Oh well, it's not long from the last random thing that I write here, I just write something unimportant again? haha. Life has been quiet crowded, aside from my job, I've been abandoned some fangirl stuff due the sucks RL, what can I say
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Comments 38
Haha, kinki, I can't said I'm their fans but I know I like them <3 Since the first time I saw them in doumoto kyoudai when NEWS become their guest. Not to the extent to collect their videos though...
Btw, so sad for your HDD #eh and you too.. I know how hard to collect them all :(
Oh, how's Popcorn screening? Not go to the screening here. *I'm lazy, yeah... XD*
Your treasure, want that penlight too XDD Too bad I didn't order it before..
So, when is your birthday? I think I haven't get a chance to say otan ome :p
And, so, you have decide to go to Airlangga?
Eh, sorry it's become too long.. :p
You know, I was just wondering... why didn't Sei reply my dm yet, it's been so long. And I just found out that I actually the one who haven't replied *how fail can I be seriously*
Aku inget banget udah aku buka di kantor padahal, tapi kayanya ketutup dan kelupaan~ gomen ><"
hahaha, it was fun, and why didn't you go? It'll be awesome~! Arashians always awesome XD
Deshou ne~ I didn't order the pen light but after the preview was out I practically begged the shop to get me one XD
huahahaha, my bday was long passed~ 18th november~
And yesh, I got accepted to Airlangga *this thing that I wanted to tell you through DM also D:* But if I have time and coughmoneycough I will definitely visit Bandung XD
Haha, gawat ini :p
Because I fell like outsider XD I asked my friend but no one can, so...
Hehe, maybe I'll go for the next one :p
Aa, I hope I can order the penlight. Kemarin yang pesen buat arafes itu 3 orang, kita bingung mau yang mana, akhirnya pada taruhan gitu XD Aku ambil yang paling less risk :p uchiwa, nah, temenku beli penlight dan hasilnya lucu~~ Kalo punya uang lebih kayaknya boleh deh beli dari luar :p
Haha, I think it's recently. btw, from that photo, you're the one in the middle? Who blow the candles?
Huahaha, omedetou XDD Makin jauh aja nih :p Hehe, kapan-kapan mampirlah kesini XD Aku kalau bisa nanti mampir juga ke Surabaya atau Semarang :p
Ahhh~ wakaru... I mean if we don't know anyone there it'll be awkward right ^^;
But the uchiwa is quiet nice, Aku ngga ngerasa rugi beli uchiwa juga. Besides, the penlight was real EXPENSIVE. Like super! Itu gaji part time aku pake buat beli penlight langsung ludes~
ya ya~ that's me XD you never see me before? XD
Think about that, I haven't saw your picture at all D:
Deshou ne~ kita jadi ujung ke ujung dah yak~
Moga2 tar bisa yah~ pengen main2 lagi ke luar kota sebelum settle di Surabaya~ XD
Although Arashi is still my ichiban but in general I like Johnny's artist too. ^_^
That's why I also became member in another community for Johnnys artists.
I think the community is like... arashi_on? the general one. From there you can find the subbers and stuff ^^
I've already joined the group. ^_^
PS :
I hope u can buy new HDD, a better one :)
aku mau beli HDD tar sore lol
Alhamdulillah :D
semoga lebih awet dan tidak seperti yang sebelumnya, popo shock aq cerita hdd kamu >< senasip kalian...
Banyak link yang udah matek soalnya, jadi datanya penting bgt...
Ayo tanggung jawab! T___T
Ampuuunnn... tapi unyu2 kan mereka *nahlohbahasakulebai
Huahahaha, ini udah seekstrim arashi nih aku ngumpulin file2nya mereka XD
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