Title: Invincible, that is the Legend - Chapter 2
Fandom: 1/2 Prince x The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,343
Summary: On their way to finish the Dictator, the Execution Squad's "invincible battleship" crashes, separating everyone, landing them on foreign soil. "Look Aldrizzt, an elf! I want her to join us." "Neo, that's not a her."
Notes: Not
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Comments 11
I think I just discovered Neo x Prince O///O (Lan, you lucky girl >.<)
Ahem, I really enjoyed this chapter, it made me laugh so much as I went on reading (Aldrizzt found a helper! Though he now has someone else to take care of since Prince is directionally challenged...)
And last but not least (is this how it's said in English?), thank you very much for sharing this awesomeness with all of us fans ^^
They've yet to discover Prince's terrible direction sense, haha, but I pity Aldrizzt... Time will reveal if Prince is more helpful or more work for Aldrizzt.
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Reading your comment made me smile a lot. ^___^
Hehe, I laughed at the "really really burned elf" part.
Oh, and you read through Prince's speech! XD; I wonder if there are professions like holy knights in 1/2 Prince? I suppose if there aren't, the players could create such a class or develop skills suitable for that profession. There are so many strange classes in Second Life. :3
I'd peg Gui as the quickest to learn the language too, given that he's a scholar... and he'll have motivation to learn, since he'd go to extremes for Prince. With Prince missing, learning the language is the least he could do!
Oooh, thanks for the name suggestions! Drifters sounds pretty cool, as does Fearless Squad, Unlimited, Untouchables... Hm~, what to name them~
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