Back in Black!

Jan 09, 2007 02:05

I am back from Oregon (and still miraculously alive!)!! No, we never got lost thank God, and I got some really nice pics of the view we had from our room. The fam wasn't too insane XP, and i got to read a lot of GoF to my kid sister. :) Lol, omg we saw this store called Ally's something or other, and she was like, "hey that's like Alan Rickman!" Okay, coming from a ten-year-old that's hilarious. I was so proud of her! Haha! She's starting to find all sorts of references to Snape, Alan, and just Harry Potter in general everywhere!! :D She totally rocks... sometimes...

On a more fandom related note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEVERUS SNAPE!!! I'm too lazy to do the math, but he's some age on today lol. I sorely wish he lives to see this birthday in canon!

More later, but I at least wanted to get something posted today.

Pics from Oregon to come!

harry potter, snape my snarky love!, squee!!!, lol, happy me, birthdays, alan the wonderful, rambles

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