Chapter Three: Trouble in the City -- MAN DOWN

Jun 20, 2010 21:56

Who: Cloud, Haurke, Veld, Vincent, Elfe, Aerith
When: Just after this post.
Location: City of the Ancients
Rating: PG13 +

The earth shakes violently as Veld's blood begins to sink into the cracks of the aged stone. Before Galian Beast or Elfe can move to attack the Remnant again, he vanishes into a hole in the walls. Kadaj is the least of their concerns. The ground trembles yet again and then shoots up, pitching everyone who was standing near the center of the city up into the air a few inches when it stops.

In the center of the newly raised platform a series of glowing letters stand out. Though the engravings are in Cetain, they are clear as day to Aerith and Haruke "The Blood of the Paladin Awakens the Voice". On the top and looking newly crafted, the Holy Machine hums alive.

Speaking of bleeding knights, Elfe's cure worked in stopping that, but Veld's not going to be moving under his own power anytime soon. The old man needs to get to a place he can rest. Meanwhile, the Holy Machine is begging for attention. Hopefully Kadaj is gone...


- Contact Rufus/Turks now in Junon
- Get Veld settled back in the camp that was founded here
- Explore that Holy Machine!

*chapter three, vincent, veld, haruke, elfe, cloud

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