Master Fic List

Mar 18, 2014 19:46

This is the entry for a list of all my fics. It includes Supernatural gen and slash, and Dark Shadows, which can get rather slashy.

Stargate Atlantis

Lay Me Down So
On an off-world mission, Rodney and John are kidnapped and taken to a hostile alien planet. While they struggle for survival and attempt to figure out a way to escape and get back to Atlantis, John falls sick, so it's up to Rodney to rescue them.



This is Sparta (Sparta Verse)
Sam finds out that winning a soccer trophy won't change his Dad's mind about how the summer should be spent. Dad wants the boys in training, Dean can't wait to try out that new crossbow, and Sam, he doesn't want anything to do with any of it. Trouble ensues.

Soldier Son (Sparta Verse)
The summer from hell continues, with generator problems, and the new crossbow which seems to cause more problem than it solves. Sam is trying to lay low, to stay beneath Dad's radar, but it doesn't quite work. This story is a sequel to This is Sparta.

The Gauntlet (Sparta Verse)
Sam's stitches come off and the crossbow training starts, much to Dean's delight and Sam's dismay. This story is a sequel to Soldier Son.

With the Strength of Lions
Since it’s been so hot, Dad finally takes Sam and Dean to the river for a little fishing trip. This makes Sam feel a little bit better for not being able to play soccer, but not a whole lot because it’s still the summer from hell. This story is a sequel to The Gauntlet.


Sparta Verse Pics

I had created a post with a layout of the cabin, but it got buried somehow so I thought I'd include a link here. I hope to add other pictures as well.

Phantom Load
Dean and Sam return to Boulder, CO, where they investigate a haunted school. The job seems simple enough to Sam, who has good, although vague, memories of living in Boulder back in 1992, when John Winchester rented a single-wide trailer, and the boys were able to walk home from school together. Dean, however, has altogether different memories, far less pleasant and far more damaging. It's during the investigation that Sam discovers the secret that Dean doesn't realize he's been hiding.


Blue Skies From Rain
The morning after Sam rescues Dean from the djinn, Sam and Dean go back to the warehouse to take care of the bodies of both the victims and of the djinn. But instead of what should be a simple clean-up job, Sam and Dean are sucked into a nightmare world brought about by the djinn's last dying act of revenge. (Takes place directly after What Is and What Should Never Be.) What do you do when you wake up in a mental institution and you think your brother is dead?

Fairy Lights
It is three or so days since Dean made his deal with the crossroads demon. As angry as he might be, Sam still loves his brother and decides that they need to take a break from hunting, so he plans one. Dean, on the other hand, thinks they are on their way to hunt a chubacapra down and has no idea where they are really going. This only works because Sam controls the maps and Dean is on auto-pilot.

Desert Water
Dean and Sam have been hunting a chubacapra, but things go wrong and the beast takes a slice out of Dean. Sam's on first aid duty and the long vigil gives him far too much time to think about Dean's deal and the Grand Canyon and the moon and bee mead. This story is a sequel to Fairy Lights.

The Things We Carry With Us
Sam and Dean are on the road, saving people and hunting things, like they always do. Dean discovers that Sam is attempting to turn himself into a monk, and so he does his best to get Sam laid. Sam resists because, of course, who needs to have sex with a girl when Dean's around? It's about going on a roadtrip with your brother. It's about the food you eat, and the maps you follow. It's about the things you carry with you. (Takes place some time after Heart.)

Dark Shadows

Splinter Verse

Splinter(Splinter Verse - Story 1)
Willie's tasked with unpacking antique books that his vampire master, Barnabas Collins, ordered. Alas, in his hurry, he screws up and drops an entire crate of very valuable books. Barnabas determines that he will take the cost of the books out of Willie's hide, and then slashiness ensues.

The Price: (Splinter Verse - Story 2)
Willie's come back from fetching something Barnabas wants to give to Victoria Winters. Alas, not only does the present get dropped (Barnabas blames Willie, of course), but Willie says to much about the cost of the gift and Victoria, being a lady, must turn it down. Barnabas is furious, and Willie contrite and stubborn at the same time. More slashiness ensues. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. This is a sequel to Splinter.

Peice of Sky: (Splinter Verse - Story 3)
Barnabas has sent Willie to pick up a present for Miss Winters. Willie ruins everything, and must be punished. However, in doing so, Barnabas comes up against his servant’s odd proclivities to endure more than he must to get what he needs. This story is the same as The Price, but is written from Barn's POV.

State of Grace: (Splinter Verse - Story 4)
Willie attempts to do what he’s supposed to do, but it’s awfully hard, seeing as how delicious the rewards can be when he screws up. This is becoming more complicated, as is Willie’s newfound friendship with the tow truck guy, Wesley Dale. The gaming box continues to be a problem as well, and Wesley starts drinking again. Sequel to Piece of Sky.

Faith in the Atmosphere: (Splinter Verse - Story 5)
Amidst the task of picking out paint for one of the rooms in the Old House, Willie encounters Wesley Dale, who has fallen off the wagon and gone back to drinking. Things get complicated as Barnabas encounters Wesley attacking Willie, and then, even worse, when Victoria witnesses the whole thing. It gets messier from there.

Fleet Verse

Inches and Miles
Buzz, the cool beatnik and one-time boyfriend of Carolyn Stoddard on Dark Shadows, was not fazed by the big money of the Collins clan. In this story he is about to embark upon a journey to the west coast. As he prepares, he meets up with Willie, and invites him for a ride on his bike and a drink on the beach.

Fleet of Stars (Sequel to Inches and Miles)
The conversation Willie has with Buzz in Inches and Miles leads Willie to remember his travels with Jason as he compares the freedom he once had with the eternal prison that is now his in the Old House.

Single Stories Not in a Verse

Breath of Heaven Willie buys the wrong kind of paint, and has to go back to the paint store. Along the way he runs into trouble, and ends up in the hospital. This sets Barnabas off because he doesn't like modern doctors poking into his business.
AN: When I first wrote this, I thought it was a quite gentle story, since Willie kind of gets rescued, but really, it's one of the meanest I've done.

Ordinary Day Willie goes about his chores and wonders if this is as good as it gets. And then bad things happen.
A/N: This is a stream of consciousness story, and up to that point that I wrote it, no one had written a first person Willie POV story, so I took it upon myself. This story is a one-off story that takes place in no particular verse, and, as most of my stories do, the events occur before Willie entered the loony bin.

The Willie and Barnabas Diversion  Willie can’t remember why he used to be afraid of his boss. But, once he sees Barnabas attack Adam, it starts to come to him, and no matter how far Willie runs, the memories are going to catch up to him.
A/N: This is one of the few stories I wrote that takes place after Willie gets out of the loony bin. I thought his character wasn’t as interesting in this weakened state, yet, one very hot August week, this story came to me. Go figure. >/lj-cut>

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