Title: The Audition
Fandom: The Legend of Sun Knight
Words: 541
Summary: I should have been chosen for the part. But no matter. This audition was mine.
Notes: A completely nonsensical ficlet based on a dream I had yesterday. It was a bizarre dream. So, the result was a bizarre fic. :'D; More on that at the end.
The Audition
As the line moved forward, whispers sounded around me.
"Why wasn't he chosen? He would have been a perfect Sun Knight!"
I fought down the smirk that was threatening to take over my face. Indeed, I should have been chosen for the part. But no matter. This audition was mine.
"They're right, you know," the guy behind me said. "The current actor is making a huge mess of that role."
"So?" said the person ahead of me, a scruffy-looking man with a bunch of pencils sticking out of his pocket. He raised an eyebrow and jerked his head at me. "Just because this guy here has blond hair doesn't mean he would have suited the part better."
Before I could retort, the judge called him up. The scruffy-looking guy walked forward to the stage to show off his talent.
I was going to be next. I touched my throat. I hoped it would hold through the task before me.
"Your talent?" the judge asked.
The scruffy-looking guy pulled out all of the pencils he had in his pocket. He used them to slice through the air, wielding them like how one might draw a sword. Well, in this case, daggers, considering how short a pencil was compared to a sword. Halfway through, he tossed the pencils in the air and grabbed them with his left hand. The pencils danced through the air just as majestically as they had in his right hand. Some of his motions were so quick, I couldn't even tell what he was doing.
"Neo..." the judge breathed out.
Wait. Back up a moment. That scruffy guy is... Neo...?
That name sounded really familiar.
The scruffy-looking guy stuck his pencils back in his pocket. "Finally, someone recognized me."
The judge shook his head in wonder. "You look so different... In any case, we have a lot to catch up on." He picked up his papers and shuffled them. "Go on. I don't think you need me to tell you, but this role doesn't suit you. I have something else in mind for you."
"Tch," was his reply.
I brushed shoulders with him as he left the stage. He gave me a smirk and said, "Child, all yours now."
I hadn't been nervous before this, but for some reason, after hearing the name "Neo" and coming in close proximity with him, my heart was now pounding ridiculously fast. I walked forward to the center of the stage. I took a deep breath to ready myself.
The judge, a dark-haired man, greeted me. "You are here to audition for the role of Earth Knight. Please share with us a talent of yours."
I nodded. I opened my mouth and let the singing flow through, crisp and high. They wanted to see a talent of ours, huh? Well, I was sure my singing could put many professional singers to shame.
And so, I sang.
And sang.
Higher and higher. Loud and clear.
My throat was tired, but that didn't matter. I'd squeeze out the notes if that was the last thing I did!
When I reached the end and the notes died down, I could tell that the judge was completely stunned. Silence greeted me.
That was, until the guy in line behind suddenly said, "Grisia?"
Reflexively, I glanced back at getting called.
His deep frown looked so very familiar.
the end
Haha... What in the world is happening in this fic?!
I had a dream yesterday that I was Grisia. It was bizarre. I was auditioning for the role of Earth Knight after failing the audition for Sun Knight. :'D Such a strange thing to dream about... I don't know why Neo was a scruffy-looking guy, but he was! And I was super surprised to hear him get called Neo by the judge. I believe everyone was reincarnated, but most didn't know each other yet. This is what happens when I try to write fic before sleeping... (I was working on My Very Own Creature of Darkness). Must've influenced my dreams. I wish I knew who had gotten the Sun Knight role, and what happened with this audition.
It was a pretty fun dream though. :'D