(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 01:59

Who: Asch [mirrorbirth] and Luke fon Fabre [cakeblocked], then Guy Cecil [count-gardios]
What: dramar, abyss-style
When: Right now probably.
Where: Asch's head and then Guy's bedroom
Summary: Asch and Luke will probably fight and Asch will be all tsundere and then get angry about something or other and then send Luke back to his body, where Guy can mother him.

[It's much easier and quicker to brush Luke's hair when it's short like this.

Guy, with Luke propped up by a mountain of pillows, was slowly combing through the tangles in his hair. He'd managed to pluck all the filthy and broken feathers out of Luke's wings and had since bound them so they wouldn't move, and now he just had to take care of his body until Asch decided to put him back.

...he hoped Asch would just decide to do it on his own eventually. He wasn't sure he wanted to speak with him again; their interactions hadn't been going very well lately.

The wounds near Luke's ears were mostly healed, but Guy had a strong inkling that there was still plenty of damage he couldn't see. He probably wouldn't know what it was until Luke was back in his body, and while Guy was eager to hear his voice and confirm that Luke was really all right he didn't want Luke to be returned if he was in pain.

It really sucked that the things he most wanted to change were the things he couldn't do anything about.]

[tales: abyss] guy cecil, [tales: abyss] luke fon fabre, [tales: abyss] asch

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