Back in Black!

Jan 09, 2007 02:05

I am back from Oregon (and still miraculously alive!)!! No, we never got lost thank God, and I got some really nice pics of the view we had from our room. The fam wasn't too insane XP, and i got to read a lot of GoF to my kid sister. :) Lol, omg we saw this store called Ally's something or other, and she was like, "hey that's like Alan Rickman!" ( Read more... )

harry potter, snape my snarky love!, squee!!!, lol, happy me, birthdays, alan the wonderful, rambles

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Comments 5

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lovesnape January 9 2007, 22:17:05 UTC
It's good to be back! Omg, going out of state for me is like... i dunno. I'm really a metropolitan-city girl. Going out to the middle of no-where, while relaxing, is a little overwhelming! :D
But thanks! And Happy New Year!!


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lovesnape January 10 2007, 04:20:38 UTC
Haha, it's so sad - a couple of days without lights and cars and i just about freak out XP *shakes head* What WILL i do with myself?
Get a job in San Fransico or New York City, that's what! Lol!
You having a good New Year so far?
I hope this year is better than last...


randomneses January 10 2007, 01:17:34 UTC
For those who believe he was born in 1960 (like me), he'd be 47.


lovesnape January 10 2007, 04:23:14 UTC
That does sound about right... Yea, a lot of the fics i've read (i think) have him 38 in 1997, so ya. Wait, is Harry's b-day in '84 or '85 or - what? I feel like a horrible fan girl now...! :(
Love the icon, btw. ;D


lovesnape March 5 2007, 00:51:12 UTC
Wow, I'm hella stupid. Harry's bday's in 1980.


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