Raphael is drawn to the Safe House

Jun 03, 2010 11:41

Time: April 27, around two AM
Place: on the front lawn of the Manor
Status: PUBLIC (anyone up at 2AM who wants to find him catching his discorporation out there)
Summary: A tired and weary Archangel discovers the Manor

Raphael kept on, feeling drawn by an unknown force that seemed to tug at his weakened aura. )

duncan, rose, atlan, joe, .closed, raphael

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Comments 87

josephdawson June 3 2010, 20:16:21 UTC
Joe woke drenched in sweat. The covers lay on the floor, what remained on his bed was tangled up quite remarkably ( ... )


halosphere June 3 2010, 22:47:51 UTC
Raphael slowly opened his eyes, tiny droplets of rain falling from his lashes. He saw the man standing at a distance and for a moment his entire body stiffened, drenched wings snapping back in "fight-or-flight". Instead of looking intimidating however, another shiver just made him look as miserable as he felt. The bunny, sensing the Archangel's unease, shifted in his arms, bringing Raphael's compassionate instincts to the surface.

He slowly rose to his feet, careful not to do anything that would be considered threatening. Not that he was much of a threat with his presence as weak as it was, but that bit of information may not be as obvious to some beings.

"Excuse me..." He gritted his teeth, failing miserably at surpressing his shivering. "Could I get a dry blanket and maybe a carrot?" The poor bunny needed some food and something dry and warm. 


josephdawson June 4 2010, 06:16:01 UTC
"Excuse me", Joe said perplexed as he heard the request. Had the man just asked for a carrot? He seemed weak, possibly hurt - seemingly confused. Joe kept a hand on his weapon just in case.

"Are you injured, sir?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice. "Here, why don't you come inside. It's certainly dryer there."


halosphere June 4 2010, 11:15:16 UTC
He seemed a bit uncertain, but the bunny in his arms needed to be somewhere dry. He gave a nod and slowly moved across the lawn. When he was close to the man the bunny poked its head out of the sopping makeshift blanket and sniffed curiously, droplets of water glittering on its wet fur. Its eyes shone in the flickering night.

"Are you sure it's alright?" Raphael didn't want to impose and he was well aware of how he must appear- wet, bloody, clothes torn and huge draping wings soaked with rainwater. It wasn't the sort of thing most people liked having in their building. Still, despite his uncertainty, he did want to go inside. It felt safe, and even though he couldn't explain why that was so, he still wanted to seek refuge beneath it.

He suddenly sensed the weapon (a gun, perhaps? He couldn't tell, his senses were fuzzy and clouded, like murky water in a pond) and stiffened again. "I have a very scary attack bunny," he said, hoping he sounded convincing. The shivering didn't help and the places where the demon had sliced into him ( ... )


Really? My phone displays them nicely below each other. josephdawson June 6 2010, 07:36:28 UTC
"Yes," Joe said, almost wincing in sympathy as he watched the angel. "It's a hotel. A friend of mine wanted to come here for a while, and since nothing was keeping me where we were before, it's usually fun to be around him and I wasn't exactly opposed to a change of scenery either, I decided to tag along. Then it turned out they had a bar with no bartender attached, and so here I am."

The bunny was as dry as it was likely to get here and now. Joe put the wet towel on the counter, deposited the bunny on top of it and pushed himself to his feet.

"I'll get your little one a bowl of water and see if there's any leftover vegetables in the restaurant," he said. "And then we really better get someone with medical training in here to tend to you."


I use a phone too but it displays them scootched over. Hooray for cell phone Internet usage!! :D halosphere June 6 2010, 08:49:54 UTC
Raphael reached a hand over and lightly stroked the bunny's cheek, smiling when it nuzzled into his hand. "Do you think I could stay here?" he asked quietly. As vulnerable as he was right now it would be nice. "Who would I have to talk to?"

He felt his cheeks color slightly, setting the now-slightly bloody towel down and picking up the other clean one. He undid the rest of his braid so he could towel it dry. He wondered if Joe realized he was speaking of getting a doctor for a doctor, or rather, a doctor for the Archangel of Healing, but decided no matter what he said he knew he did need help getting his corporeal body fixed up before it died of any number of things, bleeding and infections the most likely.

Physician, heal thyself..."Thank you for your kindness," he said genuinely, his torn up wings rustling slightly behind him. "I'll help you clean up the mess." And then if he ever got his powers back, he would gift Joe with anything he asked. Well, within reason of course. Raphael was the type to always remember another's kindness ( ... )


Lets me play while keeping night watch or while working in the stables. Comes in very handy. josephdawson June 6 2010, 18:36:45 UTC
"There is one Mary Hodges, and a girl, Rose, who check in new guests. The way I understand it, angels and demons are free to stay as long as they wish as long as they do not harm each other or any of the people in the village. Excuse me for a second. I'll be right back."

As fast as he could, Joe walked over to the restaurant to help himself to something he could offer the rabbit.

When he returned, he wordlessly got out two shallow dishes, filling one with leftover vegetables, the other with water, and putting both down in front of the animal. He was very much aware that he still had not answered the last question.

"At the moment," Joe said finally, "my deepest wish is giving me nightmares almost every single night. Can you hide those wings? I'd like to call that doctor now." He reached for his phone.


I don't own a computer so I definately agree with the handy-ness of it :3 halosphere June 6 2010, 19:51:02 UTC
Fella sniffed at the bowl curiously, then upon realizing what was inside was edible he started chewing on a few celery sticks. He also licked up the fresh water until it was nearly gone before returning to the vegetables.

Raphael chuckled and scratched the animal behind the ears. He thought about what Joe had said, about his greatest wish giving him nightmares. He was about to ask about it when Joe reached for the phone. Stiffening he slammed his hand over the reciever. "No! I mean..." His cheeks colored at his outburst, moving his hand back sheepishly and hoping he didn't just break Joe's hand. He may be weak but he was still an angel. "I can't winch in my wings," he explained, feeling more like a helpless animal than an Archangel. "Uhm, if you can get me a suture kit and some disinfectant I can do it myself." The only thing was, he couldn't do his wings on his own. Or his back. Or...

Ah bummer... He needed help but... "I can't winch in my wings," he repeated in defeat, his gaze shifting to the bunny happily finishing its meal.


mcleod1592 June 8 2010, 11:27:56 UTC
"I'm Duncan McLeod," Duncan said as he knelt before the being. "What happened to you?"

He professionally appraised Raphael's wounds. "You need a doctor," he pointed out. "How long since you got those?" he indicated the cuts.

He also kept one hand firmly on the being's shoulder to keep him from trying to rise again.


josephdawson June 8 2010, 11:29:43 UTC
"I found him that way," Joe told Duncan. "He was standing by the gates in the rain, looking worse than he does now. He also can't 'winch his wings' as he said, so takin' him to hospital is pretty much out of the question, don't you agree?"


halosphere June 8 2010, 11:46:58 UTC
"Erm... Since around one PM yesterday..." He reached over and picked up the bunny, who snugged into his side. To be honest he was surprised he hadn't been discorporated by the injuries, blood loss and infections aside. An attack like that would have destroyed a human easily.

Letting out a shuddered sigh he looked up at the two, green eyes shining. "I'm with Joe on- on that one. No hospital. Please," he added, remembering to be polite. He could make the doctors forget he had wings, but he would rather just avoid that whole ordeal altogether. Altering the memories of a few strangers was completely different from altering the memories of an entire medical facility. In all honesty he was truly touched by their desire to help him, a total stranger that showed up at an ungodly hour. And pretty much made a mess all over their floor... So much for first impressions... Why were humans so different like that? What was it that made some fight for others while some simply destroyed themselves? What was it that would make a human take in a total ( ... )


roseheerkens June 8 2010, 12:06:03 UTC
Rose eyed the blood, the water and the feathers on the floor curiously. What had happened here? At that moment she didn't even think about the fact that she'd have to clean up the mess later.

Another noise came from the direction of the bar and a few quick steps brought her to the appropriate door. She opened the door slowly, warily, and looked inside.

Joe she knew. She worked for him after all. The other man she'd only seen once or twice. Hadn't he been with the fighting angels. The second man was holding someone down, someone who was bleeding, someone who had wings!

"What's going on here?"

Rose asked.


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 14:32:01 UTC
Duncan scooped up the nearly unconscious demon before he could fall again and possibly injure himself even more ( ... )


roseheerkens June 9 2010, 14:43:45 UTC
Rose watched as the stranger put the injured stranger - she really needed to get names from them, and soon - on the bed. He obviously started to treat the wounds and Rose tokk a step closer.

"Can I help you, sir? I don't have medical training, but I have two functional hands, am not exactly weak and don't faint when I see blood."

Considering the sheer amount of wounds on that being, the stranger probably could use some help...


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 14:56:38 UTC
"Get some water from the bar," Duncan said. "We oughta try and get some fluids into him again."

He hardly knew where he could touch without hurting the demon worse. He didn't even want to think about another pair of hands messing around. Hell, why didn't they have a doctor in the hotel?


halosphere June 9 2010, 16:24:24 UTC
Raphael was only blearily aware of what was going on. He felt his body sink into soft cushion, wings awkwardly draped on either side of them. They were so large that they draped to the floor, smudging blood onto the carpet.

His mind latched onto what he understood... Bleeding in the lungs, stomach and intestinal damage... Heart pumping harder to make up for blood loss... Why were human bodies so fragile?

He let out a wimper and flinched beneath the touch.


kristallprinz June 10 2010, 13:59:16 UTC
The being - Raphael, it called itself, was coming to again ( ... )


halosphere June 10 2010, 14:16:56 UTC
He coughed a little, opening bleary eyes at the beings still in the room with him. He offered a grateful smile, wings finally freed and drooping haphazardly over the edge of the bed he was on. One of them -the white haired one- had angry scars marked on his stomach, peeking out the opening in his robe.

scars caused by a knife or evil claws raking through skin or death death death coming-

"How'd 'ou 'et those scars?" he slurred, grimacing as if he were feeling the pain of them himself. He reached for one of the water bottles, just barely out of his ability to grasp. His cheeks burned in embarrassment at being so darned helpless.


kristallprinz June 10 2010, 15:38:19 UTC
Atlan reached for a bottle and a cup, filled the latter with water and held it up to Raphael's lips.

"Surgery," he said. "They're not nearly as bad as they look."

He did not tell him that they were reminders of all the times he'd swallowed his cell activator to keep it from being stolen or forcefully taken from him.


halosphere June 10 2010, 15:57:22 UTC
He slowly sipped the cool water, vaguely tasting the remaining blood in his throat. He finished what was in the cup and nodded gratefully, still curious about those scars. Surgical scars were not that harsh, they had to have been from an emergency operation. Raphael swallowed the lump in his throat (or maybe it was a chunk of dried blood...) as he remembered multiple times at the battlefields of Earth ripping open a man's chest to removed a poisoned arrow head or an explosive hidden within a kamikaze or a bullet lodged in the spine or lungs blocking air...

Why were humans destructive?
Why did they insist upon destroying themselves and each other...?

He wiped his damp cheek, smudging it with blood. " 'm so'y for the t'ouble," he rasped.


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