Master Fic Post: Blue Skies From Rain

Jul 24, 2009 20:32

Blue Skies From Rain

Word Count: 178,000
Genre: Wincest
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean, various OFCs
Fic Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash/wincest, dark, angst, amnesia, mental institution, unsubstantiated group and art therapy techniques, laundry, oatmeal, and true love with schmoop mixed in.
Summary: The morning after Sam rescues Dean from the djinn, Sam and Dean go back to the warehouse to take care of the bodies of both the victims and of the djinn. But instead of what should be a simple clean-up job, Sam and Dean are sucked into a nightmare world brought about by the djinn’s last dying act of revenge. (Takes place directly after What Is and What Should Never Be.) What do you do when you wake up in a mental institution and you think your brother is dead?


The amazing ayan-desu selected my anonymous summary because she said it sounded interesting and that she was into amnesia stories. That's how I remember it, but from that simple beginning, I began to receive a cornucopia of ideas and creativity, of art and manips, and then a VID, and it was such a rush of joy and passion and sharing, it was seriously wonderful and amazing and I am just in awe of this lady's talent. I can't even begin to tell you how much it meant to me to see how she internalized my story and then expressed it through her art; it was like seeing my own brain through her eyes. And truly, the most zen thing I think I have ever gone through. You can download the art at her live journal.


Ayan also created a front and back cover, delicious in tones of grey and black and white and charcoal that I feel completely expresses not only the fanmix, but the emotion of the story. You can download the fanmix and covers at her live journal, where she has kindly uploaded the entire thing.

If you're keen, I've created liner notes for the songs, which you can download here.


My terribly kind friend amothea offered her services to create a collection of single files for the story:

Click here to read a single file to read online.

Click here do download a PDF version.

Click here to download the RTF version

Click here to download an LRF version.

Click here to download a MOBI version.

Click here to download an EPUB version.

Part I

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3

Part II

Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9

Part III

Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16

Part IV

Chapter 17 - Chapter 18 - Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 21

Part V

Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 - Chapter 24 - Chapter 25

Part VI

Chapter 26 - Chapter 27 - Chapter 28 - Chapter 29

Simple Author’s Notes

The existence of this story is due to a number of things.

First, to the Big Bang Challenge, which made me want to write something long and complicated, to raise my own bar, and to work really, really hard at something for no other reason than because it was there.

Second, because I wanted to write a story that told how Sam and Dean really fell in love. If you go to my LJ you’ll see I’ve asked around, and really the only non-changing answer is that everyone has their own theory and all theories are equally valid. I wouldn’t say that this story represents my only theory, but it was the one I choose to go with.

Third, because I have an unhealthy obsession with mental institutions.

Fourth, because of a story I read that Took Over My Brain. It’s called Missing Persons and it's by Dira Sudis. It’s set in the Numb3rs fandom, and tells the story of Charlie getting kidnapped, and of Don finding him to rescue him. Only Charlie has amnesia and then sex happens, wonderful angsty and realistic sex that develops from a set of circumstances in such a steady and sustained way, that when it happens, it’s utterly absorbing and real and true. MP is one of those stories I fell in love with and wanted to marry. You know the feeling, you read it, you can’t stop thinking about it, it comes up in all those conversations in your head that you can’t possibly have with people at work, it absorbs your waking hours, and the only time you don’t think about it is when you’re looking for another story just like it. Damn that Dira. She’s ruined me forever.


This story is dedicated to dsudis, because a fangirl likes to be ruined now and then, and to amothea , who is so good to me I can hardly stand it, even if, while I was writing this story, she was entirely positive that I wasn’t being mean enough to Sam and Dean and despaired of me forever.

Complicated Author's Notes

Now, if you're really keen, I've attempted to post all of my notes, starting with a long, detailed and possibly boring bit about why the hell I wrote this story, followed by, believe it or not, a chronology of word counts, notes, maybe even a draft or two, if I can figure out how to post that.

I'm in the midst of uploading all my notes and word counts and this is due to a wild hair to keep record of what I was doing and why. At the moment, there are notes about the basic premise of the story; later there will be calendars with word counts and scans of post-it notes that I had on my wall.

Complicated Author's Notes

Happy reading, and thanks for coming by.

sam/dean, big bang 2009, blue skies from rain master fic post, blue skies from rain, supernatural, wincest

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