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Comments 538

asobouyo August 2 2011, 01:50:02 UTC
[Elicia's busy being all over the place. One second she's in the jump house, another she's playing with a toy she'd been gifted, another she's got a piece of cake and she's eating it cheerily, and she's definitely been running around finding people to say hi to. Feel free to bump into her during any of this. :|b]


goldenglasses August 2 2011, 02:15:48 UTC
[Vash will show up at some point with his arms behind his back. Yes, because there's a gift behind there, but also they might be tied together back there.

At least he completely lost the bandits before he came over?]

Happy birthday Elicia!


1/2 asobouyo August 2 2011, 03:00:14 UTC
[Well, yes. That's always a plus.]

Thank you, Mr. Vash!


asobouyo August 2 2011, 03:00:46 UTC
... [headtilt]

Whatcha' doing?


cakeblocked August 2 2011, 03:24:59 UTC
[Thankfully, Luke had heard from word of mouth that Elicia was having a birthday, and so he managed to find a gift and make it here right on time. Of course, as soon as he walked in his clothes changed into something like this. Fitting, considering his status, but... He makes a face as he pulls at the chest area. It's too tight...

In one hand, however, is a nice box. There's some shiny pink wrapping paper around it... but the wrapping job isn't good at all. Luke isn't very good at doing things like that, as he isn't very precise and doesn't care if the paper gets bent. Elicia's just going to tear it all off anyway, right?

He spots Elicia scuttling around, though, and with one last tug at his collar, he smiles and calls out to her.]

You're looking pretty fancy over there, Elicia!


asobouyo August 2 2011, 04:21:43 UTC
[WHY HELLO THERE LUKE, excuse her while she runs over to see you.]

You're wearing fancy stuff, too! Did you see?? They gave me a big castle to have my birthday in!!


cakeblocked August 3 2011, 00:09:49 UTC
It's kind of hard not to see it!

[He shakes one of his hands, because those cuffs at his wrists are really starting to bother him. As he does that, though, he holds out her gift to her, and little blush comes over his cheeks. Although this isn't the first time he's given a gift to someone, he still isn't very used to it, so he can't help being slightly flustered over it.]

You're a pretty lucky girl, you know that?


asobouyo August 3 2011, 03:00:43 UTC
[She nods with the dorkiest grin on her face. That's a definite yes. |D]

Can I unwrap it right now? Can I, Mr. Luke?


momnapplepie August 2 2011, 03:58:11 UTC
[Gracia's setting up the cakes. Yes, cakes. Plural. Also, they look amazing. She was a little bit concerned with the changing house and well, the changing dress, but seeing as it fits perfectly and there haven't been any attacks and most of the strong people she knows are here anyway... well, best make the most of it. Especially since Elicia's having so much fun.

She'll be doing that hostess thing and then going in search of her daughter.]


asobouyo August 2 2011, 04:23:05 UTC
[You don't have to look far, mom. I'm staring those cakes down with an INTENSE FEROCITY.



momnapplepie August 2 2011, 15:15:33 UTC
[There's some soft laughter at that.]

Do you like them?


asobouyo August 2 2011, 20:36:15 UTC
I love them! I like the rainbow one!!

[I am eating them with my eyes, obvs.]

Did you make aaaaall of these?


lina_revolution August 2 2011, 04:14:35 UTC
[Who is barely over five feet and has no shame?

This sorceress!

Lina's world has no concept of a bouncy castle. This, in her mind, is a fact that must be rectified. She'll spent quite a while in the bouncy castle, doing what Linas apparently do best. She'll try to play the games...if someone explains what they are...and, seriously, no promises that she'll be a good sport. But she'll do her best not to eat everything in sight. She'll really try.

All in all? The beautiful sorcery genius is acting like a small child at her first birthday party and that's really not far from the truth. Forget the experiment raging outside, she's quite enthralled. She doesn't even have very many complaints about the dress - it's gorgeous, even if it doesn't suit her at all. No, really, it doesn't. There are too many layers of skirts and she doesn't have any bust to speak of.

But it's pretty.]


idkmybffroy August 3 2011, 01:27:39 UTC
[ Birthday girl's father, on the approach! Excitement is a good thing. It's infectious, and everybody should get infected :|b ]

Having a good time?


lina_revolution August 3 2011, 03:33:34 UTC

[Lina pounces on him in a hug, wrapping her arms around him and practically babbling in her enthusiasm.]

Everything's so pretty and this is so much fun and the cake is so good and Elicia is so cute and I hope she likes my present and she said you'd come to my party and thank you for inviting meeee!


idkmybffroy August 3 2011, 03:58:34 UTC
[ He'll take a second to just kind of. Absorb all that. It's an incredibly impressive job of being ecstatic! ]

It's nothing to thank me for; we're glad to have you!


truthget August 2 2011, 06:33:44 UTC
[It's been a busy week for the Elric brothers, what with the messy Battle Dome shenanigans going on, and after days of fighting random homunculus, Edward is pretty well wasted. He's managed to sleep for most of the day, so he'll be pretty late for the birthday party unless someone wakes him up. Al's in the room with him, of course, but he might need a bit of help from the birthday girl :|a]


asobouyo August 2 2011, 09:05:43 UTC
[How about Elicia prods at the back of his head with a toy broom, while she stares with THIS FACE?! :Da]


truthhides August 3 2011, 05:46:27 UTC
[ it hadn't been a very good week at all for anyone. the worst had to be that elicia's birthday came on the tail end of it - it wasn't fair to her when everyone was so exhausted and may have not had the time to prepare a gift (admittedly, they'd floundered too) and to top it off, ed was exhausted. hughes would skin them if they missed it entirely. somehow. violently. and al didn't even have skin. ]

Elicia... [ ed can be a pretty deep sleeper. hm. how to wake him. ] Try singing Happy Birthday.


1/3 asobouyo August 3 2011, 05:48:29 UTC
Okay!! I'll try!


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