Second Chances

Jun 04, 2012 10:48

Author: lovetwo
Artist:    luresoromantic
Title: Second Chances

Summary:  Luke and Reid haven't spoken since that fateful day at Yo's when Luke told Noah he wanted to get back together.  Will a chance meeting in Vegas be a second chance at love, or will it be too little, too late?

Rating: R for language up to NC-17
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Disclaimer:  I do not own any of these characters and I mean no harm.  This is purely my imagination.
Word count: 22,998

Author's note:  This is my very first post on LJ (some of you may know me as love2 on LRO), and I have to admit I'm a little nervous.  This was written for the Reverse BB, inspired by the lovely artwork by luresoromantic. Thanks Heidi for making such a beautiful banner!  I want to give a special thanks to my amazing beta, traciamc. She helped me with my posting, and her patience is truly astounding.  I love you Traci!


Some people are risk takers by nature.   They live for the thrill of new experiences, the rush of the unknown, the high from taking that once in a lifetime chance.  They believe with great risk comes great reward.  Some people are calculated risk takers.  They weigh their options carefully, stack the deck in their favor, and occasionally let the chips fall where they may.  And then, there are some people who regret never taking a risk.  They’re left wondering ‘what if.’  What if I’d taken that risk?  What if I’d gone all in and bet the house?   What if I’d risked…..everything?

Love…. love is the ultimate risk, the ultimate gamble, the ultimate leap of faith.  It’s going all in and risking the one thing that is most fragile to you, your heart.  Love can make you do things you never imagined you’d do, make you feel things you didn’t know existed, and make you want things you didn’t know you could ever have.  It can set your soul ablaze and make you believe that anything is possible.  Everyone wants to be loved, it’s as innate as breathing, and when you fall in love….there’s no going back.  You can’t stop it from happening anymore than you can stop the sun from rising or the tide from rushing in.  But just as the sunrise brings the possibilities of a fresh start, the laws of nature dictate that the sun will also set.  Everything is matter of timing, even love.  People say timing is everything, and as long as you still have time, there’s still a chance.   The thing about second chances is they’re bittersweet, because they’re rare.  What would you do for a second chance at love?  What would you be willing to risk?  Would you be brave enough to take that chance if it came around again?


‘Chances are when said and done

Who’ll be the lucky ones who make it all the way?

Though you say I could be your answer

Nothing lasts forever no matter how it feels today…..’  “Chances” by Five for Fighting

48 hours….A lot can happen in 48 hours.  This was Vegas, after all.  The city that never sleeps, the place where luck and chance, and taking a risk can culminate in….. magic.

“Whoo hooo, Vegas baby!!” Casey shouted as they walked into the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel.  “Vegas baby!” he howled again, as he threw his arms out wide and inhaled the dry desert air deeply into his lungs.

Luke just chuckled at the huge grin plastered across his best friend’s face.   This was gonna be one hell of a weekend, he thought, as he made his way to the check-in desk.

Casey took in his surroundings, letting out a low whistle of approval.  “Sweet,” he commented, scooping up his and Luke’s complimentary glasses of champagne while Luke handled getting their rooms.  “I’m getting married!” he shouted out, holding up both glasses before downing one in one swift gulp.   “Ahhh,” he sighed, smacking his lips together as he nodded at a pretty blonde passing by.

“Your keys, Mr. Snyder,” Kevin said as he slid the key cards over the cool marble surface to Luke.  “I’ll have your bags sent up to your rooms.  Is there anything else we can do for you, Mr. Snyder?”

“No, thank you,” Luke said politely as he pocketed both sets of keys.  Luke knew better than to think that Casey could keep his keys.  Luke had gotten them adjoining rooms, just to be on the safe side.  Allison had made him promise to keep an eye on Casey.  He figured it was better to be safe, than sorry.  They still had a few hours to kill before Will, Gwen, Adam and some of Casey’s law school buddies would be arriving.  The wedding was 46 hours away, and the infamous bachelor party was scheduled for tonight.  Luke and Casey stocked up by catching a few hours of sleep on the Walsh jet in preparation for tonight’s festivities.

“Let’s play some blackjack,” Casey announced, clasping his hands together loudly.

“Anything you want, it’s your night,” Luke said, squeezing Casey’s shoulders while steering him in the direction of the blackjack tables.  The two best friends played blackjack as Casey randomly shouted out, “I’m getting married,” from time to time.  He told anyone within earshot that Luke was his best man with a big dopey grin on his face.

“You know I love you,” Casey cooed in Luke’s ear as Luke swatted his shoulder and shoved him away.

“You’re such a damn sap, and you’ve only had two drinks,” Luke teased.  “You know I love you, too,” he said as he batted his eyelashes at Casey, causing Casey to plant a big wet kiss on his cheek.

“Save it for Allison,” Luke said, wiping his cheek off.

Two hours later, the whole gang had finally arrived.  “Vegas, baby,” was chanted, amongst hugs and high fives, and “I can’t believe you’re getting married,” as everyone greeted each other.  There were eight of them in all, and it was pretty obvious that Luke was going to be the only sober one of the bunch.  He just prayed that no one, especially Casey, would get arrested in the next 46 hours.  Allison warned Casey that she would have his balls amputated if he got arrested and missed the wedding.  Casey just cupped his package saying, “Not my balls, baby.  I need my boys,” as he backed out of the room with Luke in tow.  She made Luke promise to have Casey there on time, and he agreed under the pretense that his balls would be at stake as well.

Everyone headed to their rooms for a quick shower before kicking off the evening.  Luke showered and changed into a pair of dark washed jeans that sat low on his hips and showed off his ass nicely.  He chose a small checked navy and white button down with the cuffs rolled up.  He has a sun-kissed glow from spending time at the farm on the weekends, and his hair was a beautiful golden shade of blonde.  It had that sexy ‘I just got out of bed’ look, that had become his signature style.  Needless to say, he was lookin’ hot.

Casey busted through the door of their adjoining room, just as Luke was putting the finishing touches of gel in his hair.  When Luke emerged from the bathroom in search of his shoes, Casey let out a low whistle.

“Damn,” Casey cat-called as he circled Luke.  “My best man is lookin’ hot tonight.  You should seriously think about hookin’ up with some hot, young stud.   I’m sure the boys are gonna wanna eat you up tonight, lookin’ like that.  Pun intended,” he added, winking playfully.

“Damn, Casey,” Luke said, shaking his head.  Casey always had a way with words….blunt.

“Hey man, if I can’t get laid, you definitely should.  Do it for me,” Casey said, clutching his chest, “in honor of my life of celibacy.  Lord knows you need to get laid,” he added with a smirk.

“Gee thanks, Case.”

“I’m just puttin’ a good vibe out there for ya’.  You know what they say….What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.  “Speaking of which, you know my friend Jeremy totally has the hots for you.  He couldn’t stop talking about you when I told him you’d be here.  This is the perfect place for a hot, steamy, one night stand,” he suggested, raising his eyebrows at Luke.

Luke just blushed and ducked his head as he slid on his shoes.  “Jeremy is good looking….” he allowed.

“You’re totally thinking about it, aren’t you?” Casey smirked in triumph.

Luke grabbed his keys and his wallet, ignoring Casey, and shoved them into his pocket before holding the door open, waiting for Casey to follow.

“Let’s get my best man laid,” Casey announced as he clasped Luke’s shoulder tightly.  Luke just laughed as the door closed behind them.  This was definitely going to be a night to remember.


After a large dinner, the group headed over to the newest casino on the strip.  It had several bands, including The Script and Maroon Five, playing that night.  It was famous for turning the dance floor into a suds party after 2 am.  Casey made the group promise that someone would get naked at the party.  After all, he said it was his bachelor party wish, and who could refuse the wish of a man who was going to have to live a life of celibacy.  Luke just rolled his eyes, knowing Casey would probably be the one getting naked.  He’d always had a propensity toward public stripping.

The group walked into the casino and headed to one of three different bars that surrounded a gigantic dance floor.  The band was playing on a raised stage in the center of the room, while the dance floor fanned out in 360 degrees.  There was a bar in each corner of the room, as well as one upstairs.  It was crowded, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable, as they made their way through the crowd to the nearest bar.  Luke’s eyes scanned the room, casually taking in the view.  He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, causing Casey to slam into the back of him.  His feet were glued to the floor as his heart leapt into his throat.  He couldn’t even register the music playing over the sudden pounding in his ears.

“What the hell, Man?” Casey questioned as he peeled himself off Luke’s back.

Luke didn’t move.  He didn’t even appear to have heard him.  He just stood there, like a statue.

“Luke?” Casey shouted, trying to get his attention, but stopped when he noticed the look on his friend’s face.  Casey followed his line of sight across the room.  That’s when he saw…Him.  Casey’s mouth suddenly went dry as he took in Luke’s pale color.    Oh, fuck!

Two years, 8 months, and 21 days ago…… That was the moment that Luke knew his life would never be the same again.  He could pinpoint it down to a singular moment, the moment Reid Oliver walked out of his life.  That was when everything changed for him.  The day he told Noah he wanted him back.  God, how he’d regretted that moment every day since.  That singular decision set off a chain of events that changed his life forever.   For some reason, Luke couldn’t stop counting the days.  It served as a cruel reminder of the biggest mistake he’d ever made….letting Reid go.

Casey had a front row seat to the fallout, and it was epic.  Noah had gotten his eyesight back, thanks to Reid, and Luke was torn between his old love, and his new feelings for Reid.  And when faced with having to make a decision between the two, Luke freaked out and chose what was safe and familiar.  He told Noah he wanted to get back together, despite the fact that just an hour before he was kissing Reid, and God…nothing had ever felt so right.  What he felt for Reid was so strong, and intense, and all-consuming, that he questioned how it could possibly be real?  How could he be falling for Reid so quickly, when he’d been with Noah for over 3 years?   Three freaking years, that should mean something, right?  But what he felt for Reid during that one kiss blew that theory out of the water.  He didn’t understand how one person’s touch could affect him so deeply, so instantly.  It was all too much, so he ran.  He ran back to what he knew, what was safe.  But it wasn’t what he wanted.  Even Noah could see that Luke had feelings for Reid.   Unfortunately for Luke, by the time he realized he was in love with Reid, it was too late.  Reid was already gone.  Not long after that, Noah moved to L.A., leaving Luke all alone.   Casey was left to help Luke pick up the pieces, and it wasn’t pretty.

Luke was unable to tear his eyes away from Reid.  There he was, just across the room, seated at the bar.  It was surreal.  He’d thought about this moment for so long.  What he would do if he ever saw Reid again?  What he would say if given a second chance?  He’d dreamed about it, daydreamed about it, and definitely fantasized about it, but honestly, he never expected to see Reid again.  Now that it was an actual possibility that he could talk to him, touch him, he was completely overwhelmed.  Half of him wanted to run away, and the other half, well, the other half, wanted to wrap his arms around Reid and never let him go.  Truth be told, he was scared shitless.  He didn’t know how Reid would react to seeing him after so long.  Would he be angry?  Would he just walk away?  Would he even care?  That was the real question.   After all, Reid had made it pretty clear by his actions that he didn’t want anything to do with Luke.  He had never, not once, tried to contact Luke.  He’d literally vanished when he left.   All traces of him, and anything they’d shared were simply… gone.  Reid had also gone to great lengths to cut Luke out of his life.  He’d changed his number, deleted his email accounts, and even barred the hospital from accepting Luke’s calls.   Even Katie didn’t know how to reach him.  When Reid finally contacted her a month later, she was forbidden from saying anything to Luke.  Reid made her swear, on their friendship, that she wouldn’t talk about Luke or tell Luke where he was.  It was the only way he knew how to cope.

Luke eventually found out that Reid had accepted a job with the Mayo Clinic.  At one point, Luke had gotten so desperate to talk to Reid, that he’d driven halfway to Virginia.  By that time, too much time had passed without a spoken word, and it would have been presumptuous to show up out of the blue and expect that Reid would want anything to do with him.  So, Luke did the only thing left he could do…  He dreamed.  He fantasized.  He wrote in his journal what he would say, what he would do if he ever got a second chance.   Sometimes his fantasies wouldn’t involve any words.   Those were his favorite ones, the ones where he got to do the things with Reid that he’d wanted to do that day at Lily’s.  The kiss that they’d shared that day was so much more than a kiss, it was the start of something new.  But then his words got in the way and fucked everything up.   For someone who was a writer, when it came to Reid, Luke was better without words.  It was his words that got in the way and tripped him up the first time.  The irony of the situation was that for all Reid’s proclamations about how he hated talking, his words were the things that haunted Luke the most.  Reid may not have shared his whole life story, but the few words he had spoken were so pure, and powerful, and honest.  That was the one thing that Reid had always given Luke, honesty….the one thing that Luke couldn’t give back.  Reid’s words echoed in Luke’s mind as he stared across the room at the one man who still held his heart captive.

“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time, Luke.”

“How do I make you feel?”

“I don’t play games Luke, I’m not that guy.”

“Something’s been brewing between us for a long time, and deep down, you wanted it to happen just as much as I did.”

“Do you want me to pretend like nothing happened between us?  That’s not the way I work, and we both know it isn’t true.”

“All I can think about is whether or not you like me, and if you want me as much as I want you.”

And the one that haunted Luke’s dreams, and stalked his heart, and made him whisper Reid’s name into the darkness as he stroked himself…..

“I want to be alone with you….”

Luke’s knees began to buckle, as his mind was assaulted by their time together, however brief it was.  He could recall every touch, every look, every word…..every missed chance.   So many wasted chances….

Luke felt a strong hand wrap around his arm and support his weight as his legs gave way.

“I’ve got you,” Casey said, as he guided him to sit down.

“He’s here,” is all Luke could manage to get past his lips.

“I know,” Casey said softly.  His heart went out to his best friend.  He remembered all too well the months that Luke had barely eaten, the hollowness that had tainted his eyes, the look of regret that cloaked his body.

“Two years, 8 months and 21 days,” Luke whispered, as if in a trance.

“Do you want to go?” Casey asked.  His concern for his best friend was increasing exponentially with each passing second.  “I’ll just go get the rest of the guys,” he said softly, soothingly.

“No!” Luke said, coming back to his senses as his hand shot out and grabbed Casey’s wrist.  “It’s fine.  I’m fine,” he said, trying to reassure him.  Reid was here…..there was no way in hell he was leaving.

“Are you sure?” Casey asked as he turned his friend to face him, searching his face as he lightly massaged his shoulders.

“Yeah,” Luke said, tearing his eyes away from Reid to meet Casey’s concerned ones.  Luke inhaled a shuttering breath, “God, I could use a fucking drink right about now,” he joked as brief smile crossed his face.

Casey laughed.  He didn’t know what else to do, he felt completely helpless.

“I need to talk to him,” Luke said as he inhaled a deep, cleansing breath.  This was his chance, the one he’d dreamed about.

“What are you going to say?” Casey asked hesitantly.  He was concerned for his friend.  He’d watched Luke struggle, and stumble, nearly losing his sobriety, as he picked up the pieces of his broken heart and put it back together.  He didn’t want to see him go through that again, he didn’t know if he could.

“I’m not entirely sure,” Luke said honestly.  “But I have to talk to him.  I have to take this chance.  I never thought I’d see him again,” he said, biting his lip as tears sprung to his eyes.  Suddenly, his mind transported him back to his dreams, the only place where Reid resided anymore, the only place Luke thought he’d ever see Reid again.  Casey’s gentle hand on his shoulder brought him back to the present, where Reid was.  Reid was here…….

Luke stood up on shaky legs.  He smoothed his hands down his shirt and took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.  This was his chance.

“I’ll be right here, if you need anything,” Casey said reassuringly.

Luke took a few tentative steps forward, before abruptly stopping, “What if he hates me?” he asked, turning back toward Casey.

“How could anyone hate you?  You’re the best man I know,” Casey said sincerely.  “But just in case, I’m not above kicking his ass,” Casey teased, arching an eyebrow, causing a grin to appear on Luke’s face.

“Good to know,” Luke said nodding his head.  It was just the thing he needed to take his mind off the situation.  Casey always had his back.

Here goes nothing….

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