Raphael is drawn to the Safe House

Jun 03, 2010 11:41

Time: April 27, around two AM
Place: on the front lawn of the Manor
Status: PUBLIC (anyone up at 2AM who wants to find him catching his discorporation out there)
Summary: A tired and weary Archangel discovers the Manor

Raphael kept on, feeling drawn by an unknown force that seemed to tug at his weakened aura. )

duncan, rose, atlan, joe, .closed, raphael

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mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 14:32:01 UTC
Duncan scooped up the nearly unconscious demon before he could fall again and possibly injure himself even more.

As quickly as he could, with the awkward bundle in his arms, he hurried out of the bar, through the lobby and up the stairs. He hoped Rose wouldn't be too angry at the new trail they left, and he hoped Joe would have the good sense to close the door and keep the bunny in.

What had she said? 110?

The door to that room was open, and obviously the girl had already prepared the bed for them. He put his burden down on it very, very carefully. Outside he heard Joe make his slow way up the stairs.

He pulled scissors from the first aid kit and carefully cut away the remains of the man's tattered lab coat. Had he been posing of a doctor, of all things?
He wadded up a piece of the already bloody cloth and pressed it against the cut in the demon's side that had opened again and was oozing blood.

"For heaven's sake don't get upset again," he muttered, unsure if he was even heard, less certain still if mentioning heaven to a demon was a good idea. "You'll kill yourself that way. Just rest easy now and try not to make things worse again."


roseheerkens June 9 2010, 14:43:45 UTC
Rose watched as the stranger put the injured stranger - she really needed to get names from them, and soon - on the bed. He obviously started to treat the wounds and Rose tokk a step closer.

"Can I help you, sir? I don't have medical training, but I have two functional hands, am not exactly weak and don't faint when I see blood."

Considering the sheer amount of wounds on that being, the stranger probably could use some help...


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 14:56:38 UTC
"Get some water from the bar," Duncan said. "We oughta try and get some fluids into him again."

He hardly knew where he could touch without hurting the demon worse. He didn't even want to think about another pair of hands messing around. Hell, why didn't they have a doctor in the hotel?


halosphere June 9 2010, 16:24:24 UTC
Raphael was only blearily aware of what was going on. He felt his body sink into soft cushion, wings awkwardly draped on either side of them. They were so large that they draped to the floor, smudging blood onto the carpet.

His mind latched onto what he understood... Bleeding in the lungs, stomach and intestinal damage... Heart pumping harder to make up for blood loss... Why were human bodies so fragile?

He let out a wimper and flinched beneath the touch.


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 16:44:08 UTC
"Don't die on me, okay?" Duncan told him, not sure if he was even heard. "I know you're hurting, but these must be cleaned and bandaged properly. I'll try to be quick about it, okay? You just concentrate on staying alive."


kristallprinz June 9 2010, 16:55:15 UTC
He had been sleeping fitfully to begin with and now he found it impossible to ignore the noise outside in the hallway. Now someone was trampling up the stairs even...

How was a man supposed to sleep like that?

Resolved to find out what was going on, he got up, slipped on a dressing gown and left his room.

A door across the hall was open and someone was talking in there.

Not just talking his extra-sense reminded him.

Indeed not. He heard a suppressed moan coming from that direction.

He moved over to that door, just as a man came in sight at the stairs, struggling up the steps with a death-grip on the railing and a cane. His mouth twitched at the sight, and he entered room 110.

A man was kneeling besides the bed, on which there lay a being with large, red wings.

Tiredness and anger were quickly forgotten. This must be one of the beings he had come here to find! But it was bleeding, hardly stirring anymore. If the man kneeling besides it was killing it, he would--

"What are you doing there?" he asked, his voice calm, controlled but with an icy edge to it. "Are you butchering him? Whatever he is?"

He was quite well aware of the impression he had to make, standing there in the open door, shoulder-length white hair tangled from his unrestful sleep, a set of angry scars visible over his stomach because he had not bothered to tie the dressing gown.


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 16:57:31 UTC
"That," Duncan said, "is an injured demon."

Considering the facts of the case, what with the wings clearly visible and all, it would've been difficult to deny it.

"He walked in on us like that. I'm trying to save his life here."


roseheerkens June 9 2010, 17:03:23 UTC
Rose stared at the stranger for a moment. In her opinion that being needed more blood, not water. But she couldn't think of any way of getting more blood into its system.

Before she could leave Mr von Arcon entered the room. And obviously misunderstood the situation, thinking the stranger wanted to kill the other stranger. You really need their names soon. Or you'll have to number them. Stanger 1 and stranger 2...

"Mr von Arcon, please, we're trying to help him. None of us knows where he got those injuries..."

And to stranger 1 she said: "I'll get the water, sir."

The next moment she was out the door and on her way downstairs.


halosphere June 9 2010, 18:48:13 UTC
Demon... He heard demon and felt panic through his body, though it was a numbing throb. He couldn't feel the pain anymore and he knew from his time in the medical field that when a human stopped feeling pain it was not a good thing. He vaguely sensed another being, but he was too dim to make out anything specific.

His senses were fuzzy and dull, but he tried to focus on his injuries. The powers he had were almost non-existant but he had to... he had to try...

Concentrating hard he forced healing energy into the worse parts of his body, trying to seal his internal bleeding. He felt the familiar tingling, but it was slow. Too slow. And not enough. At the most he had managed to stop the internal bleeding to where he was no longer teetering on the edge of discorporation, but it could still be potentially fatal.

Michael would be quite upset if I came here and got discorporated before getting to say hello... he thought dimly. And he didn't get to see Gabriel or Aziraphale. And his bunny was still lost somewhere!

His wing twitched in response to what was spoken, hoping it would be taken as an affirmative that yes, he was holding on with everything he had.


kristallprinz June 9 2010, 19:07:09 UTC
Atlan stepped aside to let the girl through.

His best chance at getting home was just bleeding to death in front of his eyes! He had to do something... anything.

But the barbarians in the room would certainly -- well, never mind that. He had some gadgets with him. Altering their memories would be easy. They were sure to be susceptible.

He took off the egg-shaped pendant he was wearing on a chain around his neck, quickly covered the distance to the bed and placed it carefully on the injured being's chest.

"Don't ask," he told the man kneeling by the bed. "You wouldn't understnad anyway. It'll help him."

He stood back, keeping a close eye on the watch he wore on his wrist that, in addition to telling the time, concealed a few little extras. He'd have a few minutes before he had to take it back. The small device would greatly speed up the healing process, helping the injured body seal wounds that otherwise would take weeks to heal within hours. However, it was attuned to his own genetic code and would kill anyone else if it was attached to them for too long. He assumed an hour or so would be safe, but he'd try for less than that. He hoped it would be enough to help the being to pull through.


halosphere June 9 2010, 19:38:54 UTC
Raphael stiffened abruptly, feeling the source of something of special powers slowly moving through his body. He gasped sharply and began violently coughing, the blood in his lungs trying to expel itself as if by some unknown force. He contorted in pain, coughing intk his palms, wings rustling from the force.

Something was healing him... He could feel it slowly travelling through his injured body like ink covering carpeting. "Can't... Can't... breathe..." he gasped, gripping at the collar of his scrub top as if it were too tight. Blood sprinkled on his mouth and cheek.

Something... Something was healing him...


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 19:50:35 UTC
"Whatever it is, it's hurting him!" Duncan exclaimed, trying to push the egg-pendant the other man had just placed on his patient away.

Who was that stranger anyway, barging in here and trying to take charge? And telling him not to ask questions!


kristallprinz June 9 2010, 19:55:07 UTC
He quickly put his hand over the other man's, keeping the cell activator in contact with the injured being, while he slid his free arm below it's shoulders just above where the wings attached to help him sit up a little.

"Easy there," he told him as comfortingly as he could manage. "You'll be better in a moment."

For good measure and to drive home that he was not one of these barbarians, he repeated his words in his native tongue. If this being was from another world, it was likely to understnad and recognised the language of the empire.

Inside, he rejoiced. This being would owe him its life. That was certainly something to start from.


josephdawson June 9 2010, 19:56:58 UTC
Realising that there was no space for yet another person by the bed, Joe remained near the door and watched. The white-haired man had an air to him that he had come to associate with immortals of the oldest kind.

He would have to ask Duncan about it later.


halosphere June 9 2010, 20:15:27 UTC
Raphael lifted his head, eyes shining with recognition at what was being spoken. He would have responded in the same language but his throat was blocked with blood and thus kept the grateful words trapped unspoken. What remained of his braid tumbled over his shoulder and he clenched his eyes shut, trying to keep from crying out in agony.


mcleod1592 June 9 2010, 20:38:09 UTC
"Can't you see he's suffering?" Duncan asked the other man as he once more tried to push his hand and the device aside. "Hasn't he been through enough already today?"


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