Can I get a drumroll? Or at least a drum tap

Sep 13, 2011 11:44 know what?

Meme time.


Not like those RP secrets that are awesome in their own right. Mostly because I...can't figure those out. How does I do Internet, folks? I can't even Photoshop a pair of wings this week. Don't judge me.

No, this is a bit different. We've had this one once before, but that was a while ago and we have a lot ( Read more... )

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Spoilers for Tales of Graces mistyarc September 13 2011, 19:59:17 UTC
01. My combat style was inspired by that of the main character of a manga Brother and I used to read back in the manor.

02. As a child and even now, I like to read manga -- about a sentai, to be more specific. I act out the stunts in private.

03. I'm a major in the Strahta army. [Common knowledge to those from Efinea, but he's never really brought this up to others.]

04. I lost to Brother on purpose the second time we fought. In the first, I exiled him from Lhant and took his right to rule it.

05. Asbel is my older brother. [He's not sure whether to sound proud or distressed by this fact -- okay, fine -- ] He's an . . . important person to me.

06. I prefer women with figure. [Wow, that sounded pretty bad . . . ] H-however, I have . . . someone . . . on my mind. [UGH, WHATEVER -- ] I like Miss Pascal!

07. I detest Luceti. It lacks a monetary economy, it treats the people like objects, and it has no regard for each individual's business. Moreover, [he had to put holes in his military uniform and that is a terrible offense] life ( ... )


asterism_angel September 13 2011, 20:26:19 UTC
[She already knew nearly all of these secrets, but there's one she just can't allow to pass by unnoticed.]

Ooohh? So you like Pascal?


mistyarc September 14 2011, 06:04:21 UTC
[Ugh, why. So embarrassed.

. . . Cheria is a romantic, after all.]

That's -- what I said, yes.


asterism_angel September 14 2011, 09:13:15 UTC
I knew it. I'm never wrong about these things.

Will you tell Pascal how you feel?


dreamfandom September 13 2011, 22:07:26 UTC
I like you too, little bro! [Said in a completely platonic way, of course.]


mistyarc September 14 2011, 06:05:11 UTC
... )


dreamfandom September 14 2011, 23:32:59 UTC
Yep yep!

Even though you're a bit of a grump!


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