(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 00:01

Who: cry_camellia and bullet_dance
What: "TSUBAKI!" "NOEL!" "TSUBAKI!!!1" "BOEL!!!!!"
When: November 4th, afternoon.
Where: Probably the eastern forest.
Summary: Tsubaki didn't take the experiment very well.
Rating: PG, possibly PG-13? For a fight, it probably won't be too bad. :| Also, BlazBlue spoilers within if you're trying to avoid them.

[Things have calmed down for the most part since the previous week, thankfully. To Noel's surprise, the day following Halloween brought back something she wasn't expecting to see again: Bolverk. When she had first sensed its presence again, Noel couldn't believe it--nor did she know how to feel.

The Bolverk. Nox Nyctores. Human souls. ...Limiters.

Today, Noel's out in the forest, returning to her neverending journey to be taught about Filial magic. Thanks to the last few weeks, Noel had been unable to find the time to learn it, but here she is today. It's probably about time to head back, though.]

[blazblue] tsubaki yayoi, [blazblue] noel vermillion

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