, anyway.

[Offering a one-shouldered shrug, he smiles ruefully as if to say, "Hey, I'm a dude, cut me some slack, yeah?".] 'sides, y'look nice without 'em, too.


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 17:51:31 UTC
[She sputters for a second. Compliments from guys always kind of trip her up a little. Just give her a second to get it together, Mac.]

W-Well, okay, I don't like, need need them, but I kind of need them. Sort of.

[She'll be damned if she's going to admit to having what amounts to a security blanket on her face.]


pugilistinpink November 25 2011, 18:02:19 UTC
You's jus' like Adrian.... Y'watched Rocky, right? Ain't sure if she ever needed her glasses t'see 'cause she stops wearin' 'em not long after she starts datin' Rocky.


wantsaprince November 25 2011, 18:07:21 UTC

No. I've...never seen that movie. I like, don't even know what you're talking about.


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