Master Fic List

Mar 18, 2014 19:46

This is the entry for a list of all my fics. It includes Supernatural gen and slash, and Dark Shadows, which can get rather slashy.

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master fic list

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Comments 17

littlestarling March 20 2008, 22:10:00 UTC
Dude? Did you mean for this to be a stickypost that stays at the top of your LJ so you can link your fics through it???

If so then you need to edit the year to some time in the future, like 2020 then click 'date out of order at the edit entry page. Then it will 'stick' to the top of your LJ.


lovesrain44 March 21 2008, 02:34:30 UTC
No, dude, I didn't. : D
I have a tag that says master fic list, and this page, this post, is the only one that will ever say that. I've seen other people do the sticky post thing, don't know how they do that, figured this was simpler....will it be okay, do you think?


littlestarling March 22 2008, 03:20:07 UTC
I think it's super!

I was just over here, you know not lurking, not reading your comments and squeeing!!!

Dude! You've got fangirls!


lovesrain44 March 22 2008, 04:14:39 UTC
Dude! Fangirls. I'm amazed, at all of it, the feedback, the discussion, everything. And, uh, wrote you a letter, uh...did the server eat it?


pangaroitefy November 1 2011, 02:16:19 UTC
This article was vey helpful to me. It helped me to be informed and more aware. The details were such a blessing, thanks.


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