Title: Of Angels and Angles
Fandom: Life on Mars
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3080 words
Notes: Sam/Gene slash. Continuation of
We Both Go Down Together,
Red Right Ankle and
Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect. Title from The Decemberists.
Of Angels and Angles )
Comments 32
Again, kudos for tough!Sam. Thank you!
Firstly because there's so much Leonard whom I adore because he's so brave and honest and oh he's just Leonard AND he has a two-seater but damn him he already has a girl-friend cos otherwise, Leonard, I'm there for you.
Secondly because Gene is a real utter bastard which we tend to shy away from in fics but let's face it, he is, and you write his ugliness so damned well it's still sexy.
Thirdly there could be fourthly and fifthly and so many more things that I could pick out that made me laugh or cry or shudder but the one thing that really made me draw breath and hurt was Sam pushing all his furniture to the extremes of his flat. Sums it all up, really. Please confirm there is going to be more, please...
And if/when dock_leaf and I ever manage to post the fic that started off as text messages exchanged after the final episode of Cranford and the demise of ( ... )
Thanks so much!
Chauffeuring is not a new concept, so I don't know if I'd think of it as ripping off anyway, but I generally never see anything as ripping off. I rather like it when I see people writing stuff inspired by mine. :D
“You could always try kicking it up a notch,” Sam suggests after one especially violent threat involving the legs on a chair, a rubber duck, and reaming.
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