Aug 30, 2009 20:59
just did a friends cut. no hard feelings. you were probably cut because of an inactive journal or because i feel like we didn't have anything in common. if i cut you, please remove me from your friends. thanks!
May 31, 2009 22:18
wow, the previews for the next Twilight on the MTV awards just gave me the chills.
i haven't even read the books, but i've seen the movie.
& Kristen Stewart is such an awkward person in real life.
mtv awards
May 11, 2009 15:10
I use to be on livejournal about 4 years ago with this same username.
I randomly decided to bring it back.
I'm going to be picky about who I add.
so let me know your name, age, & where you're from.
also, don't add me first! ask to be added please.