Title: Overnight TherapyAuthor: LSM71059
Fandom: Spooks
Characters: Lucas
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season Seven
Summary: Lucas North has someone to confide in and take care of him when the nightmares and bad flashbacks happen.
Disclaimer: All Spooks Characters are the intellectual property of the BBC.
The Inspiration for this story was taken from
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Glad to hear BBB is still alive. I was as in doubt as Lori herself.
For Lucas' point of view:
I really love how you made the differences between the two of them by just looking at their laundry stuff. One T-shirt could speak so aloud sometimes. I might consider start a new merchandising bussiness on your fic. T-shirt with quotes like "3B rocks!" "Dancing with the devil by the moonlight" or "I love Chinese food time!"
Ok. I'll stop here this bussiness mood cause I'm having some crazy ideas you 'll will know about it later.
I Know Lucas will be more than ready and pleased to be of service. That "Dancing with the devil.." thing has left me breathless.
For Joe and Donovan's POV:
They are too funny! Looks like an old married couple. And as for spotting different personalities, you've done such a great job here. They are both moved by their affection for Lori but faced in quite a different way.
Now, tell me if I'm getting this right? They are fooling Lori in order not to let her anticipate a rescue? Joe is an old dog but wonders if he finally manage to fool Lori, as he himself said. She's not easy one on the subject.
And this was a totally unexpected twist of events. Good to know Eric's in such good caring hands!
As for Lori's POV:
**I have given my personal assurances that you will do no such thing and stay put till the op is ready to mobilize in order for you to get them. I need your word that you will stay put when I get them to send you the coordinates and.......”**
I'm not sure if this will do the trick for her and make her keep her promise to Joe. It doesn't look like it. As you very well put, she saw red and Eric's not anyone but her "brother". So, this could be a first time for her not keeping her word to Joe, in which matter, she will be cleverly assisted by a certain Mr. North.
I like when she's being all misterious about things. What files are those, I wonder... And what are they good for?
Can't wait to see the three of them together and ready to rescue BBB. Very intrigued about what Joe will think of Lucas and if he will be able to spot something's going on between Lori and her MI-5 assignment. That may be concealed to other eyes, but Joe knows Lori quite well.
Your worries about the chapter had no basis. But I thought I told you that before I even read it. No need to say I'm waiting for the next one, right? But please, feel no pressure at all.
I'm gonna be good and not use the BBB icon on this one cause you are already setting things to get him back. Some nice Suit Lucas.
I have my caffeine this morning in the most usual way of it. No coke but Coffee, so it seems I'm a bit easy now...
Love it, really! Don't die because I take too long to comment. I do not want the whole Lucas Overnight Therapy fandom to put a price for my head LOL!
I'm going to keep this short so I can spend some quality time with the BBB situation this morning.
Thanks for the in depth review. It really helps with my inspiration on this tale.
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