Title: Invincible, that is the Legend - Chapter 2
Fandom: 1/2 Prince x The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 3,343
Summary: On their way to finish the Dictator, the Execution Squad's "invincible battleship" crashes, separating everyone, landing them on foreign soil. "Look Aldrizzt, an elf! I want her to join us." "Neo, that's not a her."
Notes: Not
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and...it's kind of weird, but i figured out what prince was saying without knowing it was pig latin (though i had a hard time) and when i read it down i immediately re-read all the chap to see if i had it right =D, and don't worry the chap isn't boring at all, i quite enjoyed it.
by the way for names for the team, how about:
-->drifters (since they travel and prince is actually from another world)
-->mighty warriors
-->fearless squad(since with their caliber there's little to be scared about)
-->unlimited/no rules team (cause they - neo - don't care about rules)
-->the untouchables
-->myth team/squad (because of their no so common teammates)
-->ultimate team
-->dark light warriors
-->gray warriors/knights
-->dragon slayers (sounds a little familiar XD)
-->fellows team
-->mortals/deathlings (since they are all the same in this way... at some point)
(hope my naming sense is helpful....though i doubt it XD..sorry for the bad english)
Oooh, thanks for the name suggestions! Drifters sounds pretty cool, as does Fearless Squad, Unlimited, Untouchables... Hm~, what to name them~
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