[randomness] Update about life, hello there Surabaya and my brand new love : KinKi Kids <3

May 12, 2013 20:37

Oh well, it's not long from the last random thing that I write here, I just write something unimportant again? haha. Life has been quiet crowded, aside from my job, I've been abandoned some fangirl stuff due the sucks RL, what can I say...?
Just one week ago my HDD is broken, 500 GB file of arashi are gone, like gone gone and now... my PCs are screaming for their low spaces. I can actually copy all files again, but this broken thingy kinda broke my heart, since I gathered all my files for 3 years practically, alone. Lately I found myself not downloading any subbed arashi files... I dunno, it's just... Why do I dl it while I have no earlier files at all. I just downloaded their raw videos, oh well, at least I dl-ed something instead crying over my HDD non-stop. I will buy new HDD soon I guess... maybe 1 TB, but I dunno...

I need to move on from depressed things now, before I cry over my HDD again. I have a good news (at least for myself) haha. For a month (maybe) I start to like KinKi Kids, as now, I officially am following them and join the fandom I guess? Yeah! I have two active fandoms now! This... I dunno, maybe thanks to daisukearashi lol, darl see, what you have done to me~ You made me have another fandom XD

Yay for Domoto Tsuyoshi and Domoto Koichi~!

[Yay new fandom! XD]I have more special feelings for Tsuyoshi (but I really don't know, I still have unsettled feelings for Koichi, I'm afraid someday I will change my ichiban, so maybe for now better to say that I have no ichiban yet or both are my ichibans). I found it's hard to decide between 2 really, It didn't take long for me to decide Aiba as my ichiban back then (partly because he baited me tho XD).

So what about KinKi Kids? Why them?
I don't know haha. I like their voices and personalities so much, how poker face, adorkable, talented Tsuyoshi is. How tsundere Koichi is, the hardworking guy that can be very high about random stuff, such water (I love his gap so much). I love their songs, their interactions to each other and chemistry, and I found out that I don't need reason to love them, just like the way I love Arashi. I like almost all groups in Johnnys, and usually I have ichiban each, anyhow I just follow them randomly, like Johnny's journey's Kitamitu (since he is my ichiban in Kisumai), so when I start to download all KK videos like crazy and feel all high about Tsu's smiles, I know that KK will be the most special between the specials, like Arashi.

It's really hard to follow them though. Arashi used to spoil me, Arashians spoil me so much. I can find whatever list I want, from subbed till raws, until performances (seriously, arashians rock!). It's not hard to track back Arashi really. But KK, honestly speaking KK fandom is not as big as Arashi, there is no many subbers (or ACTIVE subbers there - since new arashi subbers pop up like every month or so?). And I found the old subbers usually left for long time, so in the end there are bunch things I can't download, since the links already broken. I can't even track back the PVs because there is no list, in the other side Tsuyoshi and Koichi have bunch solo projects. It's so...jsefagegdhagshvbavd frustrating. Or maybe it's been long time for me to be a newbie haha, so I'm not used to start all over again. Anyway I will do my best! XD

Btw, they really like to kiss each other, it's so cuteee!! <3


But if any of you are wondering... I'm not leaving arashi (this question somehow pop up for some times from my friends) I'm not leaving at all. I still love Arashi as much as before. I hope it's a good things tho, since I know some people will feel terribly happy if I'm gone, but not yet, or simply, never :D Just now, I have other group that I love as much as I love Arashi~ XD
I was wondering tho, why do some of people think that way... yet I found the answer by myself, this fandom already lost some precious and crucial people (not like I'm one of them to begin with XD) but I think I'll be lonely if I can't talk the things that used to be we like, with my friends (if you understand what I meant XD).

Okay, now shall we talk random stuff about Arashi?
Some weeks ago Arashian Semarang did popcorn screening~ (otsukare minna ^^) and like usual we were kyaaing lots~
Here are the souvenirs and door prize~ and of course our snack while watching the konsato is popcorn XD

[They make storm]It's been so long since I write some report of our activity, but I really can't find the pictures, I guess some are gone along with my broken HDD T^T
I just found this in fb also~ I got surprise part on my previous birthday~ See, how sweet they are, I really will miss them later when I move ;A;

Aside from me bing all lonely atm, let me show you my treasures! XD

I HAVE THE COPY GUYS!! jzhdgjsdjasgdjagfdvbdv!! Honestly talking, this magazine is... well, not like normal magazine, I pay $13 for one page, we can make term like that lol. Anyway, I have the copy so yay!

And thanks to the lovely raphaellachan I also got one copy of TV Person (Baby's hand porn ;A; hand porn~)

And and and!! See this guys!! This my forever treasure!!

KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! ritchuuki drew it for me ;A; I will scan it and give it a nice frame (I wonder if I can put it on my wall XD)

And it's not currently but... finally I have the most beautiful light stick ever... I love it sooo much!

I ordered only uchiwa at that time and sent another order right when I saw the light stick, I thought there is no reason for me not to buy it, so ja jaaaangg~

Well, this is not that treasure treasure, but I got it from unexpected person, my ex lol. It's kind of awkward I guess, but this is first time a guy gave me something related to fandom as birthday present, it was sweet and all I guess since he knows me till that extend *I'm not romantic type definitely*

As for this (those are for sure my treasures, but it's not about that, don't you think Aiba is getting too dark? XD)

He is definitely very dark in the popcorn uchiwa XD

[RL]Another thing about RL, I will start a new semester soon in Surabaya, so if any of you lives in Surabaya let's meet sometimes. I just know some Arashian in Surabaya, I hope I will get more friends the time I start to live there. Since I think my life will be pretty much frustrating with assignments and stuff lol. Although I surely miss to attend classes, call me DoM but I prefer to study than work. I will start to study master degree of Psychology in University of Airlangga, so really, as long as you are in Surabaya we can meet! :D

I'm VERY excited about this, since finally I will leave my city! I will surely miss my bffs and arashians here (and not like I won't back at all) but... I need some clear air and new situation. I want to start anew, doing things in a place where most of people have no relation at all with me, nor know me to begin with. And I love Surabaya so much, I just went there twice (for my test and registration) but I already like the city and I'm glad to get the university there.

I'll see you guys later~ ^^/

r : don't touch your hair tsuyoshi!, r : tsuyoshi's pout is killing me, r : just marry already sakuraiba!, arashi, kinki kids, !random-ness, r : i will share koichi with pan, r : aiba is rawr!, r : sho! the sex god!

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