Title: Overnight TherapyAuthor: LSM71059
Fandom: Spooks
Characters: Lucas
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season Seven
Summary: Lucas North has someone to confide in and take care of him when the nightmares and bad flashbacks happen.
Disclaimer: All Spooks Characters are the intellectual property of the BBC.
The Inspiration for this story was taken from
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Comments 20
I'm working on it.
Have you gotten to see any of 8? I'm loving it and hating it all at the same time!! lol I'm sure you can guess why.
Yep, I've seen the first two episodes.
Fast, taut, and I really like the way you broke this one down - containing all viewpoints in one chapter, as opposed to breaking it down over two. The quickening pace and the unfolding events probably demand this style, and I LIKE IT! Nice and self-contained. It really works. ;-) If you're looking for any outside input, please consider keeping this style going, especially as I am assuming the events of the upcoming chapters may demand it.
Oh Eric, Lori's a'comin'!!! With the aid of Lucas. Oh yay. Looks to be a looong weekend for them both. So much for Lucas being back on the grid by Monday a.m. Guess THAT will give Ros something to bitch about...OOoohhh, ESPECIALLY if he is going anywhere near...RUSSIA! Oh you CLEVER THING, you! Heee!
(On a smart ass note, glad the laundry's done.) I thought I was the only non-military person, outside of Washington DC, who actually uses the term "plausible deniability" in a normal conversation. ;-) You ROCK.
I'm going to keep this short so I can spend some quality time with the BBB situation this morning.
Thanks for the in depth review. It really helps with my inspiration on this tale.
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