The Nitpicker's Guide

May 28, 2011 14:49

Luceti: The Nitpicker's Guide
(PART 2)

Some people have requested an additional guide to things that only certain people/characters would care about. Since including this information would make the FAQ obscenely tl;dr, additional details will be kept here and added onto periodically.

Disclaimer: These are not rules. These are guidelines for players who want world-specific details. PLEASE keep that in mind, and don't panic if you see something current (or recall something in the past) that doesn't coincide with this list. It's meant to be flexible and offer players more material to work with, NOT to restrict anyone. These are the official standards of the game, but we won't be griping at anyone who's done things differently in the past, since that would be silly.

If you would prefer this guide in Wikia style, it can be viewed HERE.



Playfully dubbed "mallynapping" by most of the players, a kidnapping occurs when the Malnosso decide to individually capture and experiment on a character at their facilities outside the barrier. This is often used as a method of explaining a character's absence during a hiatus, or to create a player plot, or just to give players and their characters something to do. Kidnappings can be public (the kidnapping is seen by other characters or accidentally posted to the journal system) or secret (the character disappears and others notice, but it is not posted to the network). When a character is kidnapped, they are taken away by the bots, programmed to target a specific villager's barcode.

This is the closest representation of how the kidnapping robots appear.

The scientists developed advanced, nigh-indestructable robots to kidnap residents for the sake of experimentation. They are fast, dangerous, and exceptionally strong. Often the victims are drugged in some way to weaken them; some are just physically overpowered or knocked out. They appear and disappear without warning and do not speak; often they're not even seen by other residents of the village unless said villagers are close to the target of the kidnapping at the time. While it is possible for one or two of them to be defeated by the strongest of characters, the scientists usually send an ample amount to take care of business; any CPUs of destroyed units are collected by the other droids before leaving. They generally can't be tampered with, and certainly not hacked into; you'd be extremely lucky to get that close without capture, and they wouldn't allow it for long.

If there is more than one person present around the target, the droids will incapacitate the other individuals if they put up a fight. Otherwise, they generally ignore anything that isn't their target.

What to expect during a kidnapping:

-The facilities are underground, in a protected area outside the barrier. It is impossible to escape.

-Characters are typically held in some sort of cell or cage, separated from any others, though if several characters are kidnapped at the same time it's possible that they might be able to speak with one another across the hallway, if both players are in agreement.

-The experimentation takes place in rooms much like the tunnel laboratories, only clean, well-lit, and manned by multiple Malnosso. Said Malnosso are humanoid in shape, typically, and often hide their wings beneath lab coats for the sake of sanitation - no shedding feathers on the lab floor (unless it's the character, of course). For the same reason they wear headcaps and masks, hiding most of their faces. Their voices are muffled, and they speak only to themselves and each other, very rarely if ever conversing with the subject of experimentation.

-Subjects are often drugged and under the influence of the same power cap that exists in the Luceti tunnels; all powers, abilities, super strength, etc. will be supressed unless for whatever reason the Malnosso want to test it. More often than not they prefer to play it safe.

-Malnosso can do lots of things to characters, sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently, though keep in mind that if you choose a permanent condition and wish to revoke it later, it might not be so easy. Experimentation includes but is not limited to:
  • Tolerance for pain/torture
  • Healing ability
  • Blood tests
  • Drug testing
  • Comparison between species/couples/siblings/etc.
  • Sensory deprivation (the removal of a sense, temporarily or persistently
  • Power measurement
  • Mental probing (such as digging through a subject's memories or something similar)
  • Transformation
  • Battle recruitment
There's plenty more that could be added to the list, but it would take forever to note it all. If you have any questions or ideas about what might happen but you're not sure if it's allowed, feel free to ask a mod.

When the character is returned to the village, they are dumped at a random location relatively close to the village (or occasionally within it). They can be in whatever condition you prefer (hurt or perfectly fine, conscious, unconscious, with risidual effects or no effects whatsoever, etc.); players have a great deal of freedom in regards to kidnapping.

For the record, you have no obligations whatsoever to put a lot of detail into your character's kidnapping, experimentation, or return, nor are you obligated to have them kidnapped at all. These are just a handful of options that are available for those who want to expand upon their experiences. There is no set length of time a kidnapping has to be, either; it can be as short or as long as you require, provided it doesn't go beyond the 2-month rule for hiatuses (unless special permission is granted).


Due to the nature of the missions, characters will have access to parts of the world of the Malnosso previously only glimpsed or mentioned in previous dealings. Information is very important to both the Malnosso and the inhabitants of Luceti. Due to the sensitivity of information control, the Malnosso will be careful to keep volunteers from discovering too much about the open world. But they can't hide everything. So what ensues will be the sorts of things your characters can expect to hear, see, and discover while operating on missions.

Note: You do not have to know all of this! The information below is for the purpose of enhancing and elaborating on mission details for people who want to play with the concept. If you are not interested in dealing with the complexities of it, then you are free to handwave the details. If you would like your character to go on a mission and not remember the details, then you may choose to have them not remember any details of the mission. Such a consequence would be the result of a character 'finding out too much' and having their memories erased.

Foremost, when operating in non-combat areas, characters will be accompanied by a 'handler', a friendly and helpful droid that will instruct characters on their tasks, guide them to designated areas, and limit their ability to wander from their posts and interact with civilians. The droids will never use force, at most they will step in front of a character and encourage them to desist from doing any unauthorized activities. If a character is warned by a droid three times to desist in a particular behavior, they will send a signal to have the situation dealt with. In populated areas, this will generally involve local security forces to arrive and detain the subject using nonlethal means. More powerful volunteers will be placed in a Shift that will disable powers so they can be captured.

Often the Malnosso will send Luceti subjects on missions where they will be cooperating with inhabitants from other domes similar to Luceti. Consequently, these people are under similar conditions to the Lucetians and will talk openly with their fellow volunteers. Notably what will come to light is that these domes are smaller than Luceti, exist at various levels of technology (many being similar to how Luceti was pre-electricity), but none will be quite well off as Luceti. Although their populations will be diverse, these people will be less 'impressive' subjects and even their fighters will seem average compared to what can be found in Luceti. In relation to their own history, the domes will vary in how long they have existed, some having been around for ten years and some being only months old. Some will have already participated in drafts and experiments, but most will speak of having experienced failure on drafts and that experiments are generally infrequent. On a whole, subjects from non-Luceti enclosures will be markedly less impressive than the current Luceti population. However they will be suited for whatever task they might be encountered on. A character going on a combat mission might be accompanied by a space marine, a police officer, or wizard.

As for what makes up the other enclosures, these will be a fair mix of characters from other worlds. For simplicity's sake, characters will never encounter people from worlds not currently represented in Luceti by an existing character. However, they will never meet characters that show up on screen in a canon. These will be be semi-average, ordinary people from various worlds that nobody in Luceti will personally know. If your character happens to be world famous, they might recognize your character, but the Malnosso will rarely pair up Luceti volunteers with other inhabitants from their own world. So for example, if LInk was to go on a mission, he might notice one of his allies on an assignment happens to be using alchemy and if prompted, the NPC might have heard of the 'Fullmetal Alchemist' named Edward Elric, despite never meeting him in person.

Among other things, other enclosure inhabitants will not be as knowledgeable about the state of the world. Although they will recognize mention of the eccentric 'blue man' (Biliruben), they won't know him by Bil or Catherine. You may consequently expect to hear them using a large variety of feminine names, depending on the enclosure they are from. They will have no idea what had happened to him recently and there will be mixed feelings about the different Malnosso currently in contact with their enclosures. They will know nothing of "The Great One" or death penalty removals, nor have very much information on the history of the Malnosso. In extreme and rare cases, some inhabitants may mention their enclosures being raided by Third Party soldiers, with many of the inhabitants being taken and never returned, sometimes frequently. It will be up to the discretion of the individual characters on how much they feel like sharing with their fellow captives.

Subjects may also sometimes come across civilians, either in passing or due to being assigned to rescue them. They will be more talkative than members of the Malnosso organization, but they will be wary about sharing information. In general, many will be in the dark about the extent of the Luceti project or current affairs within the organization. Some may express pity for those being held in enclosures, while others will express jealousy or outright hatred for being 'so well protected'. Luceti subjects in general will be treated with a small amount of admiration due to their reputation in regards to victories over the Third Party and advances made in Shifting due to them. Like above, civilians may come from all manners of different worlds, but all of them will have either been born on this world or have existed on the world for multiple life cycles. (Life cycles meaning that they have died of old age and been restored to the age they first arrived to the world at).

When on combat-oriented missions, characters will have a member of the Security Forces leading their team. These will be experienced soldiers that will reveal little about themselves or the Malnosso if pressed for information. As above, they too fall under the same criteria in regards to coming from various different worlds. Thus you may encounter a Security Officer with Hylian pointed ears, or Ishvalan white hair with red eyes. Despite this, they will be strict and stick only to the mission, not fraternizing or volunteering information, even under torture. They will be prepared for other methods of information gathering (such as telepathy) depending on who is sent with them and have methods of resisting it. In extreme situations of a character attempting to take hostages or escape, the Malnosso may take extreme measures, including dangerous long range Shifts that might kill the entire group. Consequently, Luceti subjects may find it easier to simply participate as they agreed to do.

One unique mission for Luceti subjects is Research. As exciting as this might sound, the Malnosso will generally be requesting for characters to index books, scrolls, computer files, and so on collected from other worlds. These may include a vast array of topics ranging from the history of the Earth Kingdom during Avatar Kyoshi's time to potion-making books normally found in Hogwarts or a comprehensive bestiary of creatures found near Nibelheim. In general these will be subjects that will likely not prove to be terribly useful once back in Luceti. We expect people to exercise common courtesy in what kinds of information their characters are tasked to research. For instance, if you would like your character to go and research the Oak family history, it's expected that you would go and talk to the players or someone playing someone in the Oak family line in order to make sure they are okay with that information being discovered (and what kind of information they might access).

On Recon missions, characters will be sent to spy on the Third Party (and later, other entities). In regards to the Third Party, volunteers will have a chance to see them in peaceful situations. Although they can be understood, these are a people who do not speak or write without need and when they do, their meanings are hidden beneath metaphors and riddles specific to their culture and beliefs. Though it will be important to remember or record these phrases, it will be difficult or impossible to figure out their meaning without context, thus characters will be unlikely to ever obtain information meaningful to the people of Luceti, though the Malnosso will have experts capable of capitalizing on the information. Should the Third Party discover they are being spied on, they will attack ruthlessly. Volunteers will be provided with means to cause self-termination if they are caught, thus preventing volunteers from being sacrificed.

OOC: Mission Suggestions | Mission Tracking | Mission FAQ | Nitpicker's Guide: In-Depth Information
IC: Malnosso Information Post | CJ's Announcement

Death Penalties and Removals

There have been numerous questions as to what is an appropriate choice for character deaths and the penalties that result from said demises. To make things simpler and hopefully help players out, here's a list of guidelines for it:

1) Be sure to choose a Death Penalty and clear it with a mod before your character is killed! Your penalty has to be approved, and we like to know what's going on when there's a character death.

2) Be careful to pick a Death Penalty you can live with for a long time! The minimum before you can have the penalty removed is four months, so make sure you pick something that isn't too much of a hassle, like, for example, perpetually broken kneecaps or something.

3) We've had a variety of death penalties in the past, and while we encourage players to be creative and choose one to suit their character or their own needs, here is a list of some of the death penalties we've had in the past in case you need help with choosing one.
  • Loss of certain abilities/powers
  • Memory loss (Short term, selective)
  • Full or partial loss of senses (sight, hearing, voice, taste, touch)
  • Color blindness
  • Loss of sense of temperature
  • Loss of feeling in limbs
  • Loss of a transformed state (eg. werewolf unable to change into wolf form)
  • Inability to digest solids
This is by no means a complete list, nor are the penalties limited to this.

The process for removing a Death Penalty can be somewhat long at times, but we try to take care of them as quickly as possible when it's important. Here is how it's done, step by step:

1) Post here and supply the necessary information. Make sure you qualify for the process first.

2) The character must contact the NPC John; they can do this by tagging this entry here on malnosso or calling him out directly on the journal system. You can also have this process handwaved, so long as you contact the mod playing John (Akai). A date for their special kidnapping will be arranged oocly with a mod, and you're free to have your character kidnapped. Please contact Akai (guynophobic on AIM, or use the other contact info on Luceti's profile page) for all Death Penalty Removal requests or use John's Appointments post to arrange a date for the character to be fixed up. A removal can't be arranged unless it's scheduled, for the sake of keeping track of things.

3) The character should be returned from their kidnapping after about 3-4 days, though it's alright for them to stay longer if you're going to be on hiatus or something. Side effects may appear for a short while (more or less a week, but there is no set amount), but after they wear off the character is right as rain!

4) If for some reason your character has two or more Death Penalties, only one can be removed at a time; ICly it's a delicate process. You can, however, pick which one will be removed, provided the character has had each for four months or more. Once the first penalty has been removed, you can start the process all over again whenever you like, though you may have to wait a while before John's willing to fix the next penalty.

Elemental Spirits/Filial Magic

Luceti has a number of elemental spirits with whom the residents can meet and learn magic from. They are invisible to the eye and are felt, rather than properly met. Each spirit has a different personality and power, and characters must meet certain requirements in order to gain their power. Currently the spirits residing in Luceti are:

Nala - Healing Alignment: good.
Works as the standard RPG healing magic usually goes, sans any revival spells; wounds, broken bones and most poisons can be addressed. The magic can affect any character- the one casting it, or others around them. The spirit to communicate with is called Nala. She’s generally kind, warm and upbeat, but as all the other spirits, has no physical form. She is easy to learn from, and eager to share her knowledge with the villagers. She can be heard pretty much anywhere. It only takes about two weeks to get a decent grip on healing magic, shorter if you have a teacher who has already mastered it. Despite her "good" alignment, Nala's magic isn't limited to only inherently "good" characters; she cannot sense or feel evil, so a cruel or evil character could learn magic from her by faking "good" characteristics while they interact with her. If she witnessed their true nature, the bond would be broken and they would have to earn back her trust, but she's also very forgiving. Basically it takes more work and some caution, but it's possible.

Some players have expressed concerns about how powerful the healing spells are. It depends on several things- the wishes of both players, the abilities of the healer, and the severity of whatever is being healed. If a strong healer tries to heal the injury of a character whose player wants them to stay wounded for a while, the healer's ability to heal it will be dampened. Basically, the wounded character has control over how much the healing magic will affect their character. Usually the Filial healing magic doesn't fix bloodloss, though, so keep that in mind.

Eferin - Fire Alignment: neutral.: Create light and heat; nothing as drastic as summoning a fireball the size of a tank, but it can be disastrous if used improperly. The spirit of fire is Eferin (“eh-feh-rin”). He’s impulsive and very picky; usually your character will not be able to learn from him unless he or she already has an affinity to fire. He is heard most clearly in the forest, and takes at least a month to grasp the basics.

Sona - Water Alignment: neutral.: Pulls the water from the air, manipulates shape and temperature/density. Again -like fire- nothing like pulling forth a tidal wave, but definitely enough to soak someone if your character is feeling mischievous. The spirit of water is Sona(“soh-nah”). She’s cool and collected, and can be a little snobby. She’s not nearly as picky as Eferin, but again if your character has an affinity to water, they will pick up much more quickly. Obviously heard best when near or in bodies of water. It takes two to three weeks to control water magic.

Kipinn - Wind Alignment: neutral.: Control breezes up to the occasional gust; yet again, no tornados or typhoons, just a rush of air. Manipulates the air around the user, but doesn’t create it. Can also affect sound, if the user has enough control over the air to alter the vibrations; mute sounds, throw them farther away. Create sounds with enough practice, but it’s exceedingly difficult. The magic isn't enough to make a character fly, but it can boost their speed a little, with practice. The spirit of wind calls himself Kipinn (“key-pin”). He’s playful and quick to take to people, and very friendly. His “voice” is the loudest near or on the mountains. It only takes around a week to master the art of wind.

Tsinku - Electricity Alignment: neutral: Control the combined energies of heat and light kinetically; direct lightning, harness it from the natural elements. Higher level users can create electricity, but it is very difficult, and very draining on the user as it utilizes one’s own energy. The spirit of electricity is known as Tsinku (“sin-koo”) and is brash, headstrong but extremely intelligent and quick to respect people that catch his attention. He is most readily heard in wide, open areas with plenty of room to move about freely. It takes around three or four weeks to form a decent enough relationship with him to learn mid-level electrical magic.

Faeren - Earth Alignment: neutral: Connect with the plant life and feel the ebb and flow of life within the land. Can move/raise mounds of earth and rocks from the ground, but not to hover in the air or anything like that. Can manipulate the growth of plants to some degree; heal plant life (such as crops or flowers) but cannot accelerate the growth process. The spirit of earth calls herself Faeren (“fair-en”) and is very, very soft and timid, when first spoken to. However, her voice is the most easily heard, constantly available as long as your character is outside and standing on the ground. It doesn’t take long to get to the “awareness and rock-raising” part of the powers, but being able to cultivate plants and heal them from illness takes at least three or four weeks of practice.

Hyt - Light Alignment: neutral: Manipulate light to either recede or grow. The art of controlling light is a very complicated one; the spirit is fairly quiet, and difficult to hear even when in direct sunlight. The powers can increase shade or manipulate available sunlight to be a little brighter. There is not enough power to say, blind an opponent permanently with a flash of light, but there is enough to stun. Also, for more skilled users of light, illusions or "drawings" can be created by bending and refracting the light around an object so that it appears altered to the viewer. The spirit of light is referred to as Hyt (“height”), and can barely be heard as even a whisper, even when in direct sunlight. It takes at least a month to even communicate enough to earn Hyt’s trust, and it (for it is genderless) will be reluctant to teach anyone.

General Spirit Information

'Contacting' the spirits doesn't mean actual, verbal communication with them; plain and simple, the spirits don't talk at all. Communication is more of a vague experience involving feelings, emotions, and mental images if applicable. Characters can speak with the spirits, but the responses they might get would vary in emotion and the level of willlingness to be helpful. For example, Nala might send the character feelings of approval, eagerness, and kindness. Eferin might be more brash and easily irritated, his emotions apt to flaring out and changing on a whim. Additionally, the spirit's overall 'feeling' can also be associated with their element; Kipinn might make you feel like the wind is blowing when it's not, Hyt might make you squint now and then, etc.

Since the spirits don't talk, they obviously can't offer up any information about the nature of Luceti, or even how to get in their good graces; much of the learning curve is based on trial-and-error and the info provided by those in the village who have mastered the magic already.

If a character doesn't contact a particular spirit now and then, it's possible that their connection - and as such, their proficiency with that element - could wane, perhaps even sever. This is purely optional (the spirits are either fickle or quick to forgive), but if this were to happen, a simple reacquaintence is all it would take to reconnect. It wouldn't take nearly as long to relearn everything as the first time did, unless of course the spirit is unhappy about your character losing touch. This is more likely to happen to characters from canons that lack magic, but it's not restricted or limited to just them, obviously.

As said above, severed connections are an optional thing for people looking for something to do, and can be ignored.

How The Magic Works

Generally we give people the freedom to determine how powerful the spells are, and at which level they're at between the day they start and the day they master it. Due to the power cap, naturally none of them are excessive; most of the limitations and strengths are listed in the spirit-specific details.

Provided that the elements don't conflict, characters who have mastered two (or more) elements can combine them into a single use, such as a water attack laced with a lightning element. Opposing elements can't be used in tandem: one couldn't use a fire ability with a water one, for example.

Filial magic is not a matter of constant communication with the spirits, or summoning the spirits to do the work through the character. Once a character contacts a spirit and begins learning, the spirit teaches the character how to draw the magic out of themselves. It's sort of like learning a special technique from a martial arts master- the master has to agree to teach you, but he doesn't have to be around every time you use it once you know it.


'Shifting' is defined as any physical, mathematical, mental or subcultural change in one's surroundings. Essentially it's the official term (used by NPCs) for both the experimentation going on within the village, and the abilities of the Third Party NPCs, the enemies of the Malnosso, and what the barrier is protecting your characters from.

There are three types of shifts; Natural, Progressive, and Synthesized/Artificial. Natural Shifts occur outside the barrier, and are more or less unknown at the moment. Progressive Shifts are an ability of the Third Party, a natural ability of the full-winged Filial. It is extremely powerful and very dangerous in a fight, as it can alter the effects of most character actions if not properly neutralized with Artificial Shifting technology; this is what makes the Third Party so dangerous, since the neutralizing technology has only recently been created for widespread use. Artificial Shifts equate to the events and strange occurrences that take place within the barrier, and can vary in effect. It is less powerful and, to balance, less dangerous for both the world and those involved.


Original post here. The tunnel system once ran beneath the entirety of Luceti's main area, namely, the west edge of the barrier to the mountains. Currently the tunnels from the collapsed entrance (the center of the town plaza) to the warehouse at the western end are blocked by John's barrier, and it is there that he conducts his own experiments and removes the Death Penalties. There is no way to access his tunnels.

The eastern tunnels, however, are still accessible, providing a two-day walk beneath the mountains to the beach. Close to the village entrance, there is a side room chosen to contain the laptops that allow for journal entries locked from the Malnosso completely.

Tunnel Laptops

Original post here and here. John and Jacob arranged for two laptops (found by the temple ruins) to be offered to the villagers as a method of communicating with their fellows using the journals, but without the Malnosso seeing it. These laptops are used to create secret, village-wide announcements and information entries in the lucetilocked community; these entries cannot be viewed or hacked by any of the Malnosso. They can be viewed by John since he set up the network, however.


Luceti has a set of NPCs designed to keep the plot going, to provide the world's history, and to (on occasion) aid in character plots.

John: The Scientist. A scientist once affiliated with the Malnosso, he has now defected and works primarily alone. He is responsible for controlling the barrier and curing the Death Penalties, along with other little jobs here and there. He takes requests on occasion, but only at his own whim. John lives in the western tunnels, protected by a private barrier. He shares a history with both Jacob and ANI's creator, though the details of it are unknown. An extremely eccentric and rather cold-blooded character, he is a researcher through and through.

Jacob: The Traitor. A one-time captive like the rest of Luceti, Jacob landed himself a job with the Malnosso through a very strange series of events that he has yet to reveal. Now he acts sort of as John's go-for, occasionally appearing in the village and manning the bazaar. He's sarcastic and can be sort of a jerk, but is much more reasonable than John. Basically, if someone treats him with respect first, he'll return the gesture. While he can be paranoid and a bitter individual, Jacob also feels a lot of empathy and pity for the captives. Jacob was sacrificed by the unknown intruders during the August 2009 event. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

ANI: The Observer. ANI is the Automated Neutral Intelligence system created by a nameless individual who associates herself with neither the captives nor the Organization. While ANI has no preferences whatsoever, she usually provides the captives with whatever information her creator deems necessary for them to know. She's a step below an AI in that she really doesn't have any thoughts or feelings of her own, and usually won't respond unless the person with whom she's having a conversation asks a question. Her creator - called Rem by most people - wavers between a sympathetic person and a mere observor.

Bil: The Eccentric. Little blue old man. Really scatterbrained and eccentric. From Romania. John fanboy. Probably knows something about Shifting, but is so stuck on carrying the four that he can't hardly explain himself. Math is not his forte.

Tyr: Deceased. Previous proprietor of the weapons shop. He seems to be held in great esteem by Jacob and the Malnosso, and was described as a "hero-type". Died during John's experimentation.

Carol: Previous headmistress of the local school. She was taken by John for experimentation and has not been heard of since. Her status is currently unknown.

The Third Party: Including "the General", the Third Party is a group of humanoid warriors with huge angelic wings that grant them the gift of flight. They have incredible powers that, without extensive limitations brought about by the barrier, can easily wipe out the village, or so it's said. Even with limitations, they have a natural ability to Shift, which is easier and much more powerful than the artificial Shifting that takes place within Luceti; unfortunately it is also more damaging.

Filial of the Past

Originally the "Filial" in the village were quite different; they functioned like normal residents though their movements were unrecorded, and one in particular (Carol, the schoolteacher) spoke directly to the characters via the journals. As Luceti changed from a small, simple roleplay to a larger, more plot-driven RP, of course the purpose of the Filial themselves had to change and expand. Since they were spoken of so rarely and Carol herself had a small, typically-unused background role, they were retconned and Carol (possibly permanently) disposed of. Currently, the "Filial" are:

-essentially pre-programmed to fulfill simple roles within the village

- devoid of brain function beyond the minimum required to fulfill those roles and survive daily life

- vacant, lifeless, like the living dead for the most part (except they do not eat brains :|)

At the moment, John has confiscated Carol and the previous proprietors of the grocery shop and item bazaar. There are only a handful of Filial left in the village, and they keep to themselves.

The Third Party

The Third Party is a dangerous organization of barbaric warriors that are distinct and seem to predate the Malnosso. Not much is known about them, other than that they are led in battle by The General.

They are human in appearance, with variations in size, hair color, eye color, skin tone, age and so on. They are comprised of both men and women and there is no sense of segregation in their ranks due to appearance, only in ability. Unlike the residents of Luceti, they possess larger wingspans capable of flight. Their armor varies from simple leather armor to heavy chainmail, sometimes protecting their wings, which while not as sensitive as Lucetian wings, are just as vulnerable and removing them will result in death.

Foot Soldiers

All Third Party soldiers are capable of using the same Filial Magic as in Luceti, though their magic is far more potent. They also possess some telekinetic ability to let them manipulate objects around them, but it has a limited range and can only be done every few minutes and is easy to avoid. Their weapons tend to be crude, oudated weaponry that is sometimes dull and rusted from use. But in spite of that, they are fierce killers and they don't need elegant or well cared weaponry to kill. A normal soldier is stronger than your average humanand and very skilled, but their style of battle is simplistic. Most Lucetian combatants should be able to take one on and be victorious. They are only likely to take on a skilled warrior by overwhelming numbers. For those who play video games, think of them as your Pre-Boss enemies. Tough, but manageable.


Some of these Third Party will count among the Elite and be far more powerful than your average fighters. They are comparable to the General and the original Intruders. These guys are like your mid-bosses, guys tough enough to give even some of the superpowered characters trouble. They possess superior Shifting abilities to manipulate the environment around them (the effect being like Filial Magic, but many times more potent) and are much more durable, even wearing light armor over their wings. They often will use Shifted, 'invisible' weaponry, though this often varies due to their own personal preference. Ultimately each Elite varies from another, so some may be more powerful than others. They will count among the hundreds and will usually be found leading regular soldiers, although squads of Elites working together may also occur. (In other words, group them however you like).


Ever since the battle in the farmlands, there have been Shifters present. These are identical to regular Soldiers, but they possess extremely powerful natural Shifting abilities. Their favored tactic is being surrounded by soldiers, while projecting a Powers Dampening Shift. This will disable ALL superhuman abilities. If a normal human isn't capable of doing it, then neither will your character. This works identical to the tunnel system below the village. They may also use Shifts that can cause technology to cease functioning. This will work on anything electronic or anything more complex than your most basic mechanical devices. For instance, a standard handgun will still work because of the simple mechanics involved, but a weapon more complex than that will stall.

Of course, if your character is not your standard humanoid (for instance someone like Moro or a robot), the power dampening will work a little differently. Moro will still be as powerful as two ton giant wolf would still be, likewise a robot would have all the normal advantages that being a robot has (within reason).

The Shifters are often the least common enemy on the battlefield. Encountering them is completely optional, as they exist solely for an extra challenge for people to play around with. They are capable of defending themselves as well as regular soldiers and will never, ever be found alone. They can only be identified by the fact that their eyes will be glowing while projecting Shifts.

Shift Hunters

Shift Hunters are beasts native to this world (or at least predate any records) and are trained used by the Malnosso, the Third Party, or just roam the forests as wild beasts. Although they live in packs and often hunt together, others are solitary creatures. They have all the normal senses (hearing and smell being quite acute), but they are noted for their incredibly unique ability to detect Shifts through unknown means. This includes Filial Magic, Summoning (for those who have received that ability from an NPC), Shift Afflictions, Kidnapping effects, and so on. Although wild Shift Hunters will only target solitary, weak targets, those that are trained and accompanied by soldiers will attack any enemies using Shifts that they detect. They are vicious, brutal killers that don't seem to register pain, have razor sharp teeth, and are immune to energy based attacks, whether the energy is magical, natural or technological in origin. Because they have no wings, the only way to permanently kill one is to remove its head, otherwise its rapid healing will have it back on its feet in less than an hour, regardless of how much damage it has taken.


Every so often, the Malnosso will call up a draft, typically starting with some general information about the battlefield, enemy deployment, and a map of the battlefield. These battlefields are surrounded by a barrier that prevents Lucetians from escaping. This protection does not prevent the Third Party from receiving reinforcements, as it only keeps stuff in, not out. Details below are for general Drafts and are subject to change depending on plot reasons or due to setting. If such changes occur, the mod posts for drafts will make note of it. If a person is on the draft list, they will be drafted, despite their objections. If they do not go willingly, they will be dragged there by a Malnosso droid, the same type used for kidnappings. Additional droids may arrive for those who resist.

Most drafts will be accompanied by an NPC posting details. On these posts, characters can requests weapons and vehicles they are otherwise unable to obtain inside the enclosure. This can include military-grade weapons, jets, giant robots, or whatever is standard for their canon. This can usually be assumed. Additional ammunition or replacement weapons can be requested during the draft as well, using the assistance button in their quarters.

Departure / Quarters

On the morning of the drafts, at 9AM, characters will be directed to head to the tunnels. Down in the tunnel system, there are red arrows on the walls and floor that will guide characters to the nearest room on their left, after turning westward. (Beyond this room is John's territory, which is still protected by a barrier. It's just been moved back about 20 feet or so.) In that room there is a silver platform; some characters may find it familiar. It's labeled with a black H.47 on the top. There's only room enough for one person. Once a character steps on that disc, the barcode on the back of their neck will grow warm and they'll find themselves suddenly in a white room with a door, and no disc (it's not like Star Trek where things shimmer and stuff, they just are suddenly in a different place).

-If more than one character stands on it, so long as they're both drafted then they will both be transported. If one isn't or both aren't, nothing will happen.

-If your character is being dragged a la droid, the droid will stand with your character on the platform. However, once your character arrives in the white room, they'll be alone.

  • Past the door is a white hallway. Each of the doors has a character's name on it, in alphabetical order by either given name or last name (depending on whether or not a character has a last name). First a door on the right, then the left, switching back and forth until the last character's door. After that the hallway dead-ends. There are no windows, and doors that do not belong to your character are locked.

  • Each room is customized to the character. When they enter, they'll see just a blank hotel room and whatever effects they requested. If they asked for a type of vehicle that won't fit into the room, there is an additional door on the far wall that leads to a storage area or a hangar. On the wall beside the entrance is a buzzer and an instruction plate that reads, "press for assistance." If your character asks questions about who this is, why they're here, etc, they won't get an answer. But if they press and ask for something in their room -"I want an HD TV, I want a hot tub, I want..." etc, when they turn around it will be there. Items in their rooms cannot be removed from their rooms or taken back to Luceti with them when the fighting is done.

  • Rations for time spent on the battlefield will be provided, and can be found with the supplies/weapons. Meals, snacks, drinks, etc. can be requested via the assistance button while they're staying in the rooms.

  • They can visit other rooms so long as the owner invites them in.

  • Characters can use their journals to contact people in the village enclosure.

  • On the first day, characters have from 9AM to 1PM to prep for battle, at which point they will be sent out to battle. Their schedule for battle wll fluctuate after that and when they are and aren't at the dorms is at player discretion.

  • If your character is mortally wounded, collapses in battle or has been out longer than eighteen hours, they'll immediately be transported to their room. If they need medical attention, a pair of droids will come in and patch them up and leave them to rest. If it's minor enough that they can go back out and fight, as soon as they're up to it they'll be sent back out; likewise, if they get a healer with them and can be healed up, they'll be sent back out once they rest. While out on the field, they will remain there until they return to a deployment point (if they have been out for at least eight hours), have been on the field for over eighteen hours, or have been injured and rendered immobile or unconscious for a significant amount of time.

  • First and foremost, MOST -IF NOT ALL- OF THE FIGHTING WILL BE ASSUMED; in other words, without mods playing the NPCs. If you absolutely must -MUST- play out something of great importance, please let a mod know and they may provide an NPC, we can set up a log, something. But please, unless you need it for a specific purpose, don't ask for NPC battles. It will be largely uneventful and full of your character kicking ass and taking names and knocking down buildings and enemies, etc etc. This is to give you guys some freedom as well as keep us from a) getting overloaded and/or b) holding you back.

  • After all enemies have been defeated, characters will be returned at midnight of the last day (no matter how much time they have to spare) and will wake up in their own beds (or just an empty bed in an empty community house room if they have no bed).

    Shift Afflictions

    In past drafts, characters were not allowed to participate due to 'Shift Incompatibilities', the most extreme of which can kill a character. Due to the Security Forces taking over drafts, characters may be sent out with a 'handicap' due to these incompatibilities, but the Malnosso will still only choose those that will suffer 'minimal' side effects. These can include:

    1) Flu like symptoms
    2) Power/ability loss
    3) Temporary blindness
    4) Unexpected injuries
    5) Narcolepsy
    6) Skin turning an unusual color and being sensitive to sunlight
    7) Dizziness and headaches
    8) Effects of inebriation
    9) Extreme nausea

    And so on. These are only examples, but do note that these incompatibilities aren't the same as mallynapping effects, so an incompatibility won't, for instance, cause your character to age up or down, genderbend, turn into an animal, or so on.
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