Can I get a drumroll? Or at least a drum tap

Sep 13, 2011 11:44 know what?

Meme time.


Not like those RP secrets that are awesome in their own right. Mostly because I...can't figure those out. How does I do Internet, folks? I can't even Photoshop a pair of wings this week. Don't judge me.

No, this is a bit different. We've had this one once before, but that was a while ago and we have a lot of new people now. Sound fair?

1. Post with your characters
2. Those characters list some of their personal secrets, about their lives, their beliefs, or themselves. It doesn't have to be anything deep, dark, and terrible, although those might be the most common. It just might be something they just wouldn't normally say in ordinary conversation. Heck, they can be downright silly - "Sometimes I picture Axel in a dress" or "Anne's cooking is horrible". We've all got some of those, right?
3. Other characters react to the news of these secrets as though they really had just heard them admit this.
4. PROFIT!!!!

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