Second Chances - Part 2

Jun 05, 2012 10:29

Author: lovetwo
Artist: luresoromantic


Reid and Trey were having drinks at the bar. They were in Vegas attending a medical convention because they were forced by their Chief of Staff to give lectures on their latest research findings they’d recently published. They still had two more days of lectures, and after today, they both needed a drink. They’d become colleagues at the Mayo Clinic two years ago when Trey joined the staff as a cutting-edge, up-and-coming neurosurgeon. Well, they were more than colleagues, they were also good friends. The two men hit it off instantly, as Trey wasn’t one for bullshit, and he was almost as skilled as Reid was… almost. Secretly, if Trey had his way, they would be more than friends.

Trey loved Vegas. It was the perfect playground for him. He was extremely outgoing and social, and was always teasing Reid that he needed to loosen up. He promised Reid that tonight he would show Reid all that Vegas had to offer. He’d somehow convinced Reid, which wasn’t an easy feat, to come with him to see some live bands at the newest casino in town. Reid debated about just staying in his hotel room and ordering room service and porn, but he decided he could still do that later if tonight was a bust. Trey had a way of making him do things he ordinarily wouldn’t do, he reminded Reid a little of Katie.

Reid was enjoying his drink, when he spotted a man with twisty blonde locks out of the corner of his eye. He’d finally gotten to the point where his heart rate didn’t accelerate, and his palms didn’t start to sweat every time he saw a man that resembled Luke. At one point, when he was at his all-time low, he swore he saw Luke everywhere. In the end it was just his mind playing tricks on him, secretly hoping that Luke had changed his mind and had come back for him. He’d officially been reduced to a fucking sap, that’s what Luke had done to him. He’d hated himself for it. It’d been 2 years, 8 months and 21 days, after all, and for the life of him, he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t stop counting the days. He must be a fucking masochist. Well, that was then, and this was now. He was over Luke. He’d made the fatal mistake of following his heart instead of his head once, but not anymore. He wouldn’t be making that same mistake again.

Reid was enjoying his second beer as he rested his forearms on the bar. Surprisingly, he had to admit he was having a good time as he took in the scene around him.

“How about him?” Trey asked, pointing at a tall guy with a muscular build and black hair. It had become a game of theirs to see who the hottest guy in the room was. Trey always thought it was Reid, but he kept that secret to himself.

“Nah, too tall,” Reid dismissed him as he took another swig of beer.

“Oh man, I’ve got him….hands down,” Trey said excitedly. “Three o’clock, walking towards you, blue and white checked shirt, blonde hair….”


Luke took a deep breath as he made his way through the crowd keeping his eyes focused on Reid. God, Reid was beautiful. He looked the same, yet different, somehow. His hair was slightly longer, and more on the blonde side, and he had a light amount of stubble on his face. Reid with stubble was always sexy, and this time was no different. Luke had the overwhelming desire to feel that stubble against his skin and to run his fingers through those curls again. He was about 15 feet away, when the object of his desire suddenly turned towards him….

Reid’s breath caught in his throat, as his eyes fell upon the man that haunted his dreams, even to this day. He had never expected to see him again. He’d gone to great lengths to erase any traces of Luke from his life, and now the man that had stolen his heart was walking towards him….. Fuck.

“And we have a winner,” Trey said upon seeing Reid’s reaction, but Reid didn’t hear him, he was too focused on Luke. He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. Luke looked directly at him, and Reid’s heart literally stopped beating. Fuck, he was even more beautiful than he’d remembered in his dreams.

Luke’s steps halted as he watched Reid’s crystal clear blue eyes narrow, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing.

Steely blue eyes met warm brown ones. It was surreal to see each other again after so much time had passed. Suddenly, a couple passed in between their line of sight, blocking Luke from Reid’s view. It was just the break Reid needed, it was just enough to snap him out of his daze. He couldn’t do this, he didn’t want to see him, he didn’t want to feel those feelings again. His mind was suddenly flooded with memories of Luke, memories that he’d desperately tried to keep buried.

“I’ll be back,” Reid choked out as he slid off the barstool with the intent on making a hasty getaway. But as luck would have it, the crowd parted and he came face to face with Luke. Both men froze as their eyes met again, there was only about six feet separating them now. Reid’s body felt tethered to the ground, his feet encased in cement. How could one look from Luke literally cause his world to stop spinning? They each inhaled a breath as they stared at one another.

“Holy fuck,” Trey whispered to himself, as he took in the scene before him, his eyes darting back and forth between the two men. It was like watching a movie, the way the two men were staring at each other. They looked like long lost lovers who were seeing each other for the first time. “I’ll be damned,” Trey uttered as he continued to stare.

Luke willed his feet to move as he took a tentative step closer to Reid.

The closer Luke got, the more uneasy Reid became. He didn’t know what to do. Luke was too close, he was too real, it was all suddenly too much. Reid acted on instinct. He tore his eyes away from Luke and blindly turned around. His body was numb and tingling as he willed it to move. He couldn’t even feel his own feet as they carried him away from Luke, numbly staggering through the crowd.

Luke’s feet were moving before he even had time to think. He couldn’t lose this chance. He couldn’t. He had to talk to him, if only to hear Reid tell him to ‘fuck off.’

“Reid…..” he breathed. Luke spoke his name like it came for somewhere deep inside his soul, like uttering that one syllable from his lips meant everything.

Reid’s body froze. Hearing his name roll off of Luke’s tongue after so long affected Reid to his very core. Shouldn’t his body be impenetrable to Luke by now? Shouldn’t he have built up some kind of immunity, some kind of defense against the sound of Luke’s voice? Reid desperately hoped that one syllable would pass through him, or magically bounce off him, but his body absorbed it like a sponge. It lapped it up like a parched flower does on a spring day, soaking it in, until it was a part of him. The truth of the matter was, Luke had became a part of him the second time he’d ever laid eyes on him. That voice, the one that had haunted his dreams….. had just called his name.

Reid willed his body to move….This can’t be happening, not now, not after all this time.

“Don’t go….please don’t go,” Luke pleaded to Reid’s back as he reached out and wrapped his fingers around Reid’s wrist. No truer words could’ve been spoken in that very moment. All Luke wanted was for Reid to stay. Please God, let him stay….

Reid swallowed against Luke’s words. It wasn’t just one syllable anymore. It was five little words that held the power to halt him in his tracks. God, how he’d wished those where the last words that had been spoken between the two of them. Then maybe everything would’ve been different? But it wasn’t, and there was no sense in rewriting history now. He recalled the last words that Luke had spoken to him, the ones that were etched so vividly in his mind, the ones that said…. “I have feelings for you, I can’t deny that anymore, but I’m in love with Noah.” Fuck, it still hurt to remember them even after all this time.

Reid’s mind flashed back to the day he found out Luke’s choice. It was crystal clear to him when he saw Luke and Noah together at Java, holding hands. And when Katie later confirmed that they were back together, Reid’s t-shirts were already in his suitcase before she had even finished the sentence. Everything was a blur after that. His need to escape was all-consuming as he randomly threw items into his suitcase. He’d never let anyone in before, and fuck, if it didn’t hurt like hell. Leaving was his only way to survive the pain. He’d fallen for Luke, against all logic, against his will, and despite his best effort not too….but there you have it, shit happens. And now, the object of his unreciprocated affection was currently holding his wrist.

Luke’s heart was pounding in his chest as he grasped Reid’s wrist. That one point of contact made him close his eyes against the emotions that bubbled to the surface and threatened to erupt all over his face.

The warmth of Luke’s fingertips over his pulse point spread a warmth through Reid’s veins, a warmth that he didn’t know he was missing until that very moment, until he felt His touch. Reid turned over his shoulder and looked down at Luke’s hand. Reid’s body was already trying to fight off the sound of Luke’s voice, now Luke had to go and touch him.

“Could you?” he asked, looking down at his wrist. Luke needed to stop touching him….right now. Luke had never been good with the boundary thing. He’d somehow managed to cross all of Reid’s boundaries. He just barreled through them and staked a claim to Reid’s heart, and no matter how hard he’d tried to fight it, Reid was powerless against Luke’s charms.

Reid tuned back over his shoulder and met Luke’s gaze.

“Yeah,” Luke said, releasing his grasp. He immediately shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from reaching out for Reid again.

The two men stared at each other for a few beats as Reid’s body turned toward Luke, acting of its own accord.

“Hi,” Luke said shyly, softly, like he didn’t realize he had the power to take Reid’s breath away.

“Hi,” Reid automatically replied as his brow furrowed slightly. He’d envisioned seeing Luke again, and what he would say, but “hi” definitely wasn’t it. He was literally rendered speechless by Luke’s presence.

“You look good,” Luke said, and Reid quirked an eyebrow in response, causing a light blush to stain Luke’s cheeks. “I mean,” Luke stammered as he scratched the back of his neck, “it’s good to see you.”

Reid’s eyebrows rose higher. “What are you doing here?” he asked, ignoring Luke’s comment. His heart was pounding rapidly against his ribcage.

At least he’s not leaving, that’s a start…. “Oh,” Luke said, shaking his head, trying to pull himself together, “the wedding’s tomorrow…I….I have a bachelor party,” he answered, pointing back over his shoulder toward Casey.

Reid’s stomach plummeted into his shoes. He’s getting married…

“Congratulations,” Reid stuttered out as he tried to collect himself. I can still run away….right?

“What?” Luke asked with confusion on his face. “No….no,” he said, shaking his head, “Casey’s getting married. I’m just the best man,” he clarified.

Reid could suddenly breathe again. “Oh…Casey, as in, little Hughes?” he asked.

Luke smiled, “That’s the one.”

Reid pursed his lips while nodding his head slightly, “Hope this one turns out better than the last one,” he quipped dryly.

“Yeah, me too,” Luke snorted. “He’s marrying Allison. You remember Allison?”

And so….a conversation was born.

“How could I forget? One wedding ending in a battle of gunfire wasn’t enough?” Reid remarked sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. “I always knew that girl wasn’t very bright,” he mumbled.

Luke’s stomach did summersaults. God, how he’d missed Reid’s snark and sarcasm.

“I guess they got a second chance,” Luke said smiling, hoping with all his heart that this would be his second chance.

Reid scoffed, shaking his head, “Once is enough, don’t you think? Sometimes it’s best to just cut your losses and walk away.”

Suddenly, it didn’t seem like they were talking about Casey and Allison anymore.

Luke felt his heart constrict as a lump formed in his throat. “You don’t believe in second chances?” He barely got the words out as fear gripped his heart. He held his breath waiting for Reid’s response.

“I believe things work out the way they’re supposed to. If it’s meant to be, you don’t need a second chance,” Reid replied evenly. That’s what he’d told himself for the past two years whenever he’d thought about Luke. If it was meant to be, it would have worked out.

“Right,” Luke said looking down as he shuffled his feet back and forth. He felt like all the air just got knocked out of his lungs. Of course that’s what he thinks. He has every right to feel that way, after what I did….

“What do you want, Luke?” Reid asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. He’d seen that unsure look on Luke’s face too many times to count. He fucking hated that look. His mind flashed back to asking Luke that same question before, and the result was always the same…..Luke hesitating, before eventually choosing Noah. Fuck!  He couldn’t go through this again.

Those exact words took Luke back. He was suddenly transported back to standing in the hospital with Reid….. ‘What do you want from me Luke, tell me? You want me to act like nothing happened between us? That’s not the way I work and we both know it isn’t true.’ Fuck….fuck….fuck. Why did he just stand there?

Luke wasn’t going to hesitate this time. He took a deep breath, “I want a chance to start over with you,” he answered, hoping his voice wasn’t shaking.

Reid sucked in a breath and looked down and away from Luke. His brow furrowed in confusion. What was Luke saying? Did he? Could he? “Look, Luke. I don’t know what you want from me….. I….I’m not….”

He doesn’t feel the same way. It’s written all over his face, he can’t even look at me. What did I expect? That he would still want me after almost 3 years? Of course he’s moved on….

“Can we start over… friends?” Luke interjected. It wasn’t what he wanted, but more than anything, he didn’t want Reid to walk away. He didn’t think he could take it. He could see that Reid was clearly uncomfortable, and he just wanted a chance to spend time with him, even if it was just as friends. He would take whatever Reid was willing to give him.

“Friends?” Reid questioned as he shook his head, clearly taken aback. “I don’t…… I….” Reid didn’t know what to make out of the current situation.

“You don’t do friends,” Luke said knowingly, “but,” he added softly, “I was hoping you’d make an exception in my case.” Reid had obviously moved on, and as painful as it was for Luke to accept that fact, he only had himself to blame. Maybe knowing Reid was happy could help to mend the gaping hole in his heart? A man could hope, couldn’t he?

As Luke stood waiting for Reid’s response, he found himself remembering the moment he knew he was in love with Reid. Luke’s heart fluttered in his chest as he remembered Reid turning into a babbling teenager in Lily’s living room. The second their lips met…..Luke knew. He’d wanted Reid then, he could admit that now, but now… didn’t do him any damn good. He held his breath as he waited for Reid’s response.

“Okay,” Reid nodded curtly. He didn’t know what to make of them being friends, but one look in those chocolate brown eyes and he was rendered helpless. He still couldn’t refuse Luke anything, those damn Bambi eyes were his kryptonite.

“Friends,” Luke repeated, trying the title on for size.

“Friends,” Reid agreed, wondering what he’d just gotten himself into and if he’d just made a mistake. That thought vanished as he watched the smile that broke out on Luke’s face. It was like watching the sunrise. It started tentative at first, as just the corners of his mouth began to lift, causing a dimple to peak out, cautiously, as if rusty from lack of use. The warmth quickly spread to the outer corners of his eyes, and eventually warmed his chocolate brown depths to the color of rich cinnamon. It was breathtaking. God, he’d missed Luke’s smile.

Reid couldn’t help the involuntarily smile that flashed across his face in response.

“C’mon,” Luke said as he grabbed Reid’s hand, “let me buy you a drink.” Before Reid knew what was happening, and before he had a chance to protest, Luke was pulling him towards the bar. Damn him and that boundary thing again.

“A drink?” Reid repeated as he drug his feet. Reid felt an immediate spark as his hand slid into Luke’s. He wanted to pull free, but he didn’t.

Trey was looking around for Reid as he’d disappeared from his sight, getting lost in the crowd. Trey’s eyes sparked with surprise as he saw the gorgeous blonde approaching the bar, with Reid in tow. Let’s say, he was more than a little curious. Trey gave Reid a wink as he approached the bar, something that did not go unnoticed by Luke.

“Who ya’ got there, Reid?” Trey asked with a devilish grin on his face. Reid wanted to kill him.

“Trey, this is Luke,” Reid said as nonchalantly as he could.

“Luke,” Trey greeted, extending a hand, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Trey eyed Luke from head to toe. He couldn’t help himself, the guy was stunning.

“You too,” Luke smiled politely as he shook Trey’s hand, suddenly wondering how the two men knew each other. He prayed Trey wasn’t Reid’s boyfriend. Trey shot Reid a look as he continued to shake Luke’s hand. Reid’s insides reflexively clenched.

“What can I get for you gentlemen?” the bartender asked, suddenly breaking the tension. Trey finally let go of Luke’s hand.

Luke turned to Reid,“Michelob Light?” he asked, remembering that’s what Reid used to drink. Reid nodded in response, wondering how Luke knew that. “And whatever this gentleman wants, as well,” Luke added as he pointed at Trey.

“I’ll have the same,” Trey replied as he watched Reid out of the corner of his eye. Reid seemed to be avoiding his gaze. Trey was busting at the seams to find out how they knew each other. “So, how do you two know each other,” he asked. He’d lasted longer than he thought he would.

Luke scratched the back of his neck nervously while Reid picked at a napkin on the bar. Neither man was talking.

Interesting, Trey thought as he watched the two men fidget. It was comical to see Reid unsure, even in the slightest way.

Luke finally spoke up, “Reid and I worked together on a project at Memorial Hospital,” he said simply, hoping that would be enough to suffice Trey. The last thing he wanted was to bring up bad memories.

Trey cocked his head as he raised his eyebrows, “The hospital that has that fancy state-of-the-art Neuro Wing?” he asked with acute interest.

“Yep….that’s the one,” Reid said dryly as the bartender sat his beer down. He quickly picked it up and took a sip.

Trey sensed a much bigger story here. The tension between the two men was palpable, electric even, as each one tried to be nonchalant, steeling glances when the other wasn’t aware. Trey was dying to ask if they dated, but knew Reid well enough to know he wouldn’t get a straight answer, and there’d be hell to pay later. He almost didn’t give a fuck about the consequences as he watched the two men. It was fascinating.

Trey broke the silence, “It seems like you guys have some catching up to do,” he said, sensing the two men needed time alone. “It was nice to meet you, Luke,” he said sticking his hand out.

“You too,” Luke said firmly shaking the other man’s hand.

“Thanks for the beer,” Trey said still holding onto Luke’s hand. He just wanted to see if Reid would react. Sure enough, Reid curled his fingers around the neck of his bottle while he shot Trey a look. Jackpot….so they dated. Good to know.

“Anytime,” Luke replied.

Trey released Luke’s hand upon seeing the look on Reid’s face, he didn’t want to upset him, he just wanted to know if they dated. “I guess I’ll see you guys later.” He gave Reid a pointed look before turning back to Luke. “Enjoy your evening,” he said politely.

“I’ll find you later,” Trey whispered in Reid’s ear as he squeezed Reid’s shoulder lightly. Reid just nodded his head in response. Both men watched Trey walk away, unsure of what to say next.

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